Ford vs ferrari movie with bale/damon


Well, the movie did pretty well. Lots of nominations, including Best Picture, made $115 million domestically, which is a bit more than it made internationally.

Saw it last night. Good movie.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Well, the movie did pretty well. Lots of nominations, including Best Picture, made $115 million domestically, which is a bit more than it made internationally.

Saw it last night. Good movie.
I enjoyed the movie but what really stands out far ahead of everything else are the shots of Bale in the car, helmet and goggles framing his oil and debris smudged face with his very particular jaw line and almost emaciated cheek bone lines. I don't mean this to be silly, but that framing is the sum of every racing villain put to film, for me. All except for his childlike smiles and utter enjoyment of the race and driving in it. In my opinion, Bale projected so much with just a few minimal smirks in those shots. In time I could probably forget most of the movie, but that image will always linger. My emotional response was similar to Day-Lewis' subtle expressions in Phantom Thread while in the dinner where he first meets Alma. They were both just moments likely in passing that just happened to make the cut, but I read so much from them I get excited that so little can offer so much.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I'm going to see it tonight? Hope it's worth all the hype, cause I am expecting Raging Bull with race cars, if that's what I'm going to get?

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I just saw it. Yeah sure, I didn't Raging Bull with race cars but it was still quite enjoyable as a well done action sports movie.
WARNING: "SPOILER" spoilers below
What is with Josh Lucas's character though? He keeps risking his job over and over again, just because he has a beef with Miles. Is it really worth it to push his luck like that?

I just saw it. Yeah sure, I didn't Raging Bull with race cars but it was still quite enjoyable as a well done action sports movie.
WARNING: "SPOILER" spoilers below
What is with Josh Lucas's character though? He keeps risking his job over and over again, just because he has a beef with Miles. Is it really worth it to push his luck like that?
WARNING: spoilers below
Hated Josh's character. Was cliche. But I doubt whether his job was in danger. They kept telling us throughout the flick that the suits always had the final say and had too much power. Bale's character crossed him and would always suffer.

On a side note, I looked up Ken Miles and there's some dodgy details around his death. The whole inquiry post the accident was not done in a proper way.

I just saw it. Yeah sure, I didn't Raging Bull with race cars but it was still quite enjoyable as a well done action sports movie.
If you enjoyed F v F, you'd probably really like the documentary The 24 Hour War (2016), by Nate Adams and Adam Carolla. To me it was more fascinating, more suspenseful, and used real footage and interviews.


That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I just saw it. Yeah sure, I didn't Raging Bull with race cars but it was still quite enjoyable as a well done action sports movie.
WARNING: "SPOILER" spoilers below
What is with Josh Lucas's character though? He keeps risking his job over and over again, just because he has a beef with Miles. Is it really worth it to push his luck like that?
WARNING: "possible spoilers" spoilers below
This is just opinion from personal experience. I've worked with guys like that character and that personality type can be difficult to track. I've found that some people who excel in the corporate ladder have a certain amount of hubris. I'm not saying this is universally true, just that this opinion reflects my experience (what little of it there is).
People that show eagerness to rise up sometimes also show signs of risk and an inability to recognize that risk within themselves. Often times they blame those around them when they jump first before knowing where they might land. Or that they are willing to undermine others to gain and maintain a certain power, level of control, or status. For that, I never really doubted this character's character and inability to see the harm he could potentially cause to the Ford brand, the lives of the drivers, or even his career. I figured ego blinded him to his own faults
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

WARNING: "Ford v Ferrari" spoilers below
Well, for one, yes, people let petty beefs overwhelm their good judgment all the time. But more to the point, they usually don't think that's what's happening. Usually they think the other person is just wrong, or reckless, and they commit to stopping them. And let's be honest, Miles is reckless. The guy isn't totally wrong to be wary of him.

Corporate culture also has a lot about ownership and credit floating around. A lot of people feel it's better to "own" a specific plan that may fail than to have something go well where someone else gets the credit. It's a complicated risk-reward analysis. There's a lot more going on than just "this guy is resentful of Miles."

A system of cells interlinked
WARNING: spoilers below
Hated Josh's character. Was cliche. But I doubt whether his job was in danger. They kept telling us throughout the flick that the suits always had the final say and had too much power. Bale's character crossed him and would always suffer.

On a side note, I looked up Ken Miles and there's some dodgy details around his death. The whole inquiry post the accident was not done in a proper way.
I thought on of the main themes of the film was about hubris, and how most men are unable to take their foot off the gas before they crash and burn, while they and those around them become casualties of their hubris.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
WARNING: "Ford v Ferrari" spoilers below
Well, for one, yes, people let petty beefs overwhelm their good judgment all the time. But more to the point, they usually don't think that's what's happening. Usually they think the other person is just wrong, or reckless, and they commit to stopping them. And let's be honest, Miles is reckless. The guy isn't totally wrong to be wary of him.

Corporate culture also has a lot about ownership and credit floating around. A lot of people feel it's better to "own" a specific plan that may fail than to have something go well where someone else gets the credit. It's a complicated risk-reward analysis. There's a lot more going on than just "this guy is resentful of Miles."
Yeah. Nice pointing out that we kinda always feel we are right and others are wrong. Paraphrasing of course. And I don't mean the you and I we. Just in general. In case anyone wants to make assumptions with my phrasing. [Post Reply, yn]

Movies take sides, usually. In real life things are usually a lot muddier and less obvious, and it's easier to come to different conclusions. Having awesome movie scores swell behind your words when you tell someone off or having sinister deep notes playing when you walk into a room tends to put the thumb on the scale.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Movies take sides, usually. In real life things are usually a lot muddier and less obvious, and it's easier to come to different conclusions. Having awesome movie scores swell behind your words when you tell someone off or having sinister deep notes playing when you walk into a room tends to put the thumb on the scale.

THUMB!!! lol

also, I'm concerned by how you know about my walking soundtrack....

A masterpiece made in good, "classic" Hollywood style! Incredible racing sequences, best since The Pinchcliffe Grand Prix, and the best buddy of the year (sorry, Tarantino)! The ending was predictable, but still a gut punch! The film should be a cookie cutter mediocrity, but it has some unexplainable charm that elevates it to the ranks of best of the year! And I don't even like cars, but the film was such an adrenaline pump...

Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Agreed on all counts. Not a car guy, but they do such an excellent job of conveying the thrill of racing. And the story is so inherently good, it's basically a gift to any filmmaker who decides to tell it.

The score is excellent, which helps a lot, too.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
WARNING: "possible spoilers" spoilers below
This is just opinion from personal experience. I've worked with guys like that character and that personality type can be difficult to track. I've found that some people who excel in the corporate ladder have a certain amount of hubris. I'm not saying this is universally true, just that this opinion reflects my experience (what little of it there is).
People that show eagerness to rise up sometimes also show signs of risk and an inability to recognize that risk within themselves. Often times they blame those around them when they jump first before knowing where they might land. Or that they are willing to undermine others to gain and maintain a certain power, level of control, or status. For that, I never really doubted this character's character and inability to see the harm he could potentially cause to the Ford brand, the lives of the drivers, or even his career. I figured ego blinded him to his own faults
Yeah true, I guess I have encounted this too. Also, it seems that Josh Lucas is pretty much playing the same character he played Hulk, if anyone else noticed? The guy who wants to go against his boss for himself, and digging his own hole in the process.

Friends, I just have no words. A film about real men and women, about friendship and love, about true professionalism, about overcoming difficulties on the way to the top. Script, directing, filming, acting at the highest level. Amazing movie! Be sure to watch.