I've been forced here against my will


The noises small kids make when they're happy
Ja, ja, klein Kind. KOMM ZU PAPA!!!

Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Oh goody, you edited me in.

@Ðèstîñy: Thanks. People tell me all the time that German is so difficult to learn. Obviously, I wouldn't know, but I'll tell you: French HAS to be worse, no? Studied it for three years, and I barely know how to write a sentence with proper grammar. For me, English was super-easy to learn. Much easier than French.
I've never attempted French, but that sounds rough. I love what you said about the English language. That's a surprise. People always complain because our phonics rules don't hold up. It's true, actually. "Consonants have one sound, and vowels have two" . . . Not always. That's why they wrote "Why Johnny Can't Read". Personally, I want to give sign language a whirl. I think it would be so interesting. I'll probably fail miserably, but I'll give it a go.

Calling football handball? Disgrace! No, really, that's essentially naming a sport after something that has 5 % to do with it.
All I can say, is thank God kickball was already taken.

I love Hitchcock! Vertigo and Rear Window are two of my absolute favorites. The films I like most in general are probably well-told fantasy films. Of the more recent works, and I know it's extremely mainstream (but it is for a reason), I have a very special love in particular for Harry Potter, both the books and films. Top ten favorites? Oh no, I need at least 100! No, I'll try to sort that out. Will definitely have a look at those genre lists!
Rear Window is and will always be my favorite Hitchcock film. I just adore it. It truly is hard to place all of them in a top ten list. The best I can do, is name Rear Window as my favorite, and then, in no particular order . . .

Rear Window
The Birds
Strangers on a Train
Dial M for Murder
The Lady Vanishes
To Catch a Thief

I can't wait to see how your lists turn out.

Woah, this is brilliant everyone. You guys are superb at welcoming!
It truly helps when the new members are as nice as you all have been. This has been a truly great bunch of people. It's been nice getting to know you all.

Nawww I luvs ya, Destiny. Hugs!
Aw, I wuv you too, kiddo! See what I mean!?! Super sweet.

If you'd like, I can ask you a question I've been dying to ask a real German for quite some time now......
OK! Hopefully that part of me will know the answer. If not, I'll have to ask Daniel.

@Little Devil: One small step for us, one giant leap for MovieForums.
@Dani8: Bet my house if people on IMDb knew about this forum, they'd choose here every time.
@earlsmoviepicks: Love that scene, and film. Mel Brooks is a clear favorite. Top notch sense of humor.
@Ðèstîñy: Noo! Saw your post after I replied, check it again, edited to answer you!!
@honeykid: MUFC is the team in England. 1860 barely evaded relegation last year. Cheering for them to come up again. Hoffenheim is indeed synonymous with loads of goals. Both for and against!
@TJLamb0518: Candara is a quality font. One of those fonts that fits so well in Italic.
@Yasashii: Right! Calibri is great, Calibri Light even better, but all hail the king of fonts: Segoe UI Light!
@Mr Minio: You know when people say "lol" and they don't actually laugh in real life, even though it means "laughing out loud"? I laughed out loud in real life now. Thank you for that!
@Miss Vicky: Oh no, not even chess?! Apparently they call that a sport these days. My friend, if I'm setting myself goals on this forum, one of them is turning you around on HP and LOTR. Thanks!
@Ðèstîñy: Yes, once again... Exactly. While some people insist on it, English really is not that much of a grammatically complicated language. Another factor of course is also the link between languages, and similar grammatical rules. That is why, I think, I found it much easier to learn English than French. They have so many strange rules. Oh yes, thankfully somebody had already been considerate to use "kickball". How could I forget Rebecca? A clear favorite as well. The Birds has one of my favorite quotes from a Hitchcock film: "Don't they ever stop migrating?" Good to see we've got the good share over.

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
Welcome Deathly!

Where in Germany? Guessing Frankfurt but you never know. Also a big fan of the LOTR universe, if not as big of a potter fan. I like it fine but I'm tots more into LOTR. What other fantasy realms do you enjoy? Labyrinth? The Crow (or urban fantasy in general)? Jim Henson? Is it just movies or does it spill over into books as well?

Many questions, but you got to start somewhere
Why not just kill them? I'll do it! I'll run up to Paris - bam, bam, bam, bam. I'm back before week's end. We spend the treasure. How is this a bad plan?

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
Ja, ja, klein Kind. KOMM ZU PAPA!!!

Officially the most scared I've been of Dafoe ever. Might even have crapt my pants a little.

@Miss Vicky: Oh no, not even chess?! Apparently they call that a sport these days. My friend, if I'm setting myself goals on this forum, one of them is turning you around on HP and LOTR. Thanks!

That's a really lofty goal. I can tell you right now that you're going to fail. Fantasy is among my least favorite genres and I've seen two of each of those series and hated them all.

@Clazor: Thank you! Frankfurt indeed. The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan is another fantasy world I enjoyed greatly, although it has no film adaptation (yet). I did in fact never see Labyrinth. However, I really like Jim Henson and found The Dark Crystal to be surprisingly good, so it's definitely on my list. Usually find myself liking high fantasy more than urban fantasy. I'm a book-and-film person for sure, and I believe I'm one of those few people who often enjoy film adaptations as much, and sometimes even more (oh no, I said it), as their respective books. When the films are well-made, as in the case of Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, I simply fall in love.

@Miss Vicky: I will do my best. Please don't tell me you only saw the first two Harry Potter films or that you watched them in a completely chaotic order like the third one and then the sixth one. Same with LOTR, if you saw the second one and then the third one, I beg of you to start over!

I saw the first Harry Potter and also the Prisoner of Azkaban (or however you spell it) and I saw the first LOTR and the Two Towers. It was not my idea to see any of them. The downside to having friends is that sometimes you get stuck watching crappy movies that you don't want to see because they want to see them. This also explains why I've seen two of the Twilight movies.

Registered User
Hi, my name is Daniel and I'm a German student who tries to watch at least one film a day. Why? No need to explain. (Hint: Film is wondrous.)

I stumbled upon this website after being on the run for a new film forum, or MOVIEFORUM like you guys call it. If some of you didn't already know: IMDb are being jerks and shutting down their forum, so I assume there will be some people coming over here.

With that out of the way, here are some...

things I like:
- Coffee
- Football (if you call it soccer, I will not watch your favorite film with you)
- Kittens (they have to be really small and preferably make some cute noises)
- Girls without standards and morals
- The noises small kids make when they're happy

things I dislike:
- Not having any coffee available
- Materialism
- The font Times New Roman
- Girls with standards and morals
- The noises small kids make when they're not happy

films I like:
- Anything. I know you want to know what my favorite film is, but I don't have any. Watched too many films to be able to answer that question.
- Like pretty much everyone else in Germany (and the world?), I have a special love for two fictional universes: Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings.

That's it for now! As we say in German: Bis später!
Welcome, Daniel! Fellow IMDB alum Dteam6 here! I was a member there for 11 years. Good to see you!

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Not a harry potter fan. Tried to read the book and lasted a paragraph. Enjoyed the first movie well enough but too many kids. I like kids - just not too many of the varmints in my screen entertainment. Loved LotR but thought the first was best as all round entertainment.

Twilight. Urghhh. Liked the first one well enough because I hadnt seen the buzz. The hype alone should have killed the garbage that was the books. Jaysus cheristos that woman cant write to save herself. Then the OMG 50 shades of poop took over. No thanks. Think I managed to read the opening sentence before slamming my head against the wall. Watched the trailer to see what everyone was squealing about and slammed my head against the other wall.

I don't like Lord of the Rings.
I second that sentiment. Though, all I remember is watching the first few minutes of the film and the next thing I know, I'm waking up to the end credits. I was told I literally passed out.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
LOL MM. I was a big fan of the books and read them about every year since I was about 8. I was really pumped for Jackson's movies, but I think he might have gone a bit off the wall. Tried to watch the hobbit and couldn't get through any of them. Just over bloated and too much cgi. did my head in.

Hi Daniel,

Fellow European here. I'm from Portugal and also an exile from IMDb, joined here yesterday.

Registered User
Not a harry potter fan. Tried to read the book and lasted a paragraph. Enjoyed the first movie well enough but too many kids. I like kids - just not too many of the varmints in my screen entertainment. Loved LotR but thought the first was best as all round entertainment.

Twilight. Urghhh. Liked the first one well enough because I hadnt seen the buzz. The hype alone should have killed the garbage that was the books. Jaysus cheristos that woman cant write to save herself. Then the OMG 50 shades of poop took over. No thanks. Think I managed to read the opening sentence before slamming my head against the wall. Watched the trailer to see what everyone was squealing about and slammed my head against the other wall.
I knew there was a reason why I liked you, Danloki!

My wife feels the same way. She and I both also collectively hate that 50 Shades of Gray crap. Twilight opened Pandora's Box, that's for sure.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
LOL dt. 2 older men friends told me about 50 shades of crap one day. They were giggling hysterically. Then suddenly the entertainment section of the sydney morning herald was full of buzz about the book, so I looked it up on the net to see it was sparkly vampire fanfiction. I hope to god that irish author was taking the piss. Surely that's a parody of woeful writing and just a bad story with horrifying themes for young girls and their lonely mothers.

Registered User
LOL dt. 2 older men friends told me about 50 shades of crap one day. They were giggling hysterically. Then suddenly the entertainment section of the sydney morning herald was full of buzz about the book, so I looked it up on the net to see it was sparkly vampire fanfiction. I hope to god that irish author was taking the piss. Surely that's a parody of woeful writing and just a bad story with horrifying themes for young girls and their lonely mothers.
Yeah, I only know of it what my wife told me. She read sections of those books and told me that the "BDSM" in those books isn't even BDSM. The BDSM community (apparently they have a community for everything these days, heh heh!) hates those books and brought up how it makes BDSM and the people who partake in it look bad.

From what I've personally examined, Christian is a STALKER in those books! Creepy, unhinged and insane...and THIS is what these mothers feel is "appropriate" reading for their daughters?

You can't win an argument just by being right!
The sparkly vampire is a stalker as well. 100 year old guy stalking a 17 year old and perving at her every night while she sleeps. I had a huge argument with my sister who is older, an author herself, and who loved the books. Couldnt believe myself when I had to explain the filthy themes in it. If I had daughters they would not be reading that crap.

Sorry Yoda. I hope it's ok to say crap here. Feel free to flog my derriere if it's a no no and i will edit, but I feel very strongly about that inappropriate crap for young girls to read or watch.

Little Devil's Avatar
MC for the Great Underground Circus
Hi Daniel,

Fellow European here. I'm from Portugal and also an exile from IMDb, joined here yesterday.
I'm portuguese as well. Where from?
You're more advanced than a cockroach, have you ever tried explaining yourself to one of them?