Rate The Last Movie You Saw


I still want to know how they did that ending! Agreed on the movie being effective and ultra WTF?!
After seeing YMS giving it a 1/10 I was thinking "Ok, it's probably crap". But everyone's sudden love makes me think it will be alright.
I'll go as far as to say it's the best found footage horror film I've ever seen. Most found footage thrillers totally miss the mark, but this did not.

And oh yeah... I'm gonna watch the sequel tonight.

While on the topic of horror... forgot to mentioned I watched The Babbadook this weekend. Do NOT understand the hype at all. It was like a VERY poor man's version of Sinister. Not scary at all imo, and I despised the ending.


While on the topic of horror... forgot to mentioned I watched The Babbadook this weekend. Do NOT understand the hype at all. It was like a VERY poor man's version of Sinister. Not scary at all imo, and I despised the ending.

I thought the movie was complete garbage. I am dumbfounded as to how it was so universally acclaimed, but then again...The Master..so...

I'll go as far as to say it's the best found footage horror film I've ever seen. Most found footage thrillers totally miss the mark, but this did not.

And oh yeah... I'm gonna watch the sequel tonight.
Wasn't aware there was a sequel. Where are you watching it? Amazon, rental?

I'll go as far as to say it's the best found footage horror film I've ever seen. Most found footage thrillers totally miss the mark, but this did not.

And oh yeah... I'm gonna watch the sequel tonight.
Wasn't aware there was a sequel. Where are you watching it? Amazon, rental?
Yupp, there's a sequel. And watching it via fire stick.

While on the topic of horror... forgot to mentioned I watched The Babbadook this weekend. Do NOT understand the hype at all. It was like a VERY poor man's version of Sinister. Not scary at all imo, and I despised the ending.

I thought the movie was complete garbage. I am dumbfounded as to how it was so universally acclaimed, but then again...The Master..so...
Can't co-sign on the last sentence. I love The Master. But yeah, The Babbadook was a HUGE let down given how good everybody said it was.

Can't co-sign on the last sentence. I love The Master. But yeah, The Babbadook was a HUGE let down given how good everybody said it was.
What was it about The Master you loved? Just curious. I mean, I understand Hoffman and Phoenix give their usual committed performances, but outside of that, what was it? The photography?

All I saw, even after 3 watches, was a meditation, a brainwashing, and a devotion..but not much else. Mental illness...but no real profundity, aside from some repetition, as if to enforce such a thing on the viewer, much like the story was about. Maybe that's genius?

You can't win an argument just by being right!

And oh yeah... I'm gonna watch the sequel tonight.
Looking forward to seeing whatyou think.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
While on the topic of horror... forgot to mentioned I watched The Babbadook this weekend. Do NOT understand the hype at all. It was like a VERY poor man's version of Sinister.
Well there you go - Sinister sent me to sleep to dream about Ethan having tax problems.

movies can be okay...
While on the topic of horror... forgot to mentioned I watched The Babbadook this weekend. Do NOT understand the hype at all. It was like a VERY poor man's version of Sinister. Not scary at all imo, and I despised the ending.

I wasn't impressed with it either, it followed the same horror tropes we're used to, so I too don't see where the originality is that everyone is talking about. To me, it was overall just alright, not bad, not that good, simply decent.
"A film has to be a dialogue, not a monologue — a dialogue to provoke in the viewer his own thoughts, his own feelings. And if a film is a dialogue, then it’s a good film; if it’s not a dialogue, it’s a bad film."
- Michael "Gloomy Old Fart" Haneke

Sweet and Lowdown

Would call this an underrated Woody Allen as i never hear it mentioned. It's not amazing but it's a nice watch and Penn and Samantha Morton are really great. The latter plays a mute character so she shouldn't have been this good, she is very sweet and she gives off loads with her facial expressions and body language. Morton is someone i should look out for the only other performance of hers i've seen is Morvern Callar where she is again excellent. I think jazz can be good but i haven't really tried to explore or get into it yet so some things here didn't work for me, still a good film.

I like that one as well, @Camo. Woody's output in the 90s was still consistently good (or even great) as far as I'm concerned.
I honestly haven't hated any of his films yet, not even Anything Else that i thought was going to be awful; it was below average at worst IMO. Haven't seen the vast majority of his 21st Century films yet though.

I honestly haven't hated any of his films yet, not even Anything Else that i thought was going to be awful; it was below average at worst IMO. Haven't seen the vast majority of his 21st Century films yet though.
You'll discover a few duds amongst his 21st century films. I never really hated any of his films, but compared to his earlier work most of his recent output seems really weak. He really made some absolute masterpieces during the 70s, the 80s and even the 90s, so that probably adds to the disappointment that his recent work provokes.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I honestly haven't hated any of his films yet, not even Anything Else that i thought was going to be awful; it was below average at worst IMO. Haven't seen the vast majority of his 21st Century films yet though.
Obviously hasn't seen Sleeper.