The Most Vllianous MoFo


Minion you are so nice, thanks for the offer, PASS
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

My life isn't written very well.
Originally Posted by nebbit
What flavours do they come in?

I think they only "come" in one flavor...
I have been formatted to fit this screen.

r66-The member who always asks WHY?

JRS just closed this thread because he thought things were getting silly in here! He CLOSED the thread... nobody's ever done such a thing before! He IS the MoFo villian!

Luckily, yours truly, your hero Sexy Celebrity, got him to reopen the thread. All hail me. All hail!

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
JRS just closed this thread because he thought things were getting silly in here! He CLOSED the thread... nobody's ever done such a thing before! He IS the MoFo villian!

Luckily, yours truly, your hero Sexy Celebrity, got him to reopen the thread. All hail me. All hail!
Hail Sexy Celebrity

jrs, I thought you hadf a sense of humour, don't you?

Originally Posted by nebbit
jrs, I thought you hadf a sense of humour, don't you?

Nebbit, anyone who really knows me, should know that I have a terrific sense of humor.

For those who were disappointed at this thread being closed.....hey, it's reopened. Enjoy the fun again.

Me a villian???? Heck no

Originally Posted by jrs
Nebbit, anyone who really knows me, should know that I have a terrific sense of humor.

For those who were disappointed at this thread being closed.....hey, it's reopened. Enjoy the fun again.

Me a villian???? Heck no
I know, I was only having some fun with you, didn't mean to offend.

I am having a nervous breakdance
I think Mini is the most villanous MoFo.
The novelist does not long to see the lion eat grass. He realizes that one and the same God created the wolf and the lamb, then smiled, "seeing that his work was good".


They had temporarily escaped the factories, the warehouses, the slaughterhouses, the car washes - they'd be back in captivity the next day but
now they were out - they were wild with freedom. They weren't thinking about the slavery of poverty. Or the slavery of welfare and food stamps. The rest of us would be all right until the poor learned how to make atom bombs in their basements.

SB isnt a villian he just says painful truths bluntly and Django isnt a villian, he is just a drone, the only villian in my eyes thats a complete boofhead and annoyance and should be shot is the idiotic Mr Fong

[quote=Naisy]SB isnt a villian he just says painful truths bluntly and Django isnt a villian, he is just a drone, the only villian in my eyes thats a complete boofhead and annoyance and should be shot is the idiotic Mr Fong[/QUOTE

Fong Is he from this forum?

Naisy… ... don’t say that name too loud…
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)