Sexy Celebrity's Movie Commentaries!

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Overall, I liked it. It was funny and entertaining, but I felt it lacked the poignancy of Hedwig. Also the dialogue wasn't as witty.


I love this more than Hedwig.

Did you see the blowup doll at the end?

On the outside looking in.
Who's up for a bacon milkshake?
"Yes, citizen, there is no cause for alarm -- you may return to your harpsichord."

Yeah, I saw the blow-up doll.

Hedwig really captured that lost sort of feeling when you're struggling with personal identity and with failure. It just seemed to have more substance to it, whereas this seemed to be more of a buddy road movie. I felt much more connected to Hedwig than to Priscilla, but I did enjoy both and thank you very much for introducing them to me.

Priscilla is more about dealing with adversity and being strong and tough in the face of everyone and everything that hates you for being different. It's more about that than personal identity. It's why they're always dealing with people and situations that are against them. Even nature itself isn't very friendly to them. But they manage to see things in a light that makes them feel needed and necessary and protected.

To me, that's more important than Hedwig's message. Which, I've found, has been harder to figure out than Priscilla's.

Priscilla is what everyone who cries, "BULLIES! BULLIES! BULLIES! I'M GONNA KILL MYSELF!" needs. They need to see these people just say, "F**K OFF!" to everyone that wants them dead.

Bitchiness and humor is the key to life in Priscilla.

Hedwig is too much about trying to find the key to life. Priscilla already knows from the get-go.

Oh, no doubt there's bitchiness and humor in Hedwig. But I have to say... when thinking about the messages... I feel more wisdom in Priscilla. Hedwig spends too much time... sulking or something. Hedwig feels so incomplete. He stalks his boyfriend. He cries about finding his other half. He wastes a lot of time wallowing in pain. To me, Priscilla is just more inspirational. Bernadette's lover dies, she takes off and moves on to the next thing. Hedwig would have turned the whole event into a dreary concert or something, I think. It's a problem I do have with Hedwig and have always had with it -- it's a funny movie, but it's taken time for me to see that. But in my opinion, it's not really FUN.

When I first saw Hedwig, I was told it was like Rocky Horror Picture Show, which I think is fun and which I think is like Priscilla. Hedwig seemed NOTHING like Rocky Horror to me, and I left the theater totally disappointed.

I just think there's more being offered by something like Priscilla. These characters are more of a role model to me than Hedwig. Hedwig is more like looking into a mirror and seeing your flaws. Looking at yourself. Priscilla is more about examples and who, I think, you should emulate.

I think Hedwig is a lot of fun, but I like that itrospection and "wallowing in pain" you talk about. I can relate to it and in that sense it's very much like my own writing. But to each their own and both films have their merits.

As a side note, I hated Rocky Horror.

WOW! 23 Films already.

Movies I've Done Commentary For
Funny Games (1997)
Night of the Demons
Serial Mom
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Apollo 13
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
Young Guns
Scream 2
(with Miss Vicky)
Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot
Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers
Men at Work
(with Miss Vicky)
The Place Beyond the Pines
Mrs. Doubtfire
(as Samantha Claire)
Ghostbusters (with Psychic Isaac)
Signs (with Miss Vicky)
Hedwig and the Angry Inch (with Miss Vicky)
Independence Day (with rauldc14)
Die Hard
(with Miss Vicky)
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (with Miss Vicky)

I feel like Miss Vicky and I have got a Siskel & Ebert thing going on.

That's 6 commentaries here and 1 in the Daniel M/Weeman thread for me!

You and I still need to do Wong Foo and Encino Man.
And you still must watch Quills. Commentary or no.