A scary thing happened on the way to the Movie Forums - Horrorcrammers


I have seen Combat Shock, though, and will refrain from posting pics of the baby.
Ah yes, the infamous baby that resembles a vase you were supposed to make for a third grade arts and crafts assignment but messed up and now it's only good for holding your pencils.

Shit this was supposed to be in the Rate the Movie thread.

I like it a little more than you do. I also don't love the casting of Douglas - I couldn't help but think that he's a rich guy moonlighting as a smuggler rather than an actual one - but his chemistry with Turner is smoldering and that action-packed finale is a blast. All that's missing is the inevitable moment when
WARNING: spoilers below
their boat tips over when they drive under an overhead telephone wire.

I'm usually uninterested in the "deliberately making a bad movie" aesthetic

When it comes to their house made films, and not films they simply picked up for their brand, I think this is basically their schtick. I might not use the word 'bad', but definitely deliberately campy, outrageous, offensive and weird...which to the average person definitely reads as bad.

And most that I've seen are pretty joyless affairs.

I've had Sgt Kabukiman on my radar since I was probably 18 years old and still haven't been able to commit to how generally bored I am by most of their stuff. Which is also why I waited so long to watch Toxic Avenger, but for whatever reason, that one really worked for me. Maybe because it kind of has a heart to it, and isn't just stupid for stupid's sake.

I might not use the word 'bad', but definitely deliberately campy, outrageous, offensive and weird...which to the average person definitely reads as bad.
Right, I was using "bad" as shorthand for all of that. Ed Wood films are fun because he was trying to make good ones. It's a different attitude altogether when you're doing the same thing on purpose. (But I don't have to tell you this, of course)
Captain's Log
My Collection

I found that Toxic Avenger was roughly made enough that it actually breathed through its overall looseness, whereas Class of Nuke 'Em High was a bit more polished but ended up losing that breathing room as a result. It's two people telling unfunny jokes but one of them at least pauses for effect every once in a while.

I found that Toxic Avenger was roughly made enough that it actually breathed through its overall looseness, whereas Class of Nuke 'Em High was a bit more polished but ended up losing that breathing room as a result. It's two people telling unfunny jokes but one of them at least pauses for effect every once in a while.

I'd say I completely agree with all of this. The only thing Nuke 'Em High has going for it (at least when I was a kid) was i was in love with the main actress in it. I think I still remember her name--Janelle Brady. Sigh.

I've seen very few Full Moon productions. The Puppet Master movies are them, right? I hated whatever I saw of those, and I'm pretty sure I've hated whatever else I've seen (which I can't remember for the life of me)

Victim of The Night

I like it a little more than you do. I also don't love the casting of Douglas - I couldn't help but think that he's a rich guy moonlighting as a smuggler rather than an actual one - but his chemistry with Turner is smoldering and that action-packed finale is a blast. All that's missing is the inevitable moment when
WARNING: spoilers below
their boat tips over when they drive under an overhead telephone wire.
Ya know, on Douglas, I feel like he was a different actor before Wall Street than after, and that the after always reflected back on the before.
I saw RtS in the theater more than once and then a dozen or so more times on cable and at the time he seemed perfectly cast as this ultimately good-hearted scoundrel that could play as the male lead in one of Joan Wilder's books, which was the whole point of the movie, of course. He had to be an idealized version of the supposedly rugged scoundrel that she might find in the jungle of Columbia, because the whole movie is her actually getting to live her own best novel, to be the protagonist in one of her own romanticized stories. And for that to be true, he had to be credibly handsome and sexy heroic and, ya know, not disgusting.

Ya know, on Douglas, I feel like he was a different actor before Wall Street than after, and that the after always reflected back on the before.
I saw RtS in the theater more than once and then a dozen or so more times on cable and at the time he seemed perfectly cast as this ultimately good-hearted scoundrel that could play as the male lead in one of Joan Wilder's books, which was the whole point of the movie, of course. He had to be an idealized version of the supposedly rugged scoundrel that she might find in the jungle of Columbia, because the whole movie is her actually getting to live her own best novel, to be the protagonist in one of her own romanticized stories. And for that to be true, he had to be credibly handsome and sexy heroic and, ya know, not disgusting.

Yah, I love Douglas in this.

I'd say I completely agree with all of this. The only thing Nuke 'Em High has going for it (at least when I was a kid) was i was in love with the main actress in it. I think I still remember her name--Janelle Brady. Sigh.

I've seen very few Full Moon productions. The Puppet Master movies are them, right? I hated whatever I saw of those, and I'm pretty sure I've hated whatever else I've seen (which I can't remember for the life of me)
So apparently the movies I was thinking of (Nightmare Sisters, Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers) aren't actually Full Moon productions. I hereby rescind the second half of my earlier post.

I’ve enjoyed Troma’s War, Def By Temptation, Mother’s Day and The Last Horror Film much more than the more iconic Troma flicks, which are more obnoxious than entertaining.

Full Moon would be a far worse studio if they didn’t produce so many Stuart Gordon films. If it’s not Gordon, it’s practically unwatchable.

I’ve enjoyed Troma’s War, Def By Temptation, Mother’s Day and The Last Horror Film much more than the more iconic Troma flicks, which are more obnoxious than entertaining.

Full Moon would be a far worse studio if they didn’t produce so many Stuart Gordon films. If it’s not Gordon, it’s practically unwatchable.

War is alright.

Is Mother's Day a 'real' Troma? I know it was either written or directed by Lloyd Kaufmann's brother. So I guess it is honorary Troma, no matter the answer. But, I think it came out a few years before the Troma brand was really a thing, and it is either a very atypical production. Or just a movie they scooped up later on and branded as their own. Like Bloodsucking Freaks. Or Last Horror Film

War is alright.

Is Mother's Day a 'real' Troma? I know it was either written or directed by Lloyd Kaufmann's brother. So I guess it is honorary Troma, no matter the answer. But, I think it came out a few years before the Troma brand was really a thing, and it is either a very atypical production. Or just a movie they scooped up later on and branded as their own. Like Bloodsucking Freaks. Or Last Horror Film
It predates the “Troma” brand, but it’s the same producers (Kaufmann and Herz) and Kaufmann’s brother directing, and was subsequently published on home video by Troma, so it’s pretty fair to call it a Troma film.

It predates the “Troma” brand, but it’s the same producers (Kaufmann and Herz) and Kaufmann’s brother directing, and was subsequently published on home video by Troma, so it’s pretty fair to call it a Troma film.

Yeah, I figured this was the case. And I guess I'm fine considering it a part of Troma's produced films, even if it doesn't entirely 'feel' like one. But even though it isn't quite like the others, it's kind of caught half between grindhouse and the goofy shit they ended up doing in the 80's. It is almost a black comedy filled with absurdist moments of horror.

But it's also so so mean.

Of Troma I’ve only seen Toxic Avenger and didn’t dig it all that much. But I’ve inadvertently named our party in D&D The Toxic Avengers so it’s often on the forefront of my mind lol.

I'll have to rewatch it. My memory is that it would fit in with the narrative of "well it would make sense she would dress sexy and try to seduce" that was about the best you could do then, but it's been a couple years it could certainly be less deserving of charity than I'm currently giving it.
There are some shots, like one of her open legs as she gets dressed for the party, that are entirely gratuitous. I also think it's absurd the she abandoned the practice of keeping the fun in her purse/pocket in favor of . . . strapping it to her inner thigh which she then lifted and exposed to the guy?

I've only watched Romancing the Stone once, on TV when I was like 11. It's one of the first films I can remember actively disliking. And I LOVED The My Little Pony Movie, so . . .

I've only watched Romancing the Stone once, on TV when I was like 11. It's one of the first films I can remember actively disliking.
Why, save for the remarkable idiocy of the plot? I don’t like it per se either, but I also grew up watching it, and find hilarious and a good meme-/inside joke generator.

That bus to Cartagena!

Why, save for the remarkable idiocy of the plot? I don’t like it per se either, but I also grew up watching it, and find hilarious and a good meme-/inside joke generator.

That bus to Cartagena!
I just remember cringing through a lot of it. It was literally an aha moment for me, like, wait, there are movies that aren't enjoyable?