The 'Flushed with success' Song Tournament


I'm reconsidering my list of noms.
My impression was to list songs that were numbers 1 or 2 in countries around the world. The songs I picked weren't necessarily mainstream hit singles, as some of the other players' choices are (singles that topped the charts in the US and UK particularly). Since I am competitive and enjoy a good match-up, an updated list is on it's way. I will re-edit my original post.
“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!” ~ Rocky Balboa

I'm reconsidering my list of noms.
My impression was to list songs that were numbers 1 or 2 in countries around the world. The songs I picked weren't necessarily mainstream hit singles, as some of the other players' choices are (singles that topped the charts in the US and UK particularly). Since I am competitive and enjoy a good match-up, an updated list is on it's way. I will re-edit my original post.
I want to include songs from around the world, but I find the charts confusing. That's why I ended up using only the charts from UK and US.

I'm reconsidering my list of noms.
My impression was to list songs that were numbers 1 or 2 in countries around the world. The songs I picked weren't necessarily mainstream hit singles, as some of the other players' choices are (singles that topped the charts in the US and UK particularly). Since I am competitive and enjoy a good match-up, an updated list is on it's way. I will re-edit my original post.
No problemo - nominate whatever you like and fiddle with those nominations as much as you want to up until the tournament is about to begin ... all is good. Personally I'm the opposite - I much prefer to put up mainly songs that perhaps aren't so well known or have maybe fallen off the radar a bit though I'll admit I do sprinkle the odd more known 'mainstream / popular' nomination in here and there as it gets a tad boring having hardly anything go through to the later rounds

I want to include songs from around the world, but I find the charts confusing. That's why I ended up using only the charts from UK and US.
Smart move. Those songs will most likely win the tourney

Just a heads up - unless we get a few more sign-ups over the next few days it looks like we'll be shorthanded and as such I'll minimise the tourney to just 64 songs in total rather than the 'normal' 128.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Just a heads up - unless we get a few more sign-ups over the next few days it looks like we'll be shorthanded and as such I'll minimise the tourney to just 64 songs in total rather than the 'normal' 128.

It might take me a day or two to get a list of noms posted, but I'll join.

It might take me a day or two to get a list of noms posted, but I'll join.
I'm sure I don't need to say that you are always more than welcome. Hope things are progressing well with the father in law!

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I'm sure I don't need to say that you are always more than welcome. Hope things are progressing well with the father in law!

Thanks. It's going to be a long road, but he's getting better every day.

I don't understand but If someone explain it to me maybe I will join..
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

I don't understand but If someone explain it to me maybe I will join..
As always you'd be more than welcome to join in Derek.

For this tournament each nomination has to have either topped or reached the number 2 spot in an official main National singles chart of any country in the world.

So for instance any record that has been #1 or #2 at any point on the the official main UK singles chart would be fine as a nomination. Likewise any record that has been #1 or #2 at any point on the official main American singles chart would also be fine as a nomination. Same for any other country in the world that has an official singles chart.

Now that probably sounds like a lot of work to find nominations but it doesn't have to be that hard ... think of a band you might want to nominate something from and their Wikipedia page will often list how their singles performed.

Take Three Days Grace as an example ... their Wikipedia discography page details where their singles that have charted (scroll down past the albums and eps) have reached in the main charts of Canada (first column), Australia (4th column), Holland (5th column) and America (6th column). Sadly the genre-specific charts aren't allowed so them having topped the Canadian Rock singles chart wouldn't qualify.

If in doubt you can always PM me and I'll be more than glad to give some help in ensuring nominations meet the tournament criteria.

I just found it easier to trawl through all the years numbers ones - there's loads of sites that do that - until I came across ones that I liked or reminded me of good times

Derek - here's the Canadian links (you have to go with the mainstream chart not the dance or alternative rock ones listed)

^ lol - or you can do that ^
(trust me to make things sound complicated and Christine to make things sound more simple)

I really don't know about this.... in a way, I like it. In another way, I find it limiting. And the fact that "success" in the thread title wasn't capitalized really bothers me. You need a moderator to change that. I'm also having a hard time enjoying the British Song Tournament. I really wanted Song Tournament 15.

I don't follow the Billboard charts, so I'm not familiar with all the different charts. In the Wikipedia links, what's the difference between the "U.S." column and the "U.S. Main." column?
I think it's Mainstream Rock Chart..