My Favorite Films of 2013


Loved Blue Jasmine and Wolf. I didnt despise Only God Forgives, so there's that.
Well I did state that it's a very divisive film that even I don't fully understand. But there are so many fans out there that go on and on. So i giving my two cents i guess.
ps : I LOVE your user icon. One of alll-time favorite.
Recent Viewings (rewatches noted with an *)
Barbarian- (4/5)
Nope- (4.5/5)
Jurassic Park Dominion- 0.5/5
What Josiah Saw- (4.5/5)


Shane Carruth is one talented son of gun. He broke through into the independent film scene with his ambitious, creepy, mini-masterpiece PRIMER. It left the viewer either completely baffled, or deeply compelled to rewatch it to piece it all together, becoming a huge cult classic, as well as being a hugely impressive debut from a virtually unknown filmmaker. Many years passed, and finally Carruth's follow up UPSTREAM COLOR came along. It was certainly worth the wait. It's a film that is hard to describe and just as complex, if not more so than PRIMER. It's also beautiful, with it's striking visuals and original soundtrack (also done by Carruth.) The film is first and foremost a story that overwhelms the senses. It's also a film about two lost humans (played by Amy Seymeitz and Shane Carruth) who find safety in each other after going through a life altering something or other by a man who apologized for his head "which is made from the same material as the son." That's where I'll leave you, but UPSTREAM left me in some otherworldly trance. Now, let's hope it doesn't take Shane another near-decade to release his next film.


So here is where things get a little tricky. THE COUNSELOR was panned by critics and audiences alike, and yet, I find it a refreshingly anti-hollywood mainstream release, that turned out to be one of, if not the most, underrated films of last year.Written by Cormac McCarthy and directed by Ridley Scott, the film is a shocking bleak ensemble piece, featuring grand performances all around and some unpredictable plot twists. By the end the film seems like a Shakespearean tragedy. As great as this movie is, as are all the performance, there is one who shines above the rest, and that is Cameron Diaz in of her best performances since VANILLA SKY. Viscous, manipulative, and as dangerous as her pet cheetahs, it makes me wonder why she doesn't play more characters like this. She really is damn good here. This isn't a happy movie by all means, and even with such an A list cast featuring Michael Fassbender, Penelope Cruz, Javier Bardem, Brad Pitt, and the aforementioned Diaz, no one is safe in this film. Ultimately, this is one film that needs to be seen, it's as sharp as piano wire, and the various webs it weaves soon become entangled into one another. A film that deserved higher praise than it did, THE COUNSELOR is a darkly compelling film.

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I had a hard time trying to "figure out" Upstream Color. But somehow i liked it, need to watch it again in sometime.

I'm in the camp that liked Only God Forgives.
Absolutely preposterous statement! I demand that you retract it and never speak of that film again, or I will find you... and I will kill you.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I thought The Counselor was very good. It didnt make my ten but it was in contention. I owe Upstream Color a watch. I turned it off about thirty minutes in but my attention was divided. One of these nights I am going to do a double feature with Primer because I have yet to see that as well.

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Absolutely preposterous statement! I demand that you retract it and never speak of that film again, or I will find you... and I will kill you.

Upstream Color was my favorite film of last year. I'm a huge Shane Carruth fan, even though he's only made two movies they are two masterpieces in my opinion and I'm more excited to see what he's going to do next than I am with anyone else.

The beautiful thing about Upstream Color is that it's a different film every time you see it.

And just so everyone knows, this list will go past 10 choices. That's why there is no top ten in the title. NOW I HAVE TO GO PICK UP MY BOYFRIEND AND I'LL BE BACK! talk amongst yourselves.

Very underrated. For people looking for a straight forward horror flick, they'll be disappointed. However if you take it as the macabre fairy tale that it is, it's really good.

Jug Face

If one were to find themselves wandering an as of yet to be explored forest and came across an old journal, and then adapted said journal into a film it may turn out to be something like Jug Face. A genre transcending film that is best going in the less you know about it. All I can say is that it's one of the most strange, unique, and original independent curiosities to come out in a long while. You never know quite where it's going, and even when things begin to fall into place, it remains unpredictable all the way up to the rather disappointing finale. While the ending may be suitable to the story, I would have liked it to go in a different direction. As it is stands though, Jug Face features haunting and horrific imagery, great performances from all involved, and unexpected shocks and twists. It may be labeled as Horror, but it's so much more. It's too strange to categorize into any genre. It's simply Jug Face.


A film doomed to be misunderstood, with most thinking it was just a film to show girls in bkini's engaging in debauchery, or an excuse to use disney actors to break out of their sweet shell and show their darkside. And while one couldn't be faulted for thinking. Harmony Korines' film is actually a layered, intoxicating, as well as work of social commentary. Not only that, but it featured some of the best cinematography (Benoit Debbie), editing, sound editing, and a bravura performance by James Franco. This may be Korine's true masterpiece, if not one of his top films. Perhaps my favorite film of his along with GUMMO and JULIEN DONKEY BOY. Even if you hate Harmony Korine, watch this film on bluray to at least get entranced in it's technical aspects.