The Watch's Top 10 Sci-Fi Movies


Lord High Filmquisitor
Children of Men is another excellent movie, which solidified Alfonso Cuaron as one of my favorite directors. It's always one that I'm eager to show to people who can stomach a little sci-fi.
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It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I happened to have just rewatched Children Of Men a week ago. The reason being I found it very mediocre but after hearing all the love for it and loving Gravity myself I wanted to give it another try. I still find it mediocre unfortunately. Cauron sets a great atmospehere no doubt. There are a couple of scenes that stand out, the one you posted being one of them. For me though the narrative is simple. In my opinion that is not an issue if your characters can elevate the material. They don't for me in this movie so I never fully engage. Good movie that I want to love like everyone else. I simply don't.

Minority Report (one of the smartest ever made).
you should also create a thread to what is the worst sci-fi movie ever made.
and i would put into it hands-down and by far
"2001 a space odyssey" as the worst one
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and i would put into it hands-down and by far
"2001 a space odyssey" as the worst one
Really now?

Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, that's a straw, you see? You watching?. And my straw reaches acroooooooss the room, and starts to drink your milkshake... I... drink... your... milkshake!
-Daniel, There Will Be Blood

Did they mop this floor with Dr. Pepper?!
i would put into it hands-down and by far
"2001 a space odyssey" as the worst one
I think 2001 just might be the best Sci-Fi movie ever made. But, that could just be me...

you should also create a thread to what is the worst sci-fi movie ever made.
and i would put into it hands-down and by far
"2001 a space odyssey" as the worst one
The single most outrageous statement that I have ever read.
If you don't understand a genre in any of its forms then don't advertise that fact to those who do.

I am the Watcher in the Night
No way your list can keep up with how much exponentially better already each movie has been than the one before it
Hahaha I hope so, but there might be a couple choices people may not like PLUS I'm gona have to cheat a lil on my list too lol

Btw I'll be posting my next choice in a couple days, got an exam tomorrow (just on here in my procrastination break)

Minority Report (one of the smartest ever made).
you should also create a thread to what is the worst sci-fi movie ever made.
and i would put into it hands-down and by far
"2001 a space odyssey" as the worst one
Really?????????? You're trolling right?

That movie is so great, especially on second viewing that I'm keeping it off my list and doing a separate write up for it.
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

"I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle"

Children of men is ace, and so well made it sneaks the sci-fi under the radar. I bet if you asked a load of people what genre they thought it was , not many would say sci-fi at any rate.

Beautifully shot and acted with a great ending and really hate-able bad guys too.

I am the Watcher in the Night
Dir. Christopher Nolan

Why I Like It So Much:
Christopher Nolan is easily one of the best, if not the best, director of the past decade. Batman Begins made him a star and The Dark Knight solidified his place as a box office giant who could also craft a great story, a bit like a young Spielberg then. But it's here, with Inception, that Nolan shows he can truly do the spectacular and create a legitimate, modern day, sci-fi classic. The story is a bit convoluted at times, which is probably why every character deems it necessary to explain all aspects of what they're doing, but it's fine by me, we need it.

What sets this apart from so many other sci-fi flicks is that it's not a one trick pony. What do I mean? Well some sci-fi blockbusters are exactly that, brainless movie reels with lots of "BOOMS", this has all that in spades but it also has a solid script, terrific performances and some stunning cinematography. Nolan has once again put together one heck of a cast, with Di Caprio as the main lead, putting in another A+ performance, but it's the little details that make this so good. The nuanced performance from Ellen Page, Michael Caine's turn as the mentor and my personal favourite, Tom Hardy doing what Hardy does a slightly unhinged action man.

Why It's Here:
The Matrix was a science fiction movie that defined the 90s but it's sequels failed to live up to much in the new millennium...and that was the case for most of the 00s. Then came Inception, not quite as great as it's other 21st century rivals (more on those later) but it is definitely the most beautiful and technological impressive movie of the bunch.

Not to mention having one of the most original plots in Hollywood for a long time, creating a torturous love story that seems more tangible than the vast majority of Hollywood romances. As with all great films, it's a movie that is bigger than it's special effects and plot lines, it's a story about love, regret and progress, all encased in a smooth and beautifully constructed box of mysteries. This is a seminal sci-fi, which has influenced pop culture, as all good sci-fi does.

Highlights! Beware Spoilers

Best Lines:

Cobb: "Dreams feel real while we're in them. It's only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange"

And JGL getting some action:

Ariadne: What's happening?
Arthur: Your subconscious is looking for the dreamer; me. Quick, give me a kiss.
Ariadne: [She kisses him and then looks around]
Ariadne: They're still looking at us.
Arthur: Yeah, it was worth a shot.

Lord High Filmquisitor
I have to tip my hat to Inception, which gets better with each progressive viewing. I thought that the constant shots of the van still falling (showing the compressed time in the lower dream levels) was a little excessive at first (even laughing the final time that it was shown in the film), but that smoothed over after the first rematch. I just love Nolan's obsession with practical effects. It gives even such outlandish action a firm grounding in realism.

I am the Watcher in the Night
I have to tip my hat to Inception, which gets better with each progressive viewing. I thought that the constant shots of the van still falling (showing the compressed time in the lower dream levels) was a little excessive at first (even laughing the final time that it was shown in the film), but that smoothed over after the first rematch. I just love Nolan's obsession with practical effects. It gives even such outlandish action a firm grounding in realism.
Yeah, too few directors use great practical effects these days, plus Nolan always knows how to instill a bit of humour into his movies....apart from the Batman sequels, especially Rises which got a bit too up itself lol

Lord High Filmquisitor
Yeah, too few directors use great practical effects these days
Agreed. One reason (among many, many more) why I loved Cabin in the Woods so much was that Drew Goddard is a mad fiend for practical effects / costuming wherever possible.

I am the Watcher in the Night
Agreed. One reason (among many, many more) why I loved Cabin in the Woods so much was that Drew Goddard is a mad fiend for practical effects / costuming wherever possible.
Cabin is a very good movie, truly surprising and well though out. And once again the practical stuff was good to watch, although when the CGI kicked in, it looked less convincing.

Love Inception, great choice.
Thanks, it's rare to have such a great sci-fi movie in the 21st century but I'm glad Nolan was around to make one.

Lord High Filmquisitor
Cabin is a very good movie, truly surprising and well though out. And once again the practical stuff was good to watch, although when the CGI kicked in, it looked less convincing.
Sadly, I have to agree. When done en masse, like the robot or the snake, it stood out against the practical monsters. When used in smaller doses, like the haunches on the werewolf (which was basically a guy in a suit), however, it was much better.

Interesting list to far I like all of them and own all of them
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Children of Men is another excellent movie, which solidified Alfonso Cuaron as one of my favorite directors. It's always one that I'm eager to show to people who can stomach a little sci-fi.
It pains me that this movie wasn't better received, I hope it reaches cult status in years to come as more people need to watch this movie.