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Raw Deal. Very solid film noir. Definitely underrated.

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” — Gandhi​

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
I've seen this numerous times, but this is the first time watching it with Bill Pullman's audio commentary.

EDIT: The audio commentary only lasts a little over 53 minutes. Very disappointing.

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a friend recommended me "Bad Lieutenant"

Another movie like he recommended "Rush". Redundant and stupid. I can see it now. "See? He's like Jesus!" and after an hour I thought, "They could have started the movie here" and then when I saw there was only 20 minutes left, I thought, "It doesn't matter what happens. This movie was made by an alcoholic crackhead" and there are so many movies like it. Of course one can make it more crass to get attention and it will probably work, unless the "sexual libertines" find it to be "digital rape"

a friend recommended me "Bad Lieutenant"
Good movie, but it’s been stupidly bowdlerized.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

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Good movie, but it’s been stupidly bowdlerized.

I'll take the advantage of a message board to say what I won't say to him, because some people won't talk to someone if you criticize a movie, but I loathed it. Like the movie, "Rush".. It seems to have a good trailer, nothing else. Maybe taking advantage of the drug issue? "Trainspotting" was also made right before this one. The sequel was so awful, though.

With this movie, it was rinse and repeat. Drugs, sex, gambling, and then again. "Throw in the innocent old lady who cant' speak English! They'll love that!" The decor changes. Surrounded by huge crowds, huge buildings, but I found the entire bad. I just kept waiting for it to "start" and realized it was beyond boring. A complete formula. Cut-out movies. And I haven't been able to see a movie since, because I was so disgusted. I told this friend many, many times I don't bother with new movies for many reasons. I only have x amount of movies left in me to see, and I rather go with the probability.

Having said that, I do remember enjoying two newer movies you posted. I liked the movie poster, but mostly the face of the main character, and after finishing them both, I was moved by them, despite their flaws. "The Forest For The Trees" and "Paradise: Love". But that's 1%, and I go into every movie expecting to like it, otherwise I wouldn't prepare for it. It's why I use message boards, and many other tools to help me narrow things down.

Watched this on a recommendation, and it’s fine, but after
WARNING: spoilers below
the ‘His father was a powerful conjurer’
shtick this is just impossible to take seriously or invest any time in. Bleh.

Lately, I’ve been increasingly baffled by films where the protagonist is endlessly humiliated, swallows it, doesn’t fight back, and then it’s implied that the audience is supposed to cheer for that, for their downfall, as it were. It’s not even a horror thing but more like ‘Oh, X did a stupid thing. **** X. Good riddance’. I can just about understand this in a murder-by-numbers slasher, but any film worth its salt should do better though.

The protagonist is a bit too idiotically earnest as well. Nope, didn’t quite work for me.

C.H.U.D - Chud - Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers - 80's cheesy horror at it's best. Monsters in the Subway, old abandoned tunnels, they drag you down there from utility covers (AKA Manhole Covers), and that's the end of you.