VHS comedy era comedy Hall of fame III (1977-1989)


Trouble with a capital "T"
You can still wait to reveal who nominated what until the end.

I was having a hard time narrowing it down to only two noms anyway, so I'm even willing to change my noms if you want me to. I'll even try to pick movies that might "blend in" more with the other noms this time. (I have whole list of favorite comedy movies that can easily lose this HoF. )
I went with some more obscure comedies this time around.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I went with some more obscure comedies this time around.

Most of my favorite movies, especially comedies, are more obscure.

When I was trying to make a list of potential movies to nominate, I was searching through IMDB and Wikipedia for lists of comedy movies for these years. I noticed that most of the top rated comedy movies listed are movies that I don't think are very funny. (They're probably the "behemoths" that Siddon was talking about earlier.) I think I just have a different sense of humor than most people.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Most of my favorite movies, especially comedies, are more obscure.

When I was trying to make a list of potential movies to nominate, I was searching through IMDB and Wikipedia for lists of comedy movies for these years. I noticed that most of the top rated comedy movies listed are movies that I don't think are very funny. (They're probably the "behemoths" that Siddon was talking about earlier.) I think I just have a different sense of humor than most people.
I know you like one of my noms, not sure about the other one.
Lists and Projects

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I know you like one of my noms, not sure about the other one.

I don't dislike most of the top-rated comedy movies from these years. I like some of the movies as just movies, but I just don't see the humor in them. (I wouldn't join the HoF if I thought I was going to dislike or hate most of the movies that were nominated.)

Even in the last comedy HoF, there were a few movies that I liked because I thought they were good movies, but I just didn't laugh much while watching them.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Your going to get a kick out of the reveal this could almost be considered a different Hall of Fame
cool we need to try different things in the HoF, I'm interested in what you have in store!...Looking forward to your reveal.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I know you like one of my noms, not sure about the other one.
I bet if you nominated what I think you nominated and I'm probably wrong, I would like it. Actually I was thinking of nominating it but I figured you would instead or GBG would...Is this confusion? We're probably not talking about the same movies at all!

I don't dislike most of the top-rated comedy movies from these years. I like some of the movies as just movies, but I just don't see the humor in them. (I wouldn't join the HoF if I thought I was going to dislike or hate most of the movies that were nominated.)...
I bet there will be one comedy nominated that I hate, I won't mention the title but I bet it's going to be nominated.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I bet if you nominated what I think you nominated and I'm probably wrong, I would like it. Actually I was thinking of nominating it but I figured you would instead or GBG would...Is this confusion? We're probably not talking about the same movies at all!
Now this has piqued my curiosity. I wonder what movie you thought I would nominate.

I bet there will be one comedy nominated that I hate, I won't mention the title but I bet it's going to be nominated.
I think I might know what movie you're talking about here. I remember a popular comedy from these years that you hated in your reviews.

I think I might know what movie you're talking about here. I remember a popular comedy from these years that you hated in your reviews.
I have a good guess too... CR, did you mention it in one of your reviews for the last Comedy HoF by any chance? If so, I think I know what you're talking about.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Now this has piqued my curiosity. I wonder what movie you thought I would nominate.

I think I might know what movie you're talking about here. I remember a popular comedy from these years that you hated in your reviews.
But I would be happy to rewatch it, if it's the comedy I did hate, who knows I might end up liking it? Or maybe we're all thinking of different films, I've reviewed over a 1000 of them by now

I have a good guess too... CR, did you mention it in one of your reviews for the last Comedy HoF by any chance? If so, I think I know what you're talking about.
Honestly I don't know if I was bad mouthing that movie in the last Comedy HoF or not? But if I did and anyone wanted to nominate it, they totally should. I've been known to do a 180 on movies before.

BTW I'm thinking someone new will join, hope so, we'll see.

Where can I find previous HOF nominees and winners?
Very first thread in this section, marked "Important".

Trouble with a capital "T"
Where can I find previous HOF nominees and winners?
Welcome! Glad you could make it.

Like Ahwell said it's in the first thread of the forum Ongoing Tournaments and Brackets. I've been here 5 years and still don't know what a bracket is?

Movie Hall of Fame Archive & Info

Ist post is the overview of current HoFs with links to the individual threads and who's hosting them. 2nd post is the past inductees into the General HoF and the 3rd post is the inductees into the Specialty (Genre) HoFs.

It's all up to date, at least I hope so

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I can’t wait! Any excuse to A) watch a movie and B) watch a movie I hadn’t seen yet!

and WELCOME and ENJOY!!!
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio