This is ticking me off!


In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
PSH! I love school!! This type of stuff is so much more fun in person. And especially in English class, where Steve and I rag on each other none stop. I try not to make fun of Mark though, we've got respect for each other going on.
Horror's Not Dead
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Originally posted by TWTCommish
What if she's fat, too?

Damn man, didn't you see that one episode of "South Park"? Being homeschooled means I get to sit around and talk sh*t with people like you all day. Beats the hell out of going to school, where you have to talk to pole-worshippers like Steve and get freaky with the old crusty dude who teaches the English class to avoid getting an F which your old man would beat you for, assuming he'd made bail, of course.
I'm only 40% pole-worshipper, you tampon-munching wanker. And my old man always makes bail because he gets the cash from pimping your mom out.

Hey, look. Punks jump up to get beat down, I hope you're not looking for a verbal a**-whipping. Don't bring me into this.

actually my "old man" is in jail": I mean after scr@wing your mom like that and leaving her face like that... what can you do.

As for your mom being fat: I only have to deal with her mouth so its good.

I remember how my dad did it: I believe its called socket-f@cking.

Originally posted by TWTCommish

I'd provide that bullet.
I bet you would, Mr. Junior Charlton Heston.

Wow, you actually got a fat chick? I'm're quite the overachiever. Anyway, it's a good thing your dad's in jail...that way, you two can spend some, uh, "quality time" together.

Heston is the shizznat, by the way.

Originally posted by TWTCommish
Wow, you actually got a fat chick?
He didn't, but I did

A fat chick? Well your mom is more than fat enough. Nah im not into the whole same sex deal, but im sure your priest is choir boy.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!


At least I'm not a member of the First International Church of The Pole. No one listens to the sermon...they spend the time staring at the giant organ pipes.

How would you know my priest is? Been spending some time in the confessional, I'd bet. By the way, he told me to tell you to quit "misusing" the sacramental candles.

id laugh at that, but you wouldnt hear it because your moms legs are wrapped around my head

I don't know if ill find a turkey but it sure does smell like one.