Rate The Favorite Movies List


Oh well, stuck with Iro again

The Blues Brothers- not seen for aaages, can't remember well enough for rating
Raiders of the Lost Ark-

Apocalypse Now-




This Is Spinal Tap-

The Warriors-

Harold and Maude
- n/a
Withnail and I-

Rounds your list mathematically at

Welcome to the human race...
I like this thread. Besides, I'm stuck with you again. Think I'll grade them for a change.

Oldboy, A
Evil Dead II, A-
Blue Velvet, B
Chinatown, A
Drunken Master n/a
Blade Runner, A
The Crow B- (memory of it's not so fond, will have to watch my newly-acquired VHS copy)
Videodrome, n/a (seen about half of it, would grade that at B+)
Lost Highway, n/a
Mulholland Drive, B+
Inland Empire, n/a
, B+

Overall: A-
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

1. The Blues Brothers (N/A)
2. Raiders of the Lost Ark

3. Apocalypse Now

4. Clerks

5. Goodfellas

6. Akira

7. This Is Spinal Tap (N/A)
8. The Warriors (N/A)
9. Harold and Maude

10. Withnail and I

That's a solid
from me. Apocalypse now is lovely but it's also bloated and hollow and it put me to sleep twice (I also found Heart of Darkness pretty dull so maybe you'll just want to ignore my cheery, arbitrary taste in film and literature), and I just think Harold and Maude is douchey, not sure what my rationalization is for that. Other than that, decent picks, nothing too surprising and I guess the unifying thing I see in most of your choices (other than Indiana Jones and Akira and The Warriors) is perhaps a willfully prosaic aimlessness, I dunno, that may come across as condescending but that's definitely what movies like Withnail & I and Clerks are going for (but I like those two movies!). I would even argue stuff like Apocalypse Now and Goodfellas, in spite of being much more upscale and "heavy" still wind up saying "in spite of all this noise, nothing really changes or matters much." Guess I find your list kind of a downer.

Pyro_Tramp's List

Oldboy -

Evil Dead 2 -

Blue Velvet -

Chinatown -

Drunken Master - ?
Blade Runner -

The Crow -

Videodrome -

Lost Highway/Mulholland Drive/Inland Empire -

8 1/2 -

Welcome to the human race...
Surprised by how many I haven't seen...

Solaris, n/a
Blood Simple, B-
Stroszek, n/a
Oldboy, A
Chinatown, A
Eyes Wide Shut, B-
Dog Day Afternoon B
Mean Streets, B+
The Insider, n/a
Adaptation, n/a

Overall: B

Welcome to the human race...
Justin was a little slow. Plus, I've only seen one of Lines's favourites in full (might've seen another, but I'm not 100% sure).

Someone else have a go at Chef.

Swedish_Chef's List

Brazil -

Bring Me The Head of Alfredo Garcia -

The Princess Bride -

Raiders of the Lost Ark -

Raising Arizona -

Shallow Grave - ?
American Psycho -

Modern Romance - ?
Punch-Drunk Love -

Shaun of the Dead -

You're a Genius all the time
Solaris (soderbergh), C+
Blood Simple, B-
Stroszek, never seen it
Oldboy, B-
Chinatown, A
Eyes Wide Shut, C-
Dog Day Afternoon, A-
Mean Streets, B-
The Insider, C+
Adaptation, B

I think your list is good, because it paints a pretty solid picture in my mind of what your taste in movies is. You've got three or four lesser-known or early works by very well-known directors and I think that fits, even if I don't really know what it says about you as a movie watcher. I personally find more than a few of the flicks you listed overrated and, in some cases, majorly pretentious, but I can definitely see the appeal in all of them. So, yeah, I'd give you a B- for the actual quality of the movies, but a solid B or maybe a B+ for your list overall. That might not make much sense, but oh well.

And how come nobody's seen Modern Romance?

1. Brazil

2. Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia (N/A)
3. The Princess Bride

4. Raiders of the Lost Ark

5. Raising Arizona

6. Shallow Grave

7. American Psycho (N/A)
8. Modern Romance (N/A)
9. Punch-Drunk Love (N/A)
10. Shaun of the Dead

Hee, this is another solid
for me. Interesting that most of these movies (particularly Shaun of the Dead and Brazil) are movies that I thought were awesome 1ce and then re-watched and just thought were okay.

You're a Genius all the time
Well, I guess they're my favorites for a reason, but I find them all (especially Shaun of the Dead) to be so rewarding on second or third or fourth viewings. Anyway...

Lawrence of Arabia, B
Prospero's Books, never seen it
Sherlock Jr, never seen it
The Long Goodbye, A-
The Blade, never seen it
Three Resurrected Drunkards, never seen it
Even Dwarfs Started Small, never seen it
Popeye, B
A Zed and Two Noughts, B+
The Fearless Vampire Killers, B+

Maybe we shouldn't be able to rate other people's lists unless we've seen more than five of their movies? I do really like all of yours that I have seen, though, and you have very good taste, overall. Lawrence of Arabia is probably my least favorite here, even though I can't argue that it's a virtually flawless movie. Popeye, meanwhile, is such a sweet, unassuming flick with no pretentions whtsoever and it was a staple of my childhood. I think The Fearless Vampire Killers is a better send-up of vampires than Young Frankenstein is of Frankensteins. A Zed and Two Noughts has Michael Nyman's best score ever, which is saying a lot. And I've always liked The Long Goodbye. It's probably Altman's most entertainingly complex film, which is also saying a lot.

So I think your list is cool, even though I've only seen half of it. I guess I'd give you somewhere between a B+ and an A-


Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia

The Princess Bride

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Raising Arizona
Shallow Grave

American Psycho

Modern Romance
Punch-Drunk Love
Shaun of the Dead

Probably one of my favourites lists, even though i've not seen two (quite surprised at myself when i realised i've still not seen Raising Arizona). Definitely love a fair few of your picks, Alfredo Garcia isn't my favourite Peckinpah flick but i do appreciate it's appeal and might like it a lot if i re-watched it after seeing some Peck flicks. Punch Drunk Love is an iffy one as not seen all of it and since i own it on DVD and still have yet to finish it but didn't hate what i saw.

The average is a good

You're a Genius all the time
Oldboy, B-
Evil Dead 2, A
Blue Velvet, B-
Chinatown, A
Drunken Master, B
Blade Runner, B
The Crow, C+
Videodrome, B+
Lost Highway, D
Mulholland Drive, C-
Inland Empire, F
8 1/2, A-

Again, your list is the kind that gives me a clearcut, general idea of what your taste in movies is all about. I'd give it a low B, I guess, but it could have been a bit higher if you didn't jam three middling to God-awful Lynch flicks into that 9 spot. There are many movies I don't like, though I can appreciate what other folks see in them. But I will never understand what anybody sees in Inland Empire. I do like most of the other stuff you've got there and I'd say the movie I've seen the most is probably Evil Dead II. That one has held a special place in my heart for a while now so it's nice to see it represented. Same goes for Videodrome. This is a good list.

Surprised by the Lynch negativity, what is it particularly you don't like with those three. I was thinking The Thing should be in there and they seem like the ones to replace.

Welcome to the human race...
Spot the difference, bruv.

Oldboy, A
Evil Dead II, A
Blue Velvet, B
Chinatown, A
Drunken Master n/a
Blade Runner, A
The Crow B- (memory of it's not so fond, will have to watch my newly-acquired VHS copy)
Videodrome, n/a (seen about half of it, would grade that at B+)
Lost Highway, B+
Mulholland Drive, B+
Inland Empire, n/a
, B+

Overall: A-

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I'm responding about the Lynch comments, but I guess I'm fair game, and I'll have to rate Iro's too.

First off, your Lynch trilogy; I'd give Lost Highway a D, Mulholland Drive a C, and Inland Empire a D-. Laura Dern was quite good in the last one, but otherwise...

For Iro:

The Blues Brothers - B+
Raiders of the Lost Ark - A+
Apocalypse Now - B
Clerks - B-
GoodFellas - A-
Akira - B+
This is Spinal Tap - B-
The Warriors - B-
Harold and Maude - A-
Withnail and I - B-

Overall: B+. You may get a bonus for having all movies.

I hope somebody can rate OVER half of my movies. At least, somebody besides Holden.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Welcome to the human race...
Pfft, even I can rate over half your movies.

Jaws, A+
Elmer Gantry, n/a
Midnight Cowboy, A-
Star Wars, B+
Little Big Man, n/a
Raiders of the Lost Ark, A+
Cabaret, B+
LOTR: The Return of the King, B
Dr. Strangelove, A-
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, n/a

Overall: A-. Not a bad film in the lot (and it made me kick myself for not getting around to Little Big Man again)

The Blues Brothers

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Apocalypse Now




This is Spinal Tap

The Warriors

Harold and Maude

Withnail and I

Forgive the n/a's

Cinema Paradiso -


American Splendor- n/a
Used Cars- n/a
Blade Runner: Director's Cut-

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly-


Belle De Jour-

Near Dark

Broadway Danny Rose - n/a

Makes it out at a (-)

Lots of great films and all complimented by their differences.