Favorite Movies


Not sure this has been done. A thread where we can discuss our favorite movie TOP 10.?
I was unable to find a way to send a link of my list.

My Top 10. The Innocents, Rebecca, Psycho,Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, War of the Worlds (original) Picnic at Hanging Rock, The Birds, Ben Hur, Haunted (1995), The Changeling (1980)

Most of my Top 10 are of the mystery/suspence/supernatural genres.. thus my unusual username..I am now being called spookie...eerie eh.

I chose The Innocents (1960) as No 1 because of its haunting, chilling, gothic atmosphere and its fine acting by Deborah Kerr and Megs Jenkins, Martin Stevens (Miles) and Pamela Franklin (Flora) the two haunted children. English icon Michael Redgrave plays a camero role as the children's wayward guardian.

Welcome to the human race...
There have been a lot of "top 10 favourite movies" threads over the 16-ish years this site has existed, though it has gotten to the point where even using the search function to dig up an old one genuinely seems like too much effort.

In any case, I can't fault most of those picks, though I watched War of the Worlds recently and wasn't too impressed. Good on a technical level, but the rest of it...eh.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

There have been a lot of "top 10 favourite movies" threads over the 16-ish years this site has existed, though it has gotten to the point where even using the search function to dig up an old one genuinely seems like too much effort.

In any case, I can't fault most of those picks, though I watched War of the Worlds recently and wasn't too impressed. Good on a technical level, but the rest of it...eh.
Thanks to you friend we can get another thread going. No doubt people's tastes change over 16 years. I know mine have. WOW special effects were groundbreaking for its day. Yes a rather corny, romantic sub plot . Still makes my top 10 of all sci fis.

Welcome to the human race...
Yeah, I've had lists in the past but haven't bothered to put up a new one in ages since I find it hard to settle on a wholly satisfactory ten. A quick list would include The Blues Brothers, Apocalypse Now, Akira, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Blade Runner, Jaws, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Escape From New York, The Good the Bad and the Ugly, and Taxi Driver, but I could still swap out a bunch of them for at least a couple of dozen other picks.

Like most of those.. not a huge Blade Runner or Escape from New York Fan. I would have had MP & the Holy Grail on my list if there was aTop 15.. Probably also Apocalyse Now, Raiders and Good Bad Ugly..

I'm quite new here, so I have not engaged in any Top 10 list of the past.... But I like several of the movies you listed in your Top 10. The Innocents is a masterpiece, and The Birds is one of my favorites. So many movies and so many have meant a lot to me at different periods in my life. A rough list in chrono

The Birds
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Taxi Driver
Star Wars
Apocalypse Now
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
The Burbs
Mulholland Drive

Yeah, there is something special about the The Burbs to me. I love the Universal back-lot vibe of the movie, which adds to the surreal suburban feel Dante must have been going for, and the eclectic mix of characters and their interactions with each other is priceless.

movies can be okay...
In no particular order: (these are all films, I personally would give a perfect rating)
The White Ribbon
The Hunt
In Bruges
Synecdoche New York
12 Angry Men
Black Swan
Being John Malkovich
28 Days Later
Donnie Darko
The Shining
2001: A Space Odyssey
Requiem For A Dream
A Clockwork Orange
"A film has to be a dialogue, not a monologue — a dialogue to provoke in the viewer his own thoughts, his own feelings. And if a film is a dialogue, then it’s a good film; if it’s not a dialogue, it’s a bad film."
- Michael "Gloomy Old Fart" Haneke

My current top 10

Her (2013)
Boogie Nights (1997)
Good Will Hunting (1997)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
Zodiac (2007)
The Big Lebowski (1998)
Fargo (1996)
American Beauty (1999)
Fight Club (1999)
Punch Drunk Love (2002)

I watch films frequently so this changes often

I'm quite new here, so I have not engaged in any Top 10 list of the past.... But I like several of the movies you listed in your Top 10. The Innocents is a masterpiece, and The Birds is one of my favorites. So many movies and so many have meant a lot to me at different periods in my life. A rough list in chrono

The Birds
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Taxi Driver
Star Wars
Apocalypse Now
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
The Burbs
Mulholland Drive
The Innocents is indeed "a masterpiece". Sorry to say I do like many of your Top 10 except Apocalyse Now, Alien, The Birds and Jaws. Somebody has 2001 A Space Odyssey listed. that was one of only two films I ever walked out on.. the other was Zorba the Greek.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...My Top 10. The Innocents, Rebecca, Psycho,Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, War of the Worlds (original) Picnic at Hanging Rock, The Birds, Ben Hur, Haunted (1995), The Changeling (1980)
Excellent Top 10, I've seen them all except Haunted.

and The Innocents are both amazing!

I Loved: Psycho, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, War of the Worlds (original) and The Birds. The Birds does not get enough respect around here.

It's been too long since I seen the original, Ben Hur. You did mean the original right?

Picnic at Hanging Rock
, was pretty cool and interesting.
The Changeling (1980)...I liked this one pretty well too.

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
The Fate of the Furious

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Harry and Tonto, La Strada, Nashville, They Shoot Horses, Don't They?,Network, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Battle of Algiers, Treasure of the Sierra Madre, A Woman Under The Influence, Buffalo '66, La Grande Illusion, Mr. Deeds Goes To Town, The Misfits, There Will Be Blood, Ace in the Hole

Excellent Top 10, I've seen them all except Haunted.

and The Innocents are both amazing!

I Loved: Psycho, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, War of the Worlds (original) and The Birds. The Birds does not get enough respect around here.

It's been too long since I seen the original, Ben Hur. You did mean the original right? Yes the original with Charlton Heston, Stephen Boyd and Jack Hawkins. The original with that amazing charriot race.

Picnic at Hanging Rock, was pretty cool and interesting. .
The Changeling (1980)...I liked this one pretty well too.
Picnic was one of the best ever Australian films made. Haunted is Brit made with Aidan Quinn and Kate Beckinsale. A real chiller that has gone largely unrecognised.
Our taste in movies is rather similar CR.

I just changed my top 10. Gave it some more thought.

1. Kick Ass (2010)

2. Spider Man (2002) I've loved this film since I was a child.

3. Pulp Fiction (1994)

4. Scarface (1983)

5. Rocky (1976)

6. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) Just rewatched it for a 4th time. It truly is a great fun film.

7. Reign Over Me (2007) I saw it twice in only 1 week, A great film about friendship that pulls at your heart and makes you smile.

8. Team America: World Police (2004) Best satire ever.

9. Elf (2003) I've loved it since I was a kid I've watched it a few times outside of Christmas time.

10. American Psycho (2000) Great character work.