Would you date a disabled person?


Would you date a disabled person?
12 votes
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2 votes
not sure
28 votes. You may not vote on this poll

Anarchist within reason
My ex thought that Al Qaeda was a country and that Japan was in China.... does that count as a yes?
If at his council I should turn aside, Into that ominous tract which all agree, Hides the Dark Tower. Yet aquiescingly I did turn as he pointed, neither pride nor hope at the end descried, so much as gladness that some end might be.

Robert Browning 'Childe Roland to The Dark Tower Came'

So I just turned 30, am I old enough to know anything about polio?
Guess that would depend on where your head has been since then.

I have actually been on a date with a deaf guy before. It was a little strange because I don't know sign language so the only way I could talk to him was by writing to him, back and forth, in a notebook.

We made it to the bedroom, but -- due to circumstances not related to his deafness -- this was right after my breakup with my ex-partner and I wasn't ready -- I actually had to THROW HIM OUT! And I mean I had to throw him out by WRITING IT IN THE NOTEBOOK!

So there's all this tension going on between me and a horny deaf guy and I had to compose myself and take charge - cause this guy wanted to throw me down and have his way with me, deaf style - but I had to kick him out in writing.

It went okay, but I felt bad. The next time I tried to see him he actually sent me packing, so he got his revenge -- and he had to draw me a map of how to get out of his place!

The fun thing about dating a deaf guy and writing everything in a notebook is that once it's all over you have the whole date recorded in your notebook.

So, that way, you don't have to try hard and remember all that was said when you go over the date and analyze it to death -- you can just flip your notebook open and it's right there. Like a good bedtime story.

The fun thing about dating a deaf guy and writing everything in a notebook is that once it's all over you have the whole date recorded in your notebook.
Maybe it's a difference in life-styles. Mainly, I always found it better not to put things in writing to the women I dated.

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
If you even agree that it's a ludicrous statement, why post it? Granted, I would expect nothing less from someone who's so bold to make it known that their penis is "big."
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Why are you guys talking about a rapper-turned-actor so much? Or do you mean "ludicrous"?
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Why are you guys talking about a rapper-turned-actor so much? Or do you mean "ludicrous"?
HA, I knew I had to of been spelling it wrong, because it just didn't look right. Thanks for the spell check, Mark.

Can we please go back to that part about big penises? Is having a big penis considered a disability? Do giant people have big penises? Wouldn't it suck to be a giant and have a little penis?

I would date a giant with a giant penis.

Can we please go back to that part about big penises? Is having a big penis considered a disability? Do giant people have big penises? Wouldn't it suck to be a giant and have a little penis?

I would date a giant with a giant penis.
What qualifies as "little" to a giant?

Wow, certainly off-topic at this point. Okay, I just wondered how many able-bodied people would consider dating a disabled person, that's really all the point of the poll was. It just seems more common that disabled people date other disabled individuals, and that the opposite to be true of non-disabled people.

...uh the post is up there...

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
It just seems more common that disabled people date other disabled individuals, and that the opposite to be true of non-disabled people.
You would be correct. People tend to stick to what is familiar to them. Then, on the other hand, there are those who stick by the "love is blind" mantra. I know you're only talking about dating, but if its meant to be, true love knows no bounds.

I voted for maybe. Depends on the disability, to be honest. If a girl is missing the legs and arms then i'm not so sure, to be brutally honest.

Wow, certainly off-topic at this point. Okay, I just wondered how many able-bodied people would consider dating a disabled person, that's really all the point of the poll was. It just seems more common that disabled people date other disabled individuals, and that the opposite to be true of non-disabled people.
I think that's influenced by more than just likes attracted to likes. A person confined to a wheelchair or in leg braces is going to encounter people with similar afflictions in hospitals, rehab centers and doctors' offices. A jogger is going to encounter other joggers. It's possible that a jogger could fall in love with a paraplegic--if they ever met.

It's the same thing as many (likely most) affairs are between coworkers who see each other day after day after day.

I like to dance, but my second wife was a polio victim in leg braces who couldn't. So I pretty much quit dancing for the 20-plus years we were married. Found other things to take the place of that activity.

Manolo, Shoot That Piece Of Sh*t!
Totally depends on how worse. I mean, I would never date a female version of Dr Hawking, based on looks...

"You accuse me of blasphemy, but how can you accuse me of a crime without a victim?"

Spikez's DVD Collection

Last Movie Seen: The Breakfast Club

Originally Posted by Spikez
I mean, I would never date a female version of Dr Hawking, based on looks...

I wish Stephen Hawking would do at least one porno movie. I already know what it should be called -- Black Holes.

You won't believe this. I was riding the metro this morning and for several minutes, I thought a hot guy that was just my type was checking me out...

and then I noticed his walking stick. He was blind!

Damn! Gorgeous guy - dark hair, mustache, goatee with a slight beard growing in, glasses. I guess he wasn't staring at me, but maybe he sensed my sexiness.

Anyway, this gave me a newfound power to stare at him even longer. I noticed that he was also wearing hearing aids! I felt so sad for him. So sexy yet so Helen Keller. I started having all kinds of naughty Miracle Workeresque fantasies.

But anyways, if I was brave enough, and able to communicate with him, I TOTALLY would have dated him! In fact, I'm feeling bad now that I let this blind sex god get away.


My life isn't written very well.
If he was wearing glasses he might not be as blind as you think. Go to Craigslist and post a "missed oppurtunity...
I have been formatted to fit this screen.

r66-The member who always asks WHY?

Originally Posted by r3port3r66
If he was wearing glasses he might not be as blind as you think. Go to Craigslist and post a "missed oppurtunity...
You know, I actually thought that... that he's not fully blind. If so, I must have been a total freak if he saw me staring! I didn't get a stare back afterwards.

I have never done the "missed opportunity" thing but have wanted to. Maybe I'll give it a try.

You - blind guy on metro. Heading towards D.C. Sexy, dark haired, glasses, irresistable. I wasn't sure how to approach you. If you can see this ad, contact me!

I can't believe this - I did it! I posted an ad in the "missed connections" on Craigslist for the blind guy!


Only for you, Tim. Only for you.

PLEASE - don't send me any fake responses, MoFos!