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Generation Zero

Written and Directed by The White House' very own -- Stephen Bannon!

Made in 2008, so you can see where it was going.. At times a good diagnosis about greed, the collusion between corporations and government, but you can see this is clearly propaganda.

Hi, new poster, "A cure for wellness", I wasn't expecting much and it was interesting and entertaining. Unfortunately 20 minutes from the end I was expecting some conclusion...just far too long....6/10.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
WELCOME, @Marco!!

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
+ The second installment DID NOT disappoint. And this is coming from a fan of the original movies back when I was a kid. This one held a lot of emotional impact (not nearly as much as the first) and that, from my most poignant remembrance is what really stuck with me from the first franchise back in the 70's. And THAT is a VERY good thing.
Really looking forward to the third one.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

For anyone who's interested in set design, this film will blow your fking mind. The sets and attention to detail are pure eye candy. My jaw literally dropped at the first showcase of Babylon in Act 2:

(First showcase of Babylon in Act 2)

I noticed that even some of the most hardcore film goers on this forum haven't seen this film yet. Look, I know a 3 hour silent film sounds like Hell on Earth but trust me, it's worth it. Get it on Blu-Ray for best experience. The Royalty Free versions are beyond terrible.


Intolerable Cruelty (2003)

Like The Ladykillers, this is one of the least regarded Coen Bros movies there is, but that's only saying that this movie is good and not great. I enjoyed it. I gave it all my attention and I had a bit of fun with it. Even the Coen's worst movies are still better than most other movies that try and put out the same spread.

Welcome to the human race...
So this has to be on your inevitable list of bad movies you like.
It's only inevitable if I get around to doing it. Stretching it to 50 might be a challenge, but this one feels like it'll crack the top 10 at the very least.

Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (2016)

I promise. Iro did not bribe me.


Seriously, though, I'm pleasantly surprised by this. What prompted such a generous rating (which, check me if I'm wrong, might be the highest you've given to one of these movies)?
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Escape Plan

(Mikael Håfström)

I can't help but think this film could have and should have been so much better. Maybe if the two leads weren't old men past their prime, or if the script didn't resort to routine action, or the fact that the film tried to do too many things at once and seemingly failed to succeed at most.

Escape Plan is a redundant action escape movie where we are to believe that Stallone is some kind of prison escaping genius that runs a crew with 50 Cent and Amy Ryan. He goes into this high tech prison and must escape, no one knows who he is, can he pull it off when things go haywire?

If the film doesn't bore you with its depiction of escaping prisons, the utterly bad performances will. Has Stallone ever acted? Put his performance in this film up against anyone of his previous efforts and try to tell the difference. He dipped his hand in comedy before and took chances, this guy needs to do that again. Playing it safe with his "resurgence" is dull. But an even worse offender is the Terminator himself. He seems bored here and doesn't try to hide it. Finally we have Jim Caviezel collecting a paycheque and totally checking himself out of a performance. The guy doesn't even try to act here. Even in the face of certain death, his expression never changes. Emote dammit!!! EMOTE!!!

Escape films are suppose to be thrilling, inventive and let the viewer have fun with the escape sequences. This film doesn't do that. We are treated to a shoot em up climax that is dull and uninspired. Where is the creativity? This is the first official team up of Stallone and Schwarzenegger that isn't a glorified cameo (Expendables) yet their chemistry isn't there and they seem to be reaching too far into the past. Escape Plan wants to be an 80's prison escape film, but doesn't know how.

I'd advise you to avoid watching this flick. It'll bore you before you get bored. Twists in the film are so obvious a blind person can see it coming. Put those responsible for this flick in this prison, it's a crime I tell ya!!!
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Elle (2016)

Not your A-typical Verhoeven movie.
Well... ok... it kinda is.
It's a Verhoeven movie in that it's brave, unflinching and solidly written and shot.

But it's not a satire, nor a dark comedy, even though some critics who were probably expecting a satirical movie, they actually called it a "rape-satire".
Sure there's a couple scenes here and there with some humour in them... but it isn't a satire nor a comedy. It really isn't.

Verhoeven goes totally against type, and has created a borderline art-house movie, filled with ambiguous characters (ambiguous in love, sex, and even with basic emotions)... and wrapped the whole lot into a brooding thriller which kinda reminded me of Basic Instinct a couple times.

Now, the movie has Verhoeven's stamp all over it with sex and violence, including some blood and gore within the rape scenes too, a thriller-ish atmosphere... but I think the most effective thing with this film, is that is but PV has held it all back to create what is basically a drama backed up by brave and unflinching imagery and acting.

Basically the message with this film, is about life-choices, and just how f*cked up everyone's lives actually are.

Isabelle Huppert also gives a powerhouse performance.
Gladly, she was recognised as well and won Best Actress in something like 50 or 60 different awards ceremonies

Very strong film... and in technical terms of screenwriting, acting, shooting and overall finished product, I'd say it was Verhoeven's strongest movie to date.


Seriously, though, I'm pleasantly surprised by this. What prompted such a generous rating (which, check me if I'm wrong, might be the highest you've given to one of these movies)?
If you are surprised you should see me...

Anyways, well, I don't know honestly. A lot of things came into play I think. First off, who knows if I was high on something and this will suck on a future watch, though to be frank, I quite doubt it. I may expect it to drop to 3/5, but that's still a fairly good movie to me. So yeah.

It is indeed the highest rated for the series, the closets being Extinction with 2.5/5. I think the two are slightly familiar, in the way that they feel like deserted survival flicks in a way, more so than the others. Final Chapter was actually a bit longer than some of the others, yet I saw the time fly by pretty fast. I feel like this movie had a better tempo to it and it was like it was constantly moving and didn't try to overcrowd things too much with plot, characters and so forth.

I had also just accepted what these films had become by now, but the previous films felt so crowded by stuff I didn't care about and/or degraded the film. This felt so much like a straight forward action flick and the story elements was actually some I didn't mind was answered. I think Final Chapter may have done to me, what Retribution did to you.

The movie was edited to pieces in its attempt to pull of some Fury Road style editing, while also wanting to borrow a little from the film overall as well. But honestly, while full of quick cuts, there weren't a lot of shaky cam, which did make it easier to see what was going on. I honestly didn't find it as bad as some people has made it out to be.

Anyways, it was a fun action thrill and I just got set up with a new high-end sound system, which definitely helped with the experience.

But yes... I'm surprised... at this point in the series. I guess the pain was worth it.

Welcome to the human race...
If you are surprised you should see me...

Anyways, well, I don't know honestly. A lot of things came into play I think. First off, who knows if I was high on something and this will suck on a future watch, though to be frank, I quite doubt it. I may expect it to drop to 3/5, but that's still a fairly good movie to me. So yeah.

It is indeed the highest rated for the series, the closets being Extinction with 2.5/5. I think the two are slightly familiar, in the way that they feel like deserted survival flicks in a way, more so than the others. Final Chapter was actually a bit longer than some of the others, yet I saw the time fly by pretty fast. I feel like this movie had a better tempo to it and it was like it was constantly moving and didn't try to overcrowd things too much with plot, characters and so forth.

I had also just accepted what these films had become by now, but the previous films felt so crowded by stuff I didn't care about and/or degraded the film. This felt so much like a straight forward action flick and the story elements was actually some I didn't mind was answered. I think Final Chapter may have done to me, what Retribution did to you.

The movie was edited to pieces in its attempt to pull of some Fury Road style editing, while also wanting to borrow a little from the film overall as well. But honestly, while full of quick cuts, there weren't a lot of shaky cam, which did make it easier to see what was going on. I honestly didn't find it as bad as some people has made it out to be.

Anyways, it was a fun action thrill and I just got set up with a new high-end sound system, which definitely helped with the experience.

But yes... I'm surprised... at this point in the series. I guess the pain was worth it.
Intriguing. I guess if your expectations were already pretty low then it would be more likely to impress by default - I do get that sometimes when I'm running through a series and am more likely to be optimistic about the series' supposed low points than its high points (I'm definitely reconsidering the merits of 2 Fast 2 Furious and Tokyo Drift in hindsight - speaking of which, I wonder if I can consider this to be payback for me watching the whole Fast series). You're not wrong about the editing, but like I noted in my review it's weird how easy it was to get used to the choppiness of it all, almost like it was a Bourne movie or something.

Yeah. I think I noticed the editing style but wasn't bothered with it at all. I think people's comments about it made me focus more on it than I maybe would have. But yes, kinda like a Bourne film. Not the best quick cut shaky cam stuff I've seen, but it was fine.

Indeed, my expectations were low. It probably helped a bit.

White Heat (1949)

I watched the first 20 minutes last week but shut it off until my wife could watch it. We're both huge crime/gangster film fans, and I don't know how I overlooked this for so long, because it's one of the best. James Cagney is awesome in it playing what is now one of my favorite characters. I imagine it's a very influential movie as it reminded me of many favorites that would be made years later.

Children of Paradise (1945)

I watched this for the 40's countdown because it's on Ebert's great movie list. It's 3 hours and 10 minutes of brilliance, and although I'll respect and admire it more than I'll consider it a personal favorite, I enjoyed it immensely. It seems that it's regarded by many to be the greatest French film ever made, and the story of it's production could be a film all by itself. It's set in Paris in the 1800's with two parts; the first part and then 7 years later. You've got this woman of questionable repute who goes by the name of Garance, and guys love this chick. The story follows her and four men who love her; an actor, a guy who works as a mime, a count, and a vicious criminal. Garance is played by a brilliant actress named Arletty. I don't think she's a ravishing beauty, but the character's attitude and the performance makes all of the adoration very believable. It's about unrequited love, lost love, loneliness, and all that good crap. I thought it was epic.

Children of Paradise indeed is a five star masterpiece. I rate White Heat four and a half, too, as well. Well done!
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

You mean me? Kei's cousin?

Holy crap.
Look, Dr. Lesh, we don't care about the disturbances, the pounding and the flashing, the screaming, the music. We just want you to find our little girl.

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Taxi Driver - 9/10

Paul Schrader and one of the truly great stories.. who became a heck of a director, himself. It's online, by the way.. Everything is written, even the look, with one exception, when Travis is in front of the mirror.. (Are you talking to me?).. Interesting to hear Marty say he was influenced by Fassbinder's "Merchant of Four Seasons"... I think this is De Niro's best role.

Got a question... Remember when Travis says to himself "No more pills" but then later on, takes a pill.. Anyone else notice?