

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
What a great thread! I love hearing so many people say they're doing good stuff.

I recently updated my website (link in my profile). I still want to tweak a few things, but I've been wanting to update it for a long time and finally got a camera, learned how to use it, learned how to do stuff with my photo editing program and got the whole ball o' wax relaunched. yay!
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

I'm not old, you're just 12.
I am taking part in a writing challenge called "Different Tracks: a Brother and Sister's Project" with my little sister Nikki. This all came about because of a dream I had of two people riding on a train, a 20 something man and a 13 year old girl. So we each took the same 2 characters, the same setting, and the same 3 day train ride, and we each are writing our own version of the events. Her story is called "Don't Ask" and mine's called "Hold On." Anyone with a live journal account can read the 2 stories, under the user names "mystoryjournal" (me) and "talesfromatrain" (Nikki). It is far too much fun, and it has snapped me out of my rut as of late.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson

Randomly visiting for now
I applied for a job at a huge business chain in Australia called Coles-Myer which according to my parents will end my lazy spree of hanging with friends and doing absolutely nothing all the time.

So what if now that I've finished school I have 15 weeks of holidays, that doesn't mean I can't waste it all doing nothing, does it?..........well applying was an achievement for me because I need the money and something to do with all my free time I suppose.....I hate it when parents are right

I managed to get a senior to fall in love with me (We're both in college, I'm a freshman). Except, I have no feelings for her.

And, she looks like brittany spears, I kid you not.
Δύο άτομα. Μια μάχη. Κανένας συμβιβασμός.

Originally Posted by Equilibrium
she looks like brittany spears, I kid you not.
I hope she isn't like her in other ways.
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Early this year I set a per-month profit goal for my websites that I hoped to achieve before I turned 20. Heading into the last month before my birthday, it looked like I was going to fall a bit short, but one of my sites had a tremendous surge and I made far more than my stated goal. Amazingly, I've managed to meet that same goal (though sometimes barely) every month since; November will make five, if I manage to squeak it out in these last couple days.

I know I've been shouting this quite frequently, but I've been doing quite well in my classes of late. It takes me a long time to transition and adapt to different teachers, but I overcame the first hill in my disability, which has made the rest of the mountainous year a bit more easy to set about conquering.

I wasn't really surprised that I recieved a hundred percent on my english test today, I had answered some extra credit question at the end which boosted my score. What made me proud was the fact that I got a hundred percent on the written part as
well--something I haven't done in quite a while. The last time I had gotten full credit on a written deep-thinking piece was in September. My writing isn't perfect, but for a long time I struggled with putting focus into my non-fiction pieces. Now I am a bit more confidant in my non-fiction writing, if I can only do the same thing for my fictional pieces.
I am moved by fancies that are curled
Around these images, and cling:
The notion of some infinitely gentle
Infinitely suffering thing.
T.S Eliot, "Preludes"

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
While we're talking about papers...

The first paper I wrote this year was for my Film class and it was about the acting in Oldboy and how it impacted the theme of the movie. I put it off til the very last possible moment, it was printing as I was getting dressed for class, and I got a grade that reflected it (C-). Not to mention I'm also a complete novice when it comes to acting styles and I really don't have much place commenting on the acting in a Korean movie. I was pissed at the time, not because of the grade (though I rarely get a grade that low on a paper) but because the teacher wrote a comment at the end that he fears I am not understanding the course material.

So the time to write the second paper came around and I had to chose two movies and discuss how the directors manipulated various styles to express a theme. My professor does not respect horror movies. It's almost as if he gets disgusted when they're mentioned in class, he barely acknowledges it as a genre and even the textbook doesn't take a sentence to even broach it (while it has broad chapters on slapstick comedies). So I decided to write my paper on Horror, just because. I wrote about how the varying styles of John Carpenter's In The Mouth of Madness and Eli Roth's Cabin Fever both express the theme that man goes insane because of the enviroment around them, not because of the environment inside of them. I got an A (actually much to my surprise, given the expressed disinterest and disdain for horror films) and felt vindicated.

Another happy paper achievement, though not recent. Senior year of highschool I had a rather rough English teacher notrious for never giving As to students. Anyways, the first day of class we had to write an in-class paper on Beowolf. Essays are easy for me and I always try to have some fun with them. So I started writing the paper and actually managed to tie in and quote The Boondock Saints. I did it just to get a kick out of it myself. Anyways, I got a B+ on the paper, but what makes it awesome is that there were two IB English classes. The class after I wrote my paper the other English teacher was showcasing to her class "an old paper written two years ago by a brilliant student" as an example of how to write a "flawless" paper. Well, the teacher was a liar, because it was my paper that I had just written. I had mentioned to a friend in that class about my Boondock Saints comparisons, which I was rather proud of, and he reported back to me that the teacher was teaching my paper to her class and was trying to pass it off as some ancient paper. Owned.
Horror's Not Dead
Latest Movie Review(s): Too lazy to keep this up to date. New reviews every week.

I have managed to run my Computer buisness for 2004 without owing anyone any money at credit card debts, loans, overhead , etc... nada I do not owe anyone anything. Those of you who have ever owned their own buiseness know this is not easy to do..... I am only in my 2nd year so I feel a bit happy about this. Other than that I am a loser . Oh wait....I managed to do something even more amazing; I got my 14 year old daughter to stop asking me for a piercing in a strange place. Hmmm I wonder why she stopped asking?
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

A shock achievement: yesterday a client that I hadn't seen for over 5 years came to see me: she said she had some small issues she wanted to talk out with me: firstly she said some really good things have happened to her since she last saw me, she gave me a 2 year old university year book, asked me to turn to page 24 and look at the bottom of the page, there was her name graduating with honors in Social science, she also told me this year she is finishing a teaching degree.

The real cruncher came when she told this has all been possible due to me, she will always be grateful for me never giving up on her when others did, when i first met her, she was under weight, smoked both cigarettes and dope, drank copious amts of alcohol and laid in bed all day while her children got themselves off to school etc, she is now a wonderful, articulate, beautiful sober woman.

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Originally Posted by chicagofrog
come on, Spooky!! go go... you're so near 200 yrself!!
And now I've hit 300 yay!! Hey that was only a month and a few days ago, whew I've got to slow down or I could suffer a MOFO overdose.

chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
Originally Posted by SpoOkY
And now I've hit 300 yay!! Hey that was only a month and a few days ago, whew I've got to slow down or I could suffer a MOFO overdose.
yes, and believe me, there's no cure once it caught you!
We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need.