I gots to quit smoking


I think he swiped that from Mark Twain! "Quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I ought to know, I've done it a thousand times."

Never smoked, no issues with alcohol. Closest thing I've had is food, used to be quite heavy, and ultimately found a lot of help in the language of 12 step programs. A lot of the advice about serious addiction issues is highly applicable to any bad habit, even eating too much. And yeah, as some people have said, sometimes there's no life event or hitting bottom or anything, sometimes you just have to decide to do it, and then you do.
TESTIFY! Sometimes just repping a post doesn't do it justice.

The trick is surrendering. Surrender to whatever the outcome will be in regards to the discomfort or withdrawal. The mind will tell you it will last forever, but it doesnt. After that if those things still consistently overcome you on a regular basis then 12 steps can change the course, and not only kick habits but being happy without it.

It's easier to cut down on something you're just doing too much (overeating) than stop doing something you shouldn't be doing at all (smoking).

If you overeat and want to lose weight, you only have to eat less or start working out to create a deficit.

If you smoke, there's no other way but to stop smoking altogether. I guess smoking a cig a day is better than smoking a pack a day but it's still unhealthy. On the other hand, eating your normal daily intake is not only healthy but required.

The question should be: why do you smoke? To relieve stress? Try alternatives. Because you like having something in your mouth? KINKY! But maybe try something different. (͡ ͡° ͜ つ ͡͡°)

If you don't have cigs, do you go and buy them? What can you do to stop buying them? Ask somebody else to do grocery shopping for you? Order food online where you cannot buy cigs?
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

You ready? You look ready.
i find i miss the idea of smoking more than the actual smoking. my lungs are nostalgic. probably explains why i like joints so much.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

I think he swiped that from Mark Twain! "Quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I ought to know, I've done it a thousand times."

Never smoked, no issues with alcohol. Closest thing I've had is food, used to be quite heavy, and ultimately found a lot of help in the language of 12 step programs. A lot of the advice about serious addiction issues is highly applicable to any bad habit, even eating too much. And yeah, as some people have said, sometimes there's no life event or hitting bottom or anything, sometimes you just have to decide to do it, and then you do.
When I stopped drinking I just stopped. It was so easy & I never missed it even for a second. Life seemed so dull though without alcohol. And I seemed to be surrounded by boring people & how did I end up in CT of all dull places?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

It's easier to cut down on something you're just doing too much (overeating) than stop doing something you shouldn't be doing at all (smoking).
Interestingly, I've always thought the opposite. The logic being that, for most/many addicts, the whole problem is stopping once they've started. So overeating is trickier because you have to eat, you can't just learn to do without it, and you can't draw any bright glowing line. You have to tweak and moderate constantly.

No right answer, of course, different personality types will find different things difficult. Always interesting to explore that kind of thing.

When I stopped drinking I just stopped. It was so easy & I never missed it even for a second. Life seemed so dull though without alcohol. And I seemed to be surrounded by boring people & how did I end up in CT of all dull places?
I've had conversations with my friends about this, where they say they like alcohol/drugs/whatever because it makes things funnier. At which point I note that, no, it doesn't, it just lowers your threshold for what you consider funny.

And yeah, as some people have said, sometimes there's no life event or hitting bottom or anything, sometimes you just have to decide to do it, and then you do.
So .. what you're saying is, "Do or do not. There is no try."

I've had conversations with my friends about this, where they say they like alcohol/drugs/whatever because it makes things funnier. At which point I note that, no, it doesn't, it just lowers your threshold for what you consider funny.
My husband begged our New York friends not to offer me cocaine. And he asked me not to ever take it as he knew I would love it so much. He made the case so well I have never done cocaine. Actually, I was never much into the whole drug scene. Cigarettes & booze were my drugs.

Interestingly, I've always thought the opposite. The logic being that, for most/many addicts, the whole problem is stopping once they've started. So overeating is trickier because you have to eat, you can't just learn to do without it, and you can't draw any bright glowing line. You have to tweak and moderate constantly.
Yep, this makes sense, but I think that with overeating it's easier because you can still eat, just in small doses, and you can even have cheat meals like pizza or burger once in a while, so you're not giving up something you love for the rest of your life. You're just limiting it very severely. With drugs, you have to stop taking them altogether because they're much harder to control and much more unhealthy.

I've had conversations with my friends about this, where they say they like alcohol/drugs/whatever because it makes things funnier. At which point I note that, no, it doesn't, it just lowers your threshold for what you consider funny.
Same goes for Hong Kong comedies. At least those films won't ruin your health apart from mental health and sense of humor.

Smoking, overeating, drugs (real drugs), etc are manifestations of the same emotions.

It’s all the same thing, just occurring in different environments.

An exercise in positive reinforcement: after quitting smoking, open a bank account and deposit into it the same amount you would have spent on cigarettes. Do this every week or month. You won't make a killing on interest (especially these days), but after several months or a year, the amount you saved & compounded will be startling when compared to losing that money and its interest by spending it on a substance that will only make you sick in the long run.

This helps provide an eye-opening incentive to continue on.


But on a similar topic, does anyone know how to quit booze and drugs. Better than the crap advice I have to quit smoking. I've got a pen and paper at hand to take any notes.
If a person is just a casual user of alcohol or drugs, and doesn't want to use them anymore, then simply stop.

If a person is addicted to either (or both) of those, then there's no program that does a better job with that than Alcoholics Anonymous, or Narcotics Anonymous. And they're both free.

But on a similar topic, does anyone know how to quit booze and drugs.
Sending your stash to me would be a good start.

An exercise in positive reinforcement: after quitting smoking, open a bank account and deposit into it the same amount you would have spent on cigarettes. Do this every week or month. You won't make a killing on interest (especially these days), but after several months or a year, the amount you saved & compounded will be startling when compared to losing that money and its interest by spending it on a substance that will only make you sick in the long run.

This helps provide an eye-opening incentive to continue on.
Especially these days. Back in the day a carton of cigs didn’t cost that much. Incredible what people actually pay these days for a single pack.