1930s Hall of Fame


2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I won't be able to join this one unfortunately but I'll have an eye out for it. I'll probably watch some as well here and there.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Well I might watch it anyway if it seems like something I might like!
Whoops, I didn't go with that movie after all. But...maybe you would still like my nom? Maybe you've even seen it. We'll see

Trouble with a capital "T"
Maybe we should do double noms because 7 seems kinda low
I had thought about that, but decided no...as I don't want to make too much of a work load for everyone, as some of us still have films to watch in the Foreign and 16th Hof to watch.

After this one is over, maybe there will still be time to do a 30s Hof Part II. We did 3 50s Hofs in a row once.

BTW who else is around right now?

Trouble with a capital "T"
@pahaK @Nathaniel @CosmicRunaway @Siddon @cricket @edarsenal

I'm going to be gone all day Monday, so I'll have to start this on Tuesday evening. Hope you guys can be online for the reveal, around 6:30 P.M. Pacific Standard Time...I'm on the west coast of USA.

We have a neat selection of films Some serious, some scandalous, a comedy, a sci-fi horror, a foreign language, good stuff people!....And most are very short, some are only a bit over an hour. So an easy and fun Hof

I'm going to be gone all day Monday, so I'll have to start this on Tuesday evening. Hope you guys can be online for the reveal, around 6:30 P.M. Pacific Standard Time.
That is well past my bedtime which I think works out to be around 2:30pm Pacific, so definitely don't adjust your schedule for me. I can always catch up on the reveal the next day while getting ready for work.

Speaking of work, I should probably get moving before I'm late haha.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
@pahaK @Nathaniel @CosmicRunaway @Siddon @cricket @edarsenal

I'm going to be gone all day Monday, so I'll have to start this on Tuesday evening. Hope you guys can be online for the reveal, around 6:30 P.M. Pacific Standard Time...I'm on the west coast of USA.

We have a neat selection of films Some serious, some scandalous, a comedy, a sci-fi horror, a foreign language, good stuff people!....And most are very short, some are only a bit over an hour. So an easy and fun Hof
That should be around 9:30 pm my time so that shouldn't be a problem unless things are hectic at work, but I should be able to make that.
Love the great mix and yeah, perhaps having a small group with short movies we could get in a second HoF as well. That would be cool.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Trouble with a capital "T"
The Nominations
They're also on the 2nd post.

The Scarlet Empress (1934)

Director: Josef von Sternberg
1h 44min
Nominated by: @cricket

Bride of Frankenstein (1935)
Director: James Whale
1h 15min
Nominated by: @Siddon

Pepe Le Moko (1937)
Director: Julien Duvivier
1h 34min
Nominated by: @edarsenal

Gunga Din (1939)

Director: George Stevens
1h 57min
Nominated by: @CosmicRunaway

Bachelor Mother (1939)
Director: Garson Kanin
1h 22min
Nominated by: @Citizen Rules

Child Bride (1938)
Director: Harry Revier
1h 2min
Nominated by: @pahaK

Make Way For Tomorrow (1937)
Director: Leo McCarey
1h 31min
Nominated by: @Nathaniel


I see the nominations went up much earlier than planned. That was a pleasant surprise.

Now that this HoF has officially started, maybe I can get around to rewatching my nomination, which I've been intending to do for the last 3 days haha. In the meantime, here are some initial thoughts:

The Scarlet Empress - After just reading Cricket's review for Der blaue Engel, I'm not at all surprised that this was his nomination, especially since he referenced loving another of von Sternberg's films. It's funny because I actually considered nominating Der blaue Engel for this HoF, so it would've been a funny coincidence for Cricket to have posted about that film not long before the nominations were revealed haha. I haven't actually seen The Scarlet Empress, just parts of it, so I'm interested to finally see the entire thing.

Bride of Frankenstein - I used to love this film. I'm definitely looking forward to watching it again, since it's been quite some time since I last saw it.

Pepe Le Moko - I haven't heard of this before, but Wikipedia's description of it being "considered an early predecessor of film noir" has me quite intrigued.

Gunga Din - This is my nomination. I haven't seen it since I was a kid, and I'm a little worried that parts of it might be considered racist by modern standards, so I hope it doesn't make anyone too uncomfortable. I love adventure flicks and I love Cary Grant, so I'm silently hoping that this holds up better than I think it will.

Bachelor Mother - I don't think I've heard of this one before. I like David Niven, so it should be an interesting watch.

Child Bride - Is this the same Child Bride was that "too awful and disturbing" for MST3K?

Make Way For Tomorrow - This one doesn't sound at all familiar, so I have no comment.

Pepe Le Moko was remade by Hollywood a year later as Algiers if that maybe rings more of a bell for those unaware of it. Glad to see it nominated in this as it means at least someone else here enjoys it

Make Way For Tomorrow - This one doesn't sound at all familiar, so I have no comment.

That was on my short list to nominate (Emperor Jones, Black Cat, The Good Earth, Things to Come)

I almost nominated The Good Earth but I felt the racial issues would be to hard for people to get over, I also re-watched Emperor Jones though it lost a bit of its power on second watch.

Besides my own scandalous nomination I think I've only seen Bride of Frankenstein before and that must have been at least 30 years ago. Don't know anything about the others so it'll be kinda interesting.

Bachelor Mother is the story of a sales clerk who through no fault of her own ends up with an orphaned child. Obviously the pay was much better back then as Ginger Rogers is able to afford a single apartment in New York City and a mink coat. Also David Niven is somehow British while his father is American if you can figure that one out.

Anyways moving through the plot holes the film is a decent little comedy romp. Rogers is a compelling and charming lead, they even work in a dance sequence to play to her strengths. The film moves along at a brisk pace even though the gender politics are particularly fascinating. Turns out women can't even finish a sentence back then..now you can never get them to stop yapping <budumpbump>

Fun little watch good pick, put me in a good mood.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I see the nominations went up much earlier than planned. That was a pleasant surprise.
That's because I'm coming down with a flu/cold, and wasn't sure if I'd feel like posting them later tonight. So I thought I'd better do it while I could!

Trouble with a capital "T"
@Siddon Wow! you're fast, you already watched one The good thing is the films are short. Did you guys see I put the length of the films? That's in case you want to watch two shorties at one time, or just need to budget your time.

the gender politics are particularly fascinating.
That's one reason I nominated this as it gives us a window into the views of 1930s and how a single unwed mother would be viewed and treated. Hell it's a history listen wrapped up in a comedy.