What's in your wallet? (bag, purse, backpack, etc)


I found your bag, Rodent. Love it! Hope I can get one off our home shopping channel.

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ID:	11161  

Yeah, I have tote bags in my car I use for groceries. I used to bike to the grocery, but now the one I shop at is 35 miles away, so I drive. There is a store 2 miles away that I'll bike to to get small things I need, but I do my major shopping a distance away.
Is it a special grocery you like that is 35 miles away or is that nearest one now where you can get everything compared to the one 2 miles away from you?

All mine are within ten miles - got a superstore Tesco, Asda, and Sainsburys within 2 miles, have a big Morrisons 5 miles away and a Waitrose about 9 miles away. And not forgetting Aldi that I can walk to in about 30 minutes.

I'm happy I don't have to go so far for food shopping.

My wallet has my basics money credit cards, debit cards, paypal card, Drivers license. My wallet also carries all the other crap my girlfriend wants me to carry when she doesn't carry a purse.

I hate fat wallets, you know the ones that are hard to sit on.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Is it a special grocery you like that is 35 miles away or is that nearest one now where you can get everything compared to the one 2 miles away from you?

All mine are within ten miles - got a superstore Tesco, Asda, and Sainsburys within 2 miles, have a big Morrisons 5 miles away and a Waitrose about 9 miles away. And not forgetting Aldi that I can walk to in about 30 minutes.

I'm happy I don't have to go so far for food shopping.
It's just a normal grocery store, but the one close to me doesn't have anything. Their produce is horrible and they haven't even heard of things like soy milk much less carry it.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
In my wallet is a few UK Bank Notes,
Some small change,
A US Dollar Note,
A receipt from Asda which is my preorder for GTAV,
A Photo of my childern,
A photo of my late Grandmother,
Bank Cards,
Tattoo Deposit and date for next tattoo,
My driving License,
and finally My DevilDriver ticket stub from when I went to see them last year.

In my backpack I have headphones,
My serial killer book im currently reading,
My UK wild bird book,
A pad,
My Dairy [as I have an appalling memory]
Quite a few painkillers that I have to constantly carry with me,
and quite a few pens.
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Are you a bird watcher, n3wt? I am and I live in a great place for it. I have a fondness for woodpeckers, but my absolute favorite is the Carolina Wren.

I thinking about getting a tattoo of one on my shoulder.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Are you a bird watcher, n3wt? I am and I live in a great place for it. I have a fondness for woodpeckers, but my absolute favorite is the Carolina Wren.

I thinking about getting a tattoo of one on my shoulder.
Yeah, I love birds always have and I bought a book on the birds of the UK while my wife was in hopsital giving birth to our son. Something to read while we were waiting for it to all kick off lol. We live in a lovely place in S.Wales and it is wooded and the birds are stunning. My all time favorite bird has to be the Robin.

I have quite a few tattoos [which I have posted in the MoFo picture thread ] If you can find something that you love then I would definatly go for it

Nuthatches are lovely, they look like they are wearing goth style eyeliner.

I've got two of them in my garden. Not my photo:

We have Robins too, at one certain time of the year they eat out of my hand, it's sweet.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Yeah, I love birds always have and I bought a book on the birds of the UK while my wife was in hopsital giving birth to our son. Something to read while we were waiting for it to all kick off lol. We live in a lovely place in S.Wales and it is wooded and the birds are stunning. My all time favorite bird has to be the Robin.
That sounds nice. I could never live where there wasn't a lot of nature. You and Nausicaa should watch Ghost Bird if you haven't seen it. It's a documentary about the Ivory Billed woodpecker. It's a great doc. on its own, but if you love birds, it's a must see.

Nuthatches are lovely, they look like they are wearing goth style eyeliner.

I've got two of them in my garden. Not my photo:

We have Robins too, at one certain time of the year they eat out of my hand, it's sweet.
Nuthatches are adorable. There is a murder of crows (I just wanted to say "murder of crows" ) that hangs out around here sometimes. I put out grain for them to eat because I heard they are fairly easy to tame. I want to get to the point I can hang out with them.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
That sounds nice. I could never live where there wasn't a lot of nature. You and Nausicaa should watch Ghost Bird if you haven't seen it. It's a documentary about the Ivory Billed woodpecker. It's a great doc. on its own, but if you love birds, it's a must see.
Will check it out

This is my current summer bag. Looks like a Vera Bradley, but it's not. Got it in a tag sale for $1 a few years ago. The handles are shot now, unfortunately. I like it because when empty it weighs nothing. Inside I have a small umbrella, hand sanitizer, comb, handkerchief, pens, spare $20 bill, sewing kit, nail clippers, out-of-date I.D. card, keys.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
My wallet has my driver's license, a few credit cards, an old expired Sam's Club membership ID, probably some random gift certificate card from a franchise restaurant, a few really old receipts, and maybe 4-8 bucks in cash folded up. Maybe. There is a yellow price tag sticker from something I don't remember, but apparently was interesting enough at the time for me to pull the sticker from and place it against the inner fold of my wallet. On the facing wall is a round, white sticker from a winery in Virginia that has a cartoon picture of a devil with the text "I kissed the devil at Peaks of Otter Winery." They have a very spicy wine they sample by the shot for tourists. I imagine this one is mostly for cooking. But I have the sticker so there's that. No pics. No real cash. Nothing important but IDs and plastic.

I too hate to have things in my pockets, so everything gets dumped on my desk when I enter the office each morning, or tossed to the passenger seat during the drive home.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
My wallet has my driver's license, a few credit cards, an old expired Sam's Club membership ID, probably some random gift certificate card from a franchise restaurant, a few really old receipts, and maybe 4-8 bucks in cash folded up. Maybe. There is a yellow price tag sticker from something I don't remember, but apparently was interesting enough at the time for me to pull the sticker from and place it against the inner fold of my wallet. On the facing wall is a round, white sticker from a winery in Virginia that has a cartoon picture of a devil with the text "I kissed the devil at Peaks of Otter Winery." They have a very spicy wine they sample by the shot for tourists. I imagine this one is mostly for cooking. But I have the sticker so there's that. No pics. No real cash. Nothing important but IDs and plastic.
Pretty much for me as well. The sticker is a tracking number from the post office. One special item in my wallet is a card saying if ever I'm admitted to Hospital Emergency I get immediately seen by a doctor. Woot Bonus. Let's hope I never have to use it.

A $500 max CC, my bank card, an emergency 20 hidden, an extra car key and various loyalty cards. Haven't carried cash in years, the emergency 20 is just that for emergencies that require quick cash. CC is low at a 500 limit, mostly there for another source of payment if there's ever an issue with my main card and the limit is low enough that in the event it gets stolen which is hopefully never, the pains of getting it canceled and sorted out shouldn't be that troublesome. The extra car key has saved me more than once with my old car as it had a fun habit of occasionally locking me out if I would literally shut the door the wrong way.

Not a lot in my wallet tbh - a receipt from 2013 that I really ought to throw away, a Leap card that I've not used for ages and what looks like a small, dead butterfly. No .... wait .... hang on a minute .... just the receipt and Leap card now

Not a lot in my wallet tbh - a receipt from 2013 that I really ought to throw away, a Leap card that I've not used for ages and what looks like a small, dead butterfly. No .... wait .... hang on a minute .... just the receipt and Leap card now

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
I used to carry a **** ton of things in one of those oversized purses that was meant to be stuffed, but I've minimized a lot in the last couple of years. I bought a small purse with one main compartment and 2 small pockets. currently in it is:

- keys (shocking!)
- cat eye sunglasses
- small tube of hand sanitizer (which I only use after pumping gas)
- a thank you card for my aunt that I need to post
- a small tube with a bit of weed in it
- a purple lighter
- 2 tampons
- tums
- a piece of paper with a quote my therapist gave me
- a wad of cash and cards with a pink rubber band around it (I refer to this as my "card wad", but I make sure to pronounce card with a Massachusetts accent so it rhymes. cahd wad also, it makes my husband laugh every time)

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Normal stuff like money, keys, credit cards, pens, plus:

A few gift cards, (TGI Fridays, SmashBurgers, Best Buy, Walmart, etc.)
Membership/rewards cards, (TGI Fridays, GameStop, supermarkets, etc.)
Dave & Busters game cards
2 Fidget spinners
1 Fidget cube
1 mini Slinky
1 extra finger splint
Bluetooth earpiece (for phone)
Pill case with various non-prescription meds, (Advil, Tums, Benadryl, etc.)
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.