The Horror Fanatic's Top 150 Horror Movies

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Great choice! I'm yet to watch either of the body snatcher films, but am a fan of NOTLD. I'd say greatest zombie film, hands down.
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Never been a huge fan of Night of the Living Dead, but if it's only at #149, I am really excited to see the rest of this list.

Night of the Living Dead is one of the scariest horrors ever. It exudes a very grim and oppressive atmosphere. It not only gets under your skin with shocks but can be downright depressing in its depictions of human ugliness, of how people let fear and selfishness override good sense.

Duane Jones especially deserves much credit for his everyman performance as Ben. He in particular carries the film for me, effectively conveying tension even during uneventful stretches of time. Every time I watch, despite knowing his tragic fate, I get caught up in his desperation and determination.
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!

Re: Philip Kaufman's Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

The 78' version does the best job of ratcheting up the paranoia for me. I think the fact it's set in a big city makes it more effective as a social commentary on the lack of community spirit, alienation (no pun intended) and loneliness (as opposed to commie paranoia). At least that's how I read it. The Ferrara version is easily the weakest, but still light years ahead of Oliver Hirschbiegel's The Invasion and Stuart Orme's adaption of Robert A. Heinlein's The Puppet Masters (the book many believe IVOTBS borrows liberally from). Which reminds me of Clea DuVall's line in Robby Rodriguez's The Faculty. My third favourite body snatchers movie. My! what an accolade that is.

Anyway, great choice Joe, but I agree with mark that it should be way higher. It's in my top 100 favourite movies of any genre.
The original Body Snatchers was based on a book by Jack Finney, as far as I know.

Let the night air cool you off
So far so good. You are two for two, but if there are really 148 horror films better than Night of the Living Dead I think I have a lot of horror films to see.

I have a terrible memory. When I said that my next choice would piss people off, I was thinking about the one AFTER this.

148. I Sell the Dead

I Sell the Dead is a really fun comedy that was made for horror fans. It has zombies, vampires, aliens, and Angus Scrimm. If only this took place during a later time period, they could have thrown in a chainsaw while they were at it.
I'm not a fan of Larry Fessenden as a director at all, but I love his acting in this movie. You may recognize the other star as Merry from The Lord of the Rings.

I only saw Body Snatchers once; at the cinema when I was 7yo, and I still remember it. Night of the Living Dead was one of the first movies I ever saw as a child and is an important film in the horror genre. I'm not familiar with the last one but I'll watch out for it. Love having a good horror dude on the forum and looking forward to the rest.

Well dude you got me curious for what the next film is. If it is Troll 2, I approve!
I'm afraid that Troll 2 didn't make it either lol. I know, poo on me.
The next is not only commonly disliked, but many people don't even consider it to be a horror film.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
rep for I sell the dead, pretty amusing lil flick. Caught it by accident on cable last year in the middle and then kept an eye out to watch it in full.

"Hey Look it's Masterman"
Ime strange when it comes to horror movies, movies like Cape Fear, Shutter Island and Silence Of The Lambs scare me more than most horror movies.

The original Body Snatchers was based on a book by Jack Finney, as far as I know.
Jack Finney's novel The Body Snatchers was published in 1954; four years after Robert A. Heinlein's The Puppet Masters. Hence my comments...cheers

Jack Finney's novel The Body Snatchers was published in 1954; four years after Robert A. Heinlein's The Puppet Masters. Hence my comments...cheers
Ah yes, you're quite right.

Still a better movie.

Yeah I remember renting The Puppet Masters on vhs years ago and being totally disappointed that it looked like a made for cable special. Gave it a second chance on dvd and still no dice with the love factor. The casting of Donald Sutherland (a possible nod to Kaufman's movie) is the best thing about it.

Troll 2 I can understand not making the list. lol still fun as hell though.

Halloween III?
Eh, that counts as a horror film. It's bad, but it's horror.
Ime strange when it comes to horror movies, movies like Cape Fear, Shutter Island and Silence Of The Lambs scare me more than most horror movies.
That's funny, two of those movies are on my list. Shutter Island was scary as f*ck.