Things that annoy you...


Here's something that happened that really annoyed me. (Maybe "angered" is a better word than "annoyed".)

Hubby and I went to the store yesterday and we found a purse in the parking lot. It had over $500 cash inside, plus several gift cards and credit cards, and a lot of other stuff.

We didn't want to turn it in at the store because there was no way to know if the people who work there would make sure that the person got everything back, especially the cash, so we found the person's driver's license and used Google to find their phone number. We called her, and verified that she was the right person, where she lost her purse, and what was inside, (including the amount of the cash), and we made arrangements to meet her in a public place to give her back her purse, with everything inside.

When we got to the meeting place, she wasn't there, but the police were there to meet us. Apparently she called the police and told them that she thought we were scammers. The police acted like we stole her purse and tried to ransom it back to her, even though they watched the store's security camera footage showing exactly where and when we found the purse. We eventually cleared everything up with the police, and gave them the purse with all the contents to give back to her, but it was almost an hour long ordeal of being treated like criminals. They even went so far as to search our car for weapons. Then they had the nerve to tell us that she chose not to press charges against us.

When most people return something valuable to someone who lost it they at least get a "Thank you", and maybe even a reward. Instead, this ungrateful woman tried to have us arrested for theft.
Gosh what a terrible ordeal to have to go through. Just going out of your way to do something good for someone only to be treated like a criminal. Unfortunate sign of the times and the erosion of common decency and trust. Anyway good on you for trying to help someone, even if they didn't appreciate it.

Well, you know the old saying, no good deed goes unpunished. Sorry to hear about this though. As someone who has gotten into 'trouble' for trying to do the right thing more than once I understand the anger of it.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Gosh what a terrible ordeal to have to go through. Just going out of your way to do something good for someone only to be treated like a criminal. Unfortunate sign of the times and the erosion of common decency and trust. Anyway good on you for trying to help someone, even if they didn't appreciate it.
The sad part is that Hubby and I have always done the right thing whenever we could, but this really made us wonder why we bother. Hubby even said that he's done helping people because it's just not worth the effort anymore.

While I understand how he feels, I don't know if I could just turn my back on someone like that. Hopefully it's just the anger in him right now, and he'll change his mind if this type of situation ever happens again.

Well, you know the old saying, no good deed goes unpunished. Sorry to hear about this though. As someone who has gotten into 'trouble' for trying to do the right thing more than once I understand the anger of it.
Yeah, that saying is definitely true. It's just hard to believe that trying to do the right thing could have gone so wrong.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...Yeah, that saying is definitely true. It's just hard to believe that trying to do the right thing could have gone so wrong.
Rule of Acquisitions #285 "No good deed ever goes unpunished." I swear it's often true too. Sorry you had such a tough time helping out.

Hubby and I went to the store yesterday and we found a purse in the parking lot. It had over $500 cash inside, plus several gift cards and credit cards, and a lot of other stuff.
My first thought is: Who carries this amount of cash + gift cards & credit cards? Second thought is: what woman loses her purse in a parking lot & why wasn’t she in the parking lot looking for it? Me, I would be mental looking for what I lost.

Did she seem shady or suspect in any way?

So sorry what happened to you, but you & hubs did the right thing & nothing can change that. Just the amount of cash would have been very tempting for someone to take & leave the other stuff behind.

My husband once found someone’s purse in a vacant lot that used to be next door. When he returned it to the woman, who, he found out, lived a block away, she was furious. She thought he’d stolen her purse in the first place. Crazy!
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
My first thought is: Who carries this amount of cash + gift cards & credit cards? Second thought is: what woman loses her purse in a parking lot & why wasn’t she in the parking lot looking for it? Me, I would be mental looking for what I lost.
Based on where we found the purse, our guess is that she put the purse on top of her car, probably to load her bags into the car, and then she forgot about it. It probably fell off the roof of her car when she drove away.

Did she seem shady or suspect in any way?
She didn't show up to meet us. She sent the police instead, so it's hard to know much about her. She seemed normal on the phone when we made the arrangements to meet her.

So sorry what happened to you, but you & hubs did the right thing & nothing can change that. Just the amount of cash would have been very tempting for someone to take & leave the other stuff behind.
Based on the way the police acted towards us, we're sure that she told them something about us that wasn't true. At this point, we're just glad that she didn't lie to the police and claim that there was more money in the purse than there actually was. It could have been even worse.

My husband once found someone’s purse in a vacant lot that used to be next door. When he returned it to the woman, who, he found out, lived a block away, she was furious. She thought he’d stolen her purse in the first place. Crazy!
In your husband's case, if the purse was found in a vacant lot, it's possible that is was stolen from her, and the thief probably went through it and tossed whatever he didn't want. Your husband probably got blamed for someone else's theft.

In our case, this woman knew that she lost the purse, and it wasn't stolen. She was lucky that it was found by honest people. If we were thieves, we never would have called her to return it to her. We even told her that we saw the money inside when we were looking for her ID, and she would get the purse back with all the contents, including the cash. There was no reason for her to accuse us of anything.

In your husband's case, if the purse was found in a vacant lot, it's possible that is was stolen from her, and the thief probably went through it and tossed whatever he didn't want. Your husband probably got blamed for someone else's theft.
Yes, that’s exactly what happened.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
people cut me off on the road -.-
Well, silly, don't have conversations in the middle of the road! But yeah, I hate when people interrupt me when I'm talking too.

"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

Well, silly, don't have conversations in the middle of the road! But yeah, I hate when people interrupt me when I'm talking too.

i mean when im driving they cut me off like to get front of me lol but true i hate that too its annoying!

The manufacturer-dealer relationship sucks! I had a piece of equipment I use for work breakdown on Thursday. Called the dealer and was told the part wouldn't be in until next Wednesday. Thing is, they manufacture this particular piece of equipment less than one hour from us so why would it take so long to get the part? Couldn't you or me just cruise up there and get it? Well, I can't because I'm not a dealer (of that stuff) but they could. The factory probably has bins of these things sitting on some line. Was tempted to go up to the factory and sit around waiting for somebody coming off the line and offer them a few bucks to grab me what I need... it would all be "off the record, on the QT, and very hush-hush."

Tax refunds still not received though husband mailed our returns May 14. They’re about $1,800 each so I would like to receive these funds.

Neither the state nor federal websites have any info on our returns or even knowledge that they have them. Was on an answering machine with the state which looped round & round & round & ended with if you need more info dial … … …. which was the telephone number I was already on.

Husband has agreed to let me send them certified mail return receipt requested next year. Which is what I’ve been asking him to do for years.

Only recourse now is for him to physically go downtown to both the federal & state tax offices. Unless we receive the refunds soon.


Tax refunds still not received though husband mailed our returns May 14. They’re about $1,800 each so I would like to receive these funds.

Neither the state nor federal websites have any info on our returns or even knowledge that they have them. Was on an answering machine with the state which looped round & round & round & ended with if you need more info dial … … …. which was the telephone number I was already on.

Husband has agreed to let me send them certified mail return receipt requested next year. Which is what I’ve been asking him to do for years.

Only recourse now is for him to physically go downtown to both the federal & state tax offices. Unless we receive the refunds soon.


The IRS is the worst. No way to contact them if they screw up. They screwed up my tax returns a few years ago. They found and cashed the check that was surrounded by six pages of forms but lost the forms. So according to them I never filed. Still dealing with them about it.

The IRS is the worst. No way to contact them if they screw up. They screwed up my tax returns a few years ago. They found and cashed the check that was surrounded by six pages of forms but lost the forms. So according to them I never filed. Still dealing with them about it.
Wow, that sucks.

You can contact them by phone (yes, an ordeal) or one can visit their actual offices. Gonna get husband to do this if we never receive our refunds. Just one more annoyance in an annoying year.

Wow, that sucks.

You can contact them by phone (yes, an ordeal) or one can visit their actual offices. Gonna get husband to do this if we never receive our refunds. Just one more annoyance in an annoying year.
This reminded me of an incident that happened years ago when I got a letter from the IRS saying I owed many thousands of dollars due to some discrepancy in my stock portfolio.

It was quite scary since I was struggling financially. The letter contained a phone number and I ended up on the phone over the course of 10 hours that day & talked to 4 different IRS agents.

At one point I called my stock company. They weren't any help except to tell me they'd changed the name of a stock I had the previous year (which comes into play later in the story).

In between my calls with the first 3 IRS agents they had me looking things up on the Internet - telling me I'd have to download virtual books of documents (which I could not find) & fill them out, that I'd have go to an IRS office at the state capitol(!), that I might end up in court & needing a lawyer, and it kept getting more complicated & intimidating.

In the final hour, after being connected to the 4th agent, they asked me one question: "Do you have last year's 1099 from your stock company and the 1099 from the year in question?"

I said yes as I had all my documents laid out in front of me by that time.

The agent said, "Just read to me the total on [such and such] line from each form." Then they had me hold on for a minute, then came back and said, "Okay, it all adds up - and you don't have to worry about it."

I was nice to this person since they seemed the only one who knew what they were doing, but I had to recount to them what I'd been through over the last 10 hours and I inquired about all the forms the previous agents said I'd need and asked why they said I'd need to go to the state capitol, etc.

The agent just said, "I don't know what to tell you. I'm sorry for the aggravation, but sometimes it's just a matter of talking to the right person."

Again I asked why, if it was a matter of just reading off 2 numbers on 2 forms, did I go through 10 hours of hassles - why weren't any of the first 3 agents able to do what you (the last agent) did?

The answer was basically the same as the previous one and the explanation for the whole fiasco was that, because my stock company had changed the name of a stock, it appeared I had sold a stock then bought a new one - which created a numerical discrepancy in the capitol gains (or something) - but in reality I hadn't bought or sold anything, nor had I made any unreported amount of money via stock trading.

I guess the moral of the story is be persistent, don't just trust what the first person (or first few people) says to you, that it IS often a matter of talking to the RIGHT person, that the IRS can be very screwed up, and yes, you can call them (especially if they send you a letter with a phone number on it.)

I guess the moral of the story is be persistent, don't just trust what the first person (or first few people) says to you, that it IS often a matter of talking to the RIGHT person, that the IRS can be very screwed up, and yes, you can call them (especially if they send you a letter with a phone number on it.)
This is the case with everything today it seems. Wasn’t life much simpler say 20 years ago? Today it seems like everything is such a frustrating palaver & one doesn’t get anywhere until, as you say, one finds someone who can cut through the crap & actually assist.