Movie a Day by the Bay


I'm considering piggy backing like a couple people did with Rhys. What do you think?
Does that mean joining neiba and I? If so, feel free!

Does this mean movies by the fireplace with Swan will be coming back?
I was challenged to write two reviews this year, so you'll at least see two reviews in that thread.

I have no faith in you, Swan. I say this thread is already gathering dust by next week.

I hope you prove me wrong.

Good luck with it, Swan. It sounds easy, especially when you watch a lot of films anyway, but it's not unusual to miss a day.

Looking forward to seeing what you think of the films you've yet to see on the HK 100.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I know it will be hard everyone, but even if I can achieve my goal of getting back in the habit of watching movies in one sitting without breaks, this wouldn't have been in vein.

Swan, are you just going to post a movie and a rating each day, or do you plan to include a few of your thoughts with each film? If you want +rep, I demand the latter. I DEMAND IT!!!!!!

Good luck with it, Swan. It sounds easy, especially when you watch a lot of films anyway, but it's not unusual to miss a day.
HK, you should create one of these threads, except instead of a movie a day, make it a movie a year. I imagine even that would be an uptick for you.

HK, you should create one of these threads, except instead of a movie a day, make it a movie a year. I imagine even that would be an uptick for you.
I've often thought about doing something like this over the years. I would, but I don't think it'd work.

FYI, I'm watching a film right now. Not properly, of course because I'm on here, but I am.

January 1, 2015:

Side by Side (Christopher Kenneally, 2012) -


Extremely interesting documentary about digital vs. film. I thought David Fincher, Greta Gerwig and Danny Boyle provided the best arguments - all for digital. Yeah, I guess this helped me decide I'm probably going to stick with digital in my own filmmaking endeavors. Haters gonna hate. But David Lynch and David Fincher prefer digital, so just listen to me. We should always trust Davids.

I love film and would like the work with it someday just to see how it works, but digital seems to be better for what I want to do personally. I feel like the arguments for film were often centered on nostalgia - this is better because it's what we're used to. Which is silly. A few decades from now, it's possible we'll be saying the same thing about digital since that's what a lot of people are growing up seeing now. Overall, there are pros and cons for both, but it seems they are working on fixing the cons of digital.

Movie by the Fireplace with Swan will return.

When I'm less insecure about my reviewing abilities.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I really enjoyed Side By Side it was quite surprising. If you would have asked me who preferred digital to film between Fincher and Nolan before seeing the doc, I would have guessed the exact opposite. It really is not as simple a question as some would have you think. As someone who lives in a fairly small town with one multiplex, I am pretty glad digital exists. It makes much more available to the masses.

My favorite thing about it, Sean, was the conclusion at the end of the documentary. It ultimately doesn't really matter how you tell your story, as long as you tell it. In my opinion there have been great movies made on both film and digital. It's how you utilize the medium to tell your story, and tell it with heart and passion, that makes a movie work. Not so much if it's film or digital.