Favorite Director and Least Favorite Film by them?


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Currently my fav director is Fellini, but Juliet of the Spirits was quite mediocre.
I almost saw that last night! Though I love Giulieta, I don't know about the "supernatural"

"La Strada" is one of my favorite movies, but I really didn't love anything else of his.

Best director might be Frank Capra, but I couldn't watch "Arsenic and Old Lace"

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Wes Anderson's Life Aquatic. Still a 3.5/5 though, the man is a genius.

Same with PTA. Inherent Vice is my least favorite but still pretty great.

Woody Allen
September. Came out about the time Mia moved out and the scandal of Soon-yi broke out. It just did not work for me. I like his other serious movies including Interiors, Match Point, and Cassandra's Dream, but I never could get into September.