Leaving the forum


You're the one who called everyone ignorant. What does that say? I dont think he needs to 'thank' you 'later'. You taught nothing, young chap.
When did I call "everyone" ignorant?

Anyway, this whole deal started because I wrote a rather condescend explanation to Citizen Rules' post. I actually arrived at that explanation after talking with my psychologist about it.

Well, given they are drawn as looking like very young children it is not hard to make the connection. Specially in the "pedophobic" culture of the US, where being attracted to 17 year olds is regarded as pedophilia.
Irrelevant. I specifically said having a sexual aspect didn't mean only pedophiles would like it, and you claimed I'd said the opposite: that it did. You also threw in something bogus about why I thought it was popular, when I made no claim about its popularity whatsoever. This is a blatant, egregious misrepresentation of what I said.

By the way, human memory works like that: you never remember exact sentences but abstract fragments.
First, all of this is saved, and searchable, which means it's easy to compare your memory to reality before you hurl a baseless accusation at someone. Did you know I do this all the time? Before I accuse people of saying something, I usually double check it and provide a source. Why don't you?

Second, if you don't feel like checking, why wouldn't you at least admit the error and apologize when someone does that work for you, and shows you your memory is false?

Third, why do you think your memory consistently misremembers those "abstract fragments" in a way that sounds worse than the reality? If it were random, rather than containing an element of choice, one would expect you to occasionally remember these things as being nicer, wouldn't it?

Could I ask for you not being this condescending?
Sure, if you're willing to take an honest accounting of all the things you've claimed I've said, and either retract those claims, or substantiate them.

First, all of this is saved, and searchable, which means it's easy to compare your memory to reality before you hurl a baseless accusation at someone. Did you know I do this all the time? Before I accuse people of saying something, I usually double check it and provide a source. Why don't you?
Do you accept the fact that I was right when I said Cob used the term "anime freaks"?

Anyway, it is true that I am hypersensitive regarding Japanese visual culture. I explained in detail why I feel this way. Which explains why I took "anime freaks" negatively. People who are not anime fans do not understand the weight of insult when you call an anime fan a weeabo like whites do not understand the weight of the insult when you call a black person a nigg**. It is certainly not as heavy but since we are a stigmatized group we are sensitive about it.

I guess you can call me a sensitive millennial snowflake.

Second, if you don't feel like checking, why wouldn't you at least admit the error and apologize when someone does that work for you, and shows you your memory is false?
Because your attacks on my person make me unwilling to treat you with you with any dignity. Although it's also the fact that my insults on your person make you unwilling to treat me with dignity.

Third, why do you think your memory consistently misremembers those "abstract fragments" in a way that sounds worse than the reality? If it were random, rather than containing an element of choice, one would expect you to occasionally remember these things as being nicer, wouldn't it?
You are a psychologist now?

I think I remember things in a negative way when I felt them negatively at the time. Human memory works like this. I read a book by a psychologist on it.

Sure, if you're willing to take an honest accounting of all the things you've claimed I've said, and either retract those claims, or substantiate them.
So you admit you are being condescending? All right. Now we are improving.

Can you make a list of all the statements I made that you felt insulted about? Here in this thread. I will analyze each case by case and then I will judge whether I was wrong or not. I gladly admit on the cases I was being wrong and I will apologize to you.

You can't win an argument just by being right!

Memory also gets more noisy over time, in fact some psychologists say that trials depend on imperfect memory and so tend to be very biased. I noticed that when scrolling back you aked when you ever called everyone ignorant. Sorry in advance but i feel a sudden bout of tourette's

IN YOUR OP. Damn, have a sore throat and dry mouth from all the drugs Ive been taking. Please dont make me yell again, I beg of thee.

Could I ask for you not being this condescending?
Well atleast now youre being truthful with your memory comments. But when has Yods condescended to you?

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Oh man, I cannot tell you how difficult ths was in the state I'm currently in. Think I need to go downstairs to see "Oh No" my darling brazilian barista. Yes Guapo, he is a darling and he is from your old stomping ground. But soooo sooo tired..........................................

Oh man, I cannot tell you how difficult ths was in the state I'm currently in. Think I need to go downstairs to see "Oh No" my darling brazilian barista. Yes Guapo, he is a darling and he is from your old stomping ground. But soooo sooo tired..........................................
Sorry to make you post. I guess you should relax and don't try to read this horrible thread anymore.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Sorry to make you post. I guess you should relax and don't try to read this thread anymore.
No need to be sorry - my lunch hasnt arrived yet so I'm just killing time because I dont like daytime tv on dyring the day and the books I have with me are too heavy to hold after injuring my arm 2 days ago. Bit of a bugger that, hey!. No need to be passive agro either, guapo. I actually like you but as I said, in this thread you're being hypersensitive and seeing insults that simply arent there.

Maybe you should print this out for your psych and ask his/her opinion. The insults you're seeing, matey, are coming out of your own head. You're projecting. And before you see that as an insult, my intent is not for it to be an insult. We all project at times.

No need to be sorry - my lunch hasnt arrived yet so I'm just killing time because I dont like daytime tv on dyring the day and the books I have with me are too heavy to hold after injuring my arm 2 days ago. Bit of a bugger that, hey!. No need to be passive agro either, guapo. I actually like you but as I said, in this thread you're being hypersensitive and seeing insults that simply arent there.

Maybe you should print this out for your psych and ask his/her opinion. The insults you're seeing, matey, are coming out of your own head. You're projecting. And before you see that as an insult, my intent is not for it to be an insult. We all project at times.
Certainly. Just the way people saw this as an insult are also projecting:

I trashed a lot of popular manga and anime titles as well in forums about those things as well as among friends and family, I also trashed non-Hollywood live action movies even here as well. I guess that you might have gotten the impression that I was focusing on trashing Hollywood movies but that was never the case, I just criticized some Hollywood movies which is expected given it's a site about criticizing (mostly) Hollywood movies. Most of them are Hollywood movies because most movies talked about in this forum are Hollywood movies because this is an American forum and movies to most Americans means Hollywood movies.

I don't trash the anime that people here love and I don't like here because I never saw anime titles that people here love and I actually disliked here. Thing is that the few anime titles that people here talked about are the absolutely most popular and accessible masterpieces like Miyazaki's movies which are universally loved. If the only Hollywood movies people here talked about were movies like The Godfather, Citizen Kane, Taxi Driver, 2001, Star Wars, Blade Runner, etc, then I wouldn't trash any of them either.

Anyway, I was indeed insecure back them. I felt like something was wrong with me from being so affected by fictional narratives characterized by very stylized art. The reason is that Western culture is prejudiced against Japanese visual culture. Specially the elements of Japanese visual culture that are very non-Western. And nothing is less Western than "brutal moe" stuff like Madoka. The reason is that Western culture places primary value on reproduction of physical realism in art. While the highly stylized look of Japanese visual culture places no value at all in reproducing physical reality. Hence, my Western cultural background was telling my subconscious that such way of expression is inferior. Since I was emotionally affected by it do a very high degree I felt like something was wrong with me. I though in my subconscious without really understanding it: "how can I be so affected by this supposedly inferior means of expression?", "is something wrong with me?"

I understand where this feeling came from and now I think now that heavily stylized images are potentially more effective than realistic images in generating emotional responses for the human mind. It makes sense since you are not constraining yourself to reproducing physical reality but making something that is better at conveying emotions than it. Hence, heavy stylization is natural and it's the West's obsession with physical reality that needs to be explained.

Since I understand now where these feelings of insecurity came from: essentially from my brainwash by the basic Western conceptions of art, which Japan has shown that are highly restrictive, and so I don't feel the insecurity anymore.

Also, I also understand now why I had the desire to make people watch some anime films in the previous HoFs as a way of making myself feel better about my feelings if non-Anime fans could also reproduce these feelings (I knew lots of anime fans that liked the same titles but I though their impressions didn't count because they were not "normal" ). I also though live action movie fans, being supposedly accustomed to greater diversity in movies than the general population, would be more open minded to different senses of aesthetics, but I was wrong. In some ways experienced watchers of certain genres of movies tends to dig in deeper in those genres and be less open minded about different stuff from what they regularly watch. Anyway, I don't feel this desire anymore because I am not insecure anymore as I finally understand that there is nothing wrong in not being a slave of one's cultural background.

And if other people cannot enjoy the stuff I can enjoy that makes them worse off and not me.

It is indeed a problem that English speaking people have that they are scared of consuming non-English speaking culture, they feel intimidated but it. But by restricting themselves to the cultural output of only a small fraction of the world's population they only make themselves worse-off as a result.

I certainly would be much worse off if I only knew Hollywood movies and English language TV, since these are only about 1/3 of my favorite media products (although, that;s still a higher proportion than most Brazilians). Well, in the end it's their loss not mine.

I think that some English speaking people feel the need to attack Hollywood/US media because the fact that almost everybody who is English speaking only talks about and watches Hollywood's stuff and they ignore everything else. Naturally one feels the need to "correct" that. Although many times the way people articulate their feelings backfire as the people who restrict their media consumption many times feel insulted by these "social justice movie warriors."
I never tried to insult anybody but people felt it was insulting. I can see why since reading it now it indeed is rather arrogant/elitist sounding. Although I do not disagree about the points I made there but I might try to articulate them in a less arrogant way.

Now coming back to Cob's post:

I don't think that's offensive. It's a correct statement. Most of us (people in general) are stupendously ignorant.

There's a lot of truth to many of the points Guap is making. Most people are incurious creatures that prefer to live inside the safe bubble they've always known, as a voluntary slave of their biases and prejudices.

He just doesn't realize that he's also one of those creatures, in his own way. Just like I am in my own way and others are in theirs.

The most ignorant person is he who thinks of himself as the only one who's not ignorant.
So he starts: "Most people are incurious creatures that prefer to live inside the safe bubble they've always known, as a voluntary slave of their biases and prejudices.", he then adds: "He just doesn't realize that he's also one of those creatures", hence he claims I am ignorant, biased and prejudiced and then he says that I am not aware of being ignorant biased and prejudiced.

Also, notice that he didn't say that ALL PEOPLE are ignorant biased or prejudiced but "MOST". Therefore, he is already including me in the group of prejudiced and biased people that is inferior to the other group of enlightened people. Hence, it is already an insult.

Then he continues: "The most ignorant person is he who thinks of himself as the only one who's not ignorant.", therefore implying that the worst of all people are the ignorant people who are unaware of being ignorant and he says I am unaware of being ignorant: "He just doesn't realize that he's also one of those creatures".

I am sorry but if he didn't mean this as an insult and a very condescending one, I guess he might have mistypes a several words here and there. Certainly an accident.

Anyway I think that there is a clear difference between being insulted by my post (which is a matter of interpreting the TONE of the post) and being insulted by Cob's post which is a matter of English grammar.

It was a well-meant hint, Guap. Not every post that could potentially be read as a tiny bit critical of you is automatically an "insult" or "condescending".
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

I see so the meaning you ascribed to it was different than what you wrote.

Because what you wrote was technically an insult.

Also, I would't characterize calling me to be among the most ignorant biased and prejudiced of persons as being "a tiny critical" of my person.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Cob's post was a responset o me. I agreed with him that I'm ignorant. I know zip about anime other than I like the colours in the anime I have seen.

And I'm sorry, but I also agree with him that people who think they are not ignorant are truly ignorant. If I said 'I am never ignorant' I really hope I would realise that that belief would make me a totalignoramous.
As I said earlier, there are STACKS of issues in the world I know zip about. I dont m9nd in the least saying I am ignorant about them.

Apologies for my typos. My fin gers are ignorant lil bastards. They have a mind of their own and they need to be taken to another place and flogged.

And I'm sorry, but I also agree with him that people who think they are not ignorant are truly ignorant. If I said 'I am never ignorant' I really hope I would realise that that belief would make me a totalignoramous.
Indeed. I agree completely with the intellectual content of Cob's post.

However, it would be a technically correct post if he didn't use the word "Guap" in it. It is not technically correct because he called me to be among the world's most ignorant persons. Which I think it is not factually true.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I didnt see him sY Guap is the most ignorant person in the worl.

We should be having fun on here talking about film. I cant seem to watch any at the moment because I keep going into microsleeps which I actually really like. I have hallucinations with my eyes closed and my mind is far far away. Not scary hallucinations though. Hoping Mr D brings me the lates AHS eps. Do you watch that because I seem to be on my own inthe thread and talking to myself posting gifs, byt I only have my lappie at the mo and cant even post them.

oops sorry for the hijack. the drugs make me ramble even mre than usual

Hey Guap, just curious - how do you feel about the whole kneeling during the national anthem controversy?
I ask because you've been outspoken in the past on the topics of nationalism & culture and such.
It would be interesting to get your more objective POV.

Hey Guap, just curious - how do you feel about the whole kneeling during the national anthem controversy?
I ask because you've been outspoken in the past on the topics of nationalism & culture and such.
It would be interesting to get your more objective POV.
I think one person has the full right to not agree with their government's policies and I consider conscription and forced manifestations of national loyalty to be forms of oppression that are morally repugnant.

I am an extremely liberal person by the way. In the classical sense of the term as a person who values individualism and individual rights and freedom. I am individualist to the extreme so I don't believe in "nations" actually. I believe that governments should respect the individuals who live inside the territories they control.

Full of school girls getting gang raped then going vigilante, making the gang rapists sht in each othber's mouths then shoving it in the other guy's mouth along with his sliced off best frie nd. No one linked an eye yet if there was pubic hair men wou'd start screamin g and women would start passing out.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

I love how you remember every time somebody "insulted" you. You remember the nickname and date. Probably have a nifty sheet in Excel with all the information, as well. Called "Ignorant xenophobic haters of Japanese visual culture". Whoops, I think I just joined them! Good company, though.

On the bright side:
I think one person has the full right to not agree with their government's policies
This is your best post in a while.

I see so the meaning you ascribed to it was different than what you wrote.

Because what you wrote was technically an insult.

Also, I would't characterize calling me to be among the most ignorant biased and prejudiced of persons as being "a tiny critical" of my person.
I'm not siding with anyone, but I just wanted to say something. Well for one thing exaggeration is a valid form of speech. Also, whether something is an insult or not depends on intent. Just because you find something insulting doesn't mean it was necessarily intended to be. He said he wasn't intending it as an insult, though he was criticising you. You can't argue with someone and say that their criticism is an insult after they clearly express that it wasn't the way they meant it.

Personally I do kind of feel like I'm walking on eggshells sometimes when I disagree with you, Guap. You can be pretty defensive sometimes. I hope that you've never felt insulted by me in any of our debates or times that I disagreed with you. I know that you're a very sensitive person, but you really shouldn't take things too hard even when people insult you. I've been insulted by lots of people, and I've insulted lots of people, but at the end of the day I always try to make amends and not hold grudges because we are all imperfect people, and we make mistakes and do things we regret.

I'm not siding with anyone, but I just wanted to say something. Well for one thing exaggeration is a valid form of speech. Also, whether something is an insult or not depends on intent. Just because you find something insulting doesn't mean it was necessarily intended to be. He said he wasn't intending it as an insult, though he was criticising you. You can't argue with someone and say that their criticism is an insult after they clearly express that it wasn't the way they meant it.
I guess. I was only pointing out that it is grammatically speaking an insult although the meaning the author had on his mind wasn't the meaning that can be taken from the message.

Personally I do kind of feel like I'm walking on eggshells sometimes when I disagree with you, Guap. You can be pretty defensive sometimes. I hope that you've never felt insulted by me in any of our debates or times that I disagreed with you.
Don't worry, I never felt insulted. You are always very nice.

I know that you're a very sensitive person, but you really shouldn't take things too hard even when people insult you. I've been insulted by lots of people, and I've insulted lots of people, but at the end of the day I always try to make amends and not hold grudges because we are all imperfect people, and we make mistakes and do things we regret.
This should go both ways though because in this forum I also often feel like I am walking on egg shells (to use your expression).

I have the impression that cultural differences create different sensitive areas so that I am not aware of what some people could feel insulted by and conversely they are not aware of how I can be insulted.

Yeah, it is hard to be aware of how other people can be insulted. But I think the key is not how other people react to what we say, but how we react to their reaction.