Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Cries&Whispers


So you play guitar...

Do you prefer acoustic or electric?
I love acoustic guitars and the sounds they can produce, but for me, there's just so much more versatility with an electric guitar.

Are you self-taught, or did you take lessons? My dad's an amazing guitarist; I will never be half as good as him. He taught me the basics: scales, chords, reading music, etc... Then I took lessons last year with a jazz guitarist from a pretty popular rock band in my area. He moved home to Ohio, so I'm all alone. I teach myself the more specific stuff, like popular songs, picking patterns, dexterity exercises, irregular chord shapes, and more advanced scales.

Who are your personal guitar heroes?
My favorite guitarist ever is John Frusciante, formerly of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. (He announced he left earlier this year ). But he's far from the best. I love Hendrix, obviously, but I also like Mark Knopfler, John Mayer, Clapton, Jimmy Page... the usuals. My favorite guitarist making music right now is probably Nels Cline from the band Wilco, and some solo stuff.

Everyone in the world should play an instrument. If everyone in the world were more engaged in the arts, there would be no murder or hate, and our standard of living would collectively go up.
"I want a film I watch to express either the joy of making cinema or the anguish of making cinema" -Francois Truffaut

What About your Favorite Poet,
T.S. Eliot, Walt Whitman, Ernest Hemingway

Your Favorite Horror Movie,
Carrie, The Shining, The Haunting, The Innocents, Shutter Island, Psycho, Jacob's Ladder, The Exorcist, The Last House on the Left (1972), The Descent, The Evil Dead, Cannibal Holocaust... I really love horror movies.

Your Favorite Video Game.
Sorry, I don't really play video games. Mario Kart?

Name one character you'd dream of getting in a ring fight with?
Jake LaMotta from Raging Bull. No not really, probably Jar Jar Binks cuz he sucks and I want to kick his ass, or The Architect from The Matrix Reloaded, because he was so annoying and wouldn't stop talking.

Name one movie you would love watching with your most loved one?
Almost Famous, (500) Days of Summer

You favourite gadget?
I suck with technology, I have nothing except a computer, a cell phone, and an iPod. So, iPod? I can't live without music, so yeah, iPod.

Favourite Brand?

Brand? Like, clothing? I guess Gap? Urban Outfitters? Anything where the label isn't plastered all over the clothes; I already bought the shirt, I don't want to advertise for them. But did you mean band? Because that would make a lot more sense. Then Wilco, The Beatles, The Beach Boys, or Red Hot Chili Peppers. And as of today, Eels.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Whats your favorite computer console of all time?

Have you got a phobias and if so what are they?

When was the last time you went to the cinema and what did you see?

Have you ever slipped off a diving board into a pool?

Have you ever been sea fishing and if so what was the biggest fish you caught?

Have you ever scared someone so much they started to cry?
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

I meant Brand, not specifically clothing.. but anything.

Could be Apple, Adidas, Sony, etc..
My favorite brand is probably Fender, because they make most of my guitars, amps, pedals, and other equipment. I guess Sony also, because my TV is Sony, my DVD player is Sony, my Blu-Ray player is Sony, and my radio is Sony.

Juno MacGuff If you could own any successful company what would it be and why?

I'd want to own Apple because then I'd be one rich mother, even though I know nothing about their technology. Or maybe Universal, the movie company, because I love movies, and that's an industry I do know a little about.

n3wt Whats your favorite computer console of all time?
I know so little about computers. My Dell Dimension desktop? Actually no, because it sucks. My friend's got a MacBook Pro and it is amazing, so that?

Have you got a phobias and if so what are they?
I have this irrational fear that stems from a dream I had where a school shooter came into a classroom full of me and every girl I've ever liked or had relations with and pointed a gun at me and told me to strip naked in front of everyone..... but no real phobias.

When was the last time you went to the cinema and what did you see?
I saw The Other Guys yesterday, Salt a few days before that, Inception before that.

Have you ever slipped off a diving board into a pool?
Strange that you would ask this, but yes. I slipped and the board scratched my back when I fell in. I still have a huge scar across my back.

Have you ever been sea fishing and if so what was the biggest fish you caught?
I've never been fishing, but I've always wanted to.

Have you ever scared someone so much they started to cry?
When I was about 12 I scared my 10 year old brother by hiding in his closet. He walked in and turned the light to his room on, and I was standing there staring at him. I thought he would scream and then laugh, but he completely freaked out, started to cry, and ran to my parents' bedroom. I felt so bad that I also started to cry.

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? If you could change one thing about the USA what would it be?

What's it like in Chicago? I always fancied going there

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? If you could change one thing about the USA what would it be?

What's it like in Chicago? I always fancied going there
I would like to drink a lot less and quit smoking eventually. I've tried everything, but nothing works for me. If I could change something, it would probably be to have a stronger will and motivation to do things like quit cold turkey and to find a career instead of a job.

I think the US is one of the greatest countries in the world. But in a lot of ways, it can be systematically intolerant or unfair. I think things like Arizona's SB 1070 in its current form and California's Prop 8 are signs of prejudice still strongly present in America. So, I guess I would like everyone to just be more tolerant. If gay people want to get married, why should that bother heterosexual couples? If a Latino man in Arizona is driving down the street, why should he be at a higher risk of an invasion of privacy than the white or black guy driving behind him? If a guy wants to smoke pot in the comfort of his own home, why does that bother someone more than the guy who drinks in the comfort of his own home? But I do understand there are valid arguments both ways on all these issues. Overall though, I just wish people were just nicer to each other.

You MUST come to Chicago some time in your life. Everything about it is fantastic. Next to New York, and maybe more so, it is the cultural center of the country. If you like art, we have the world's foremost collection of Impressionist works at the Art Institute. If you like great architecture, there are literally hundreds of works in the city by major architects and architecture firms representing every style, and there are dozens of Frank Lloyd Wright houses in Oak Park, near the city. Wrigley Field is a beautiful classic baseball stadium, the entire lake shore is beautiful and stretches for miles along the entire city, there are great movie theaters and concert venues, the women are all gorgeous, people on the streets are actually friendly, Millennium Park is awe inspiring, the Hawks just won the Stanley Cup... I could go on forever about how great Chicago is. I would love to visit France, Italy, China, and Amsterdam, but I can't imagine I will ever love any city as much as my home town.

linespalsy chicago or new york style pizza?
Chicago style deep dish baby!!

ever been to reckless records?
My old apartment was down the street from Reckless Records!! I used to go there literally every week! How do you know what this is?

nastiest thing you've ever eaten?
balut--Google image search it.

Wow, balut really is pretty nasty, i'd never even heard of that.

i've visited chicago before and i have to say, reckless records (the two locations that i went to) is the best record store i've ever seen. you guys also have a lovely public library and a very shady chinatown area.

have you ever hooked up with someone you met online?
if not, would you?
if yes, would you do it again?

You MUST come to Chicago some time in your life. Everything about it is fantastic. Next to New York, and maybe more so, it is the cultural center of the country. If you like art, we have the world's foremost collection of Impressionist works at the Art Institute. If you like great architecture, there are literally hundreds of works in the city by major architects and architecture firms representing every style, and there are dozens of Frank Lloyd Wright houses in Oak Park, near the city. Wrigley Field is a beautiful classic baseball stadium, the entire lake shore is beautiful and stretches for miles along the entire city, there are great movie theaters and concert venues, the women are all gorgeous, people on the streets are actually friendly, Millennium Park is awe inspiring, the Hawks just won the Stanley Cup... I could go on forever about how great Chicago is. I would love to visit France, Italy, China, and Amsterdam, but I can't imagine I will ever love any city as much as my home town.
I have it in my head to visit there one of these days if I can ever afford it, it def sounds like my kinda place. We went to NY a few years ago and loved it.