Things that annoy you...


One thing I know for sure: if a boutiquey kind of store has a sign saying they open at 11 a.m., when one gets there at 11 there will be no sign of life. Wait 15 minutes & still not a soul in sight.

Bugs me so much.
Heh! My optometrist's office has a little clock hung in the window of the front door saying what time they'll be back from lunch (it's usually pointing to 1:00 or 1:15) and many times it will be long after that time and the door's still locked.

I've even had appointments for 1:30. I showed up. The sign was in the window saying they'd return at 1:15, but no one was there. I'd come back 15 minutes later (at 1:45) - still locked.

I'd come back a half hour after my appointment time, they'd be open and then ask why I was a half hour late for my appointment!

I'd explain of course - then they'd admit "we were a little late getting back from lunch". Then they'd tell me if I'd waited until 1:50, they were back by then (as if it were my fault for not just standing there until they came back late, having no idea when or if they'd return at all).

Heh! My optometrist's office has a little clock hung in the window of the front door saying what time they'll be back from lunch (it's usually pointing to 1:00 or 1:15) and many times it will be long after that time and the door's still locked.

I've even had appointments for 1:30. I showed up. The sign was in the window saying they'd return at 1:15, but no one was there. I'd come back 15 minutes later (at 1:45) - still locked.

I'd come back a half hour after my appointment time, they'd be open and then ask why I was a half hour late for my appointment!

I'd explain of course - then they'd admit "we were a little late getting back from lunch". Then they'd tell me if I'd waited until 1:50, they were back by then (as if it were my fault for not just standing there until they came back late, having no idea when or if they'd return at all).
Ugh, I can relate. I am super-punctual. If I’m not early people assume I’m late.

I mean, don’t put a sign in your store that you open at 11. (It’s such a random time anyway. I’ve been up for 5 hours at that point in the day.) Say you’ll open at 11.30 if that works better for you.

I would have spent at least $100 in that store this morning so it’s their loss. Will not go there again.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Entitled people.

The week before the fourth of July, we got a request at work from one of the online pharmacies for some anti-anxiety medication for a dog that was last examined at my office in 2017. Because it is not legal for us to prescribe any medications to patients that do not have a current exam, we denied the authorization.

A couple of days later, I came in to a voicemail from the owner of that dog asking for an appointment that day for an exam... and, oh btw, he's aggressive towards people and other animals and she can't possibly come any other day. Our appointment schedule for the day was completely full. If this had been a good client with a well-behaved dog, we probably would've tried to fit them in anyway. But this was not a good client with a well-behaved dog. This was a client (using the word quite loosely since they only ever brought the one dog and only came like two times ever) with an aggressive dog that we haven't seen in 5 years. So I called them back and left a voicemail informing them that we did not have any available appointments that day.

I was just looking at Yelp reviews and what do I see? They left us a 1 star review saying how horrible we are and all we care about is money and not saving pets and how awful it is that their poor senior dog has to suffer now. Um, what exactly have they been doing for this poor senior dog's anxiety for the last five years? The Fourth of July happens every July 4th (imagine that!) and every July 4th people set off fireworks. They also do it at New Year's. It's not like this is something that just came up. It's an annual event. And then to call and expect to get in the same day? Um, no sorry, we don't have time and we aren't horrible or uncaring for being unable to accommodate you and your vicious dog at the last minute. Take some responsibility and do better for your pet.

Where to start. (It’s been that kind of a week.)

June 20 I subscribed to Disney+ for a month. Cancelled July 7. Paid $7.99.

When I looked at my Citibank bill online yesterday I saw that Disney+ billed Citibank $79.99 for this subscription.

Citibank has now opened a dispute matter for this.

Called Disney+ this morning & they wanted nothing to do with it. They said it was Apple Pay’s fault. Called Apple Pay & their account showed only $7.99.

So between Citibank & Disney+, someone has made a mistake.


Falling asleep when trying to meditate, annoying because I was sitting in the sun at the time and was only suppose to sit for a certain amount of time to get a nice blast of vitamin d... so got a little red on my shoulders and now have bra straps printed onto my skin...

Falling asleep when trying to meditate, annoying because I was sitting in the sun at the time and was only suppose to sit for a certain amount of time to get a nice blast of vitamin d... so got a little red on my shoulders and now have bra straps printed onto my skin...

You guys in the UK have a heatwave right now, no? (Not that it’s cool here.)

It annoys me when consumers don’t take responsibility for their actions and want to blame companies. If you forgot your password, that is not any company’s fault.

You guys in the UK have a heatwave right now, no? (Not that it’s cool here.)
Yep, mostly the south getting it at the moment. Bit cooler up where I am. Suppose to be very hot starting Sunday though, around the 30c mark.

Trouble with a capital "T"
It annoys me when consumers don’t take responsibility for their actions and want to blame companies. If you forgot your password, that is not any company’s fault.
I learned long time ago that the customer is NOT always right. They are usually 9 out of 10 times.

Yep, mostly the south getting it at the moment. Bit cooler up where I am. Suppose to be very hot starting Sunday though, around the 30c mark.
That’s about 90 Fahrenheit. Hot, but not unusual here in America.

Yep, mostly the south getting it at the moment. Bit cooler up where I am. Suppose to be very hot starting Sunday though, around the 30c mark.
Mid to high 30's Monday and Tuesday. I'm really not looking forward to it in the slightest.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Mid to high 30's Monday and Tuesday. I'm really not looking forward to it in the slightest.
Do what I’m planning to do (especially Wednesday at 97 degrees) which is take one day at a time.

Mid to high 30's Monday and Tuesday. I'm really not looking forward to it in the slightest.
When out today, according to a friends car it was 34c, slightly hotter tomorrow then turning back to normal.

Forgot and sat on a burning hot metal chair out in the garden... lovely.

When out today, according to a friends car it was 34c, slightly hotter tomorrow then turning back to normal.

Forgot and sat on a burning hot metal chair out in the garden... lovely.
I keep walking out our front door with bare feet forgetting that the wood underneath my feet will be roasting. Ouch!

I am on second shift.
I had to clean up my area for a big tour. I had no where to put my trash bag. All our trash trolleys where taken out of the building for the tour. So I put my trash bag in a big trash can in the back of the shop where no one would see it.
I came in today to find my trash bag next to my desk and this note from a co-worker in my email.

"I don’t mind emptying trash but I think it’s ignorant
dumping your full trash bag in trash cans I emptied. I understand
It was family day on Saturday and there was no trash bin outside our gate but there are
trash bins outback" (I had no way of knowing this. This is an aircraft factory and I don't go "outback") "which I had to use to empty the trash or wait till Monday."

By the way there was more that my co-worker objected to but I will leave it at this.
The pettiness from this person is constant.
But I am just going to let it slide. Or not. I haven't decided.

I am on second shift.
I had to clean up my area for a big tour. I had no where to put my trash bag. All our trash trolleys where taken out of the building for the tour. So I put my trash bag in a big trash can in the back of the shop where no one would see it.
I came in today to find my trash bag next to my desk and this note from a co-worker in my email.

"I don’t mind emptying trash but I think it’s ignorant
dumping your full trash bag in trash cans I emptied. I understand
It was family day on Saturday and there was no trash bin outside our gate but there are
trash bins outback" (I had no way of knowing this. This is an aircraft factory and I don't go "outback") "which I had to use to empty the trash or wait till Monday."

By the way there was more that my co-worker objected to but I will leave it at this.
The pettiness from this person is constant.
But I am just going to let it slide. Or not. I haven't decided.

A co-worker, not a boss? I'd rip him a new ahole. Is the guys name Frank Burns?