Kony 2012


If it were a scam, would Barrack Obama have sent troops to help?
He sent 100 there to "advise" which is another way of saying do nothing.
Would Kony be the #1 international criminal?
Did you get that number from the video or a real source? There's no #1 international criminal, all the international criminals are on the same rank. Kony is only there because he's gotten publicity, why not Museveli or any other African generals? It's arbitrary.
Would all of those senators and government officials have lied on camera?
Ok if you're seriously asking this question you have no business talking about this anymore.

Originally Posted by Skepsis
...and the quality of their methods in comparison to other organisations trying to help the same cause.
Yeah there's way better, more reliable organizations helping the cause. They don't get publicized by Invisible Children why? Because it's not in their agenda.

Movie Forums Insomniac
You know what I find funny? How people keep regarding it as a scam when it really isn't a scam....Granted, some of the money raised isn't going STRAIGHT to Uganda, but it is being spent on the making of more products for more people to buy.
Normally when people raise money for something, the money goes STRAIGHT to where it's supposedly being raised for. Otherwise it's going to recognized as a sham.

I personally think If they do achieve there goal then I think someone else will just take his place. IT has been going on soo many years now and I think he has other people in charge to.

I don't think that justifies not prosecuting the guy though. I'm not accusing you of implying that either. My opinion on the Kony stuff is, he is a bad person, invisible children should receive credit for inspiring people to think about these things, but that organization is very flawed and shouldn't be used to combat it. If people want to donate to IC, it should be strictly for promoting awareness, they shouldn't be misslead into believing that their funds are making a direct contribution to the issue at hand. If IC wanted to make this right, they should include information to organizations that actually have an impact and I don't see that happening at all.
If I had a dollar for every existential crisis I've ever had, does money really even matter?

You know who will get him? His own people....I reckon!

You know who will get him? His own people....I reckon!
Or old age...

I don't have a very strong opinion on this,but if many children are hiding from Kony can't they just unite and try to defend themselves?Of course it would be hard but it may be possible.After all,these things in Africa happen all the time.
Well,about a movie I would say that it lacks information - they could explain how Kony became a leader and how all this LRA formed,what is their purpose.Instead,they just told a very sentimental story about one boy and fills the movie with some inspirational ideas.They use these kids pain to attract the media. :/ I'm not sure if it is right.
The whole idea is good,but I don't know..there is just something unsure about it for me.But as I said,I haven't read about it very much,just saw this movie.
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission
I love it when charitable causes become trendy. Makes everyone feel like they're "involved" or "aware." That's all this video was made for. So that celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Rihanna can start a Twitter frenzy to draw more attention. Before you know it, you've got 14 year-olds on Twitter talking about "We have to stop Kony!" despite them not knowing who he is, what he does, or why he's dangerous. They see the YouTube video, they see the celebrity endorsement, and they all clamor around it "informing" themselves so that when they go to school the next day, they won't sound like complete losers.

Invisible Children cares more about funding their "filmmakers" than actually funding those in need. Any charity that uses the bulk of its contributions to pay for filmmaking and travel expenses is suspicious to me. And don't even get me started on the whole "white man talks about black man's struggles" nuance this film had to it.


Kony's a bad man. He should be brought to justice. There's no argument there. But it frustrates me that so many people are quick to jump on the band wagon. If you really cared, if you truly wanted to stop Joseph Kony...wouldn't you have already known about him?
"If we choose, we can live in a world of comforting illusion."
- Christopher Nolan

Kony's a bad man. He should be brought to justice. There's no argument there. But it frustrates me that so many people are quick to jump on the band wagon. If you really cared, if you truly wanted to stop Joseph Kony...wouldn't you have already known about him?
This exactly. I promise there's hundreds, if not thousands, of people out there doing just as awful things as Kony, but they don't have a a Youtube video and Facebook "likes". There's drug cartel's, Al Qaeda, Catholics () and all kinds of militants out there using women/children and God knows what else. It's a horrible world we live in and making a deal out of someone like this doesn't do anything to change that fact. Especially an organization like this that seems more interested in pushing their own agenda than that of the movement.

I think the Kony thing has become trendy, yes, but I can't see how awareness is really a bad thing? I mean, it has done two things really. 1) People have decided to give a damn about something and 2) Critics of IC and the popularity of the video have uncovered some flaws in the organization. That doesn't seem so horrible to me.

Jon Stewart had a pretty funny bit on the whole issue. He played a montage of clips with the major news networks whining, "Wait, but, we tried to bring this up before. Why is this group getting all of the attention? Remember me? I said Kony was bad! I SAID IT TOO!" and followed it up with a comment about people giving up on the news networks a long time ago.

^ I don't know which makes me lose faith in humanity more...the fact that she thinks that's Joseph Kony or the fact that there's someone out there who thinks that Carl Weathers is the "best actor of all time".

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Touching video!

Shame that there is no Oil in Uganda otherwise our Governments would be there in a flash.

Besides Obama and Cameron are too busy watching Basketball games.

I just automatically dismiss any comment about that sort of thing. No, I don't care that the President slept on "French linens," Michael Moore. I have no problem with the leader of the free world getting a nice bed. No, I don't care that Bush golfed sometimes, and I don't care that Obama seems to love golf even more. If he thinks that helps him relax and make better decisions, then he should do it. And I'll critique the results.

The only time this stuff matters to me is if either candidate tries to employ some kind of rhetoric that is contradicted by how they use their personal time. But in and of itself? Lame. It's the kind of thing you only care about if you disagree with the person.

you take it away... to show them what they had
in Sierra Leone there was a war so murderous that even Leonardo Dicaprio took a part in a crappy movie based on it..

the RUF murder robbed, raped tens of thousands of children...
the helpless government hired a special unit called "EO". highly trained soldiers, who were soldiers of South Africa in the days of the apartheid. in a few weeks these few fighters pushed kony's murderous organization across the border.
and than the "Bleeding hearts" Wake up, in the UN they cried about "colonial intervention in an african country, composed from soldiers of the rasict ragime that was in South Africa"...

various african countries have declared that they will send their own force to help Sri Lanka, the government folded.
the RUF returned and in big time.
he occupied the capital Freetown and did there a horrible massacre.
only in 2002 the organization was disbanded ..
because of people like this video makers, kony continued to commit crimes...

in any case, difficult images - but compared to what happen every day
in Gaza and the West bank - there is no comparison!
End the occupation! free palestine!