The Resident Bitch's New Top 100 Favorite Films

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Despicable Me
(Pierre Coffin and Chris Renaud, 2010)
Previous Rankings: 2010 - N/A, 2013 - 54

Admittedly I'm a little bit of a softie for bad-guy-with-a-heart-of-gold movies and this takes it to an extreme. Funny and adorable with great voice performances. Unfortunately the sequel was mostly just decent and the Minions spin-off would've worked better as a short, but the original film is still a great watch.

How to Train Your Dragon
(Dean Deblois and Chris Sanders, 2010)
Previous Rankings: NEW TO THE LIST

Beautifully animated with a great story and endearing characters, this is a huge standout for a studio with an otherwise spotty record. Absolutely wonderful.

Ghost World is pretty great. I think i may have seen that Robin Hood or at least part of it when i was a kid not sure though. Loved Edward Scissorhands when i was a kid but it irritated me last time sadly. Despicable Me is alright; mostly because it's pretty low on minion use compared to the others. How To Train Your Dragon is excellent, glad to see it so high i knew you were a fan but i didn't expect it to almost make your top 25.

Love seeing Flushed Away and Over the Hedge on your list, very underrated animated movies if you ask me.

There's so many movies to mention it'd take me too long, just know i'll be around for the top 25!

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, Edward Scissorhands, and How to Train Your Dragon are all movies that I like, but I don't consider any of them favorite movies.

On the other hand, Despicable Me is definitely a favorite movie for me. I love everything about it, especially the minions.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Surf's Up
(Ash Brannon and Chris Buck, 2007)
Previous Rankings: 2010 - 30, 2013 - 42

Too often people dismiss this as being some sort of Happy Feet rip off but, except for its use of penguin characters, the two films have little in common. This is a hilarious little mockumentary about a young penguin who dreams of competing in a surfing competition. It features delightful voice performances from Shia LaBeouf (who I hate in absolutely everything else) and Jeff Bridges - whose character is basically what you'd get if you transformed The Dude into a penguin who surfs instead of a guy who bowls. It's one of my go-to movies when I'm stressed out or just bored.

Apparently they just released a direct to video sequel of this. I'll definitely be skipping that.

Army of Darkness
(Sam Raimi, 1992)
Previous Rankings: 2010 - 27, 2013 - 26

I've never been much of a fan of the first two Evil Dead movies, but this ridiculous sequel is a whole lot of fun and I do love me some Bruce Campbell.

A Perfect World
(Clint Eastwood, 1993)
Previous Rankings: 2010 - 33, 2013 - 19

Without a doubt this is my favorite Kevin Costner performance. I think even his detractors would agree that he is solid in his role as Butch Haynes, an escaped convict who becomes an unlikely father figure to his young hostage.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Missed a bunch. Nothing I love but Robin Hood, Perfect World, and Ghost World are all very good. Think I have seen everything but Army Of Darkness.

Master of My Domain
Kinda curious about Surf's Up - if it makes MV laugh then there's something special about it right?
Letterboxd Profile:

Missed a bunch. Nothing I love but Robin Hood, Perfect World, and Ghost World are all very good. Think I have seen everything but Army Of Darkness.
I have no idea what you would think of Army of Darkness. I don't know if you've seen The Evil Dead or Evil Dead II, but it's pretty different from those. Much less emphasis on horror elements and much more on the comedy.

Kinda curious about Surf's Up - if it makes MV laugh then there's something special about it right?
Well I am the biggest reason why it sneaked onto the countdown. I had it at #6. Godoggo had pretty high as well. JayDee also voted for it. I don't remember who the fourth voter was.

ETA: Just had a look and the fourth person was Teeter g.

You thought I was slacking, huh?

The List:

76. East of Eden - really enjoyed this one and when I watched Rebel Without a Cause, which I thought would be better, I actually started appreciate Eden more. I mean, I did give it a solid
, it was well done, Dean was amazing and restrained (and showed his skills of the opposite in his next film) and the direction and cinematography was amazing and lifted a good story to greater highs...
75. A Town Called Panic - not seen yet, was thinking of it during the animation countdown, but the weirdness held me back. However, the reception seems surprisingly good and I love stop-motion, so I might give it a try some time...
73. Flushed Away - enjoyed this well enough; I liked the stop-motion feel they went for despite being computer animated. But it was a little forgettable to me. I barely remember it now.
72. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - probably my fav in the franchise. The adding of Connery was great and like the third Die Hard this is one of those occasions where adding a heavy companion to a sole action hero actually works wonders. The scale is greater, the character info is deeper and the movie's theme about the holy grail and all is great. Love it!
70. Ernest & Celestine - did not really enjoy this much. Animation was great, but other than that I didn't connect much.
69. Milk - above average biopic. I liked it.
67. Con Air - one of my fav guilty pleasure action movies! So much cheese - but probably the best use of it since... ever.
66. Chicken Run - again, love stop-motion, so yeah this was fun. But not a favorite.
65. Fight Club - still a fan last time I checked. been a while though. I love how much have been put into this movie and that is probably still one of my favorite aspects - the attention to detail.
63. Paprika - surprising one for me. I loved it and I wondered if I had rated it lower than what I actually thought last time I rewatched it, but then came the bloated finale and I don't really like that. Apart from that, really awesome, visually, interlectually, and just in general a really well made film. love the themes as well...
61. The Fifth Element - did not like this at all last time I checked... which was in school... so yeah... been a few years... a lot of years. should get around it again some time to be sure how I feel.
59. Blood Diamond - a long but worthwhile movie. really good, but I'm still looking for the great urge to revisit it again. love me some Leo though.
57. True Romance - good. I love Tarantino more when it's Tarantino, but it's the closets we ever got without him directing. good soundtrack, good acting.
56. The Wolf of Wall Street - one of my fav Scorsese's! So freaking hilarious and the length is surprisingly not felt at all, almost until the last 30 minutes maybe. Always, moving, always pumping and just going insane with a pace and perplexed insanity unbeaten prior to that, almost... Leo is amazing, Jonah is awesome, everything works - especially when the movie turns on the audience and you realize this movie is meant to be fun so we can feel how the characters felt, right up until you realize how guilty you are for having fun. Great done by Scorsese and the scriptwriter...
54. Walk the Line - a really good biopic. Phoenix is amazing.
53. Demolition Man - remember this as a child. stupid fun, not since it since though
51. Rush - felt the same as you... I really did not expect this to be that great. I haven't felt like revisiting it, but it was SO great. The story was set up well, the characters were good and the acting bettered it. The visuals, especially when racing, were awesome.
50. Cars - meh, not a fan. the sequel is FAR FAR worse though, but I hated the racial and cultural stereotypes of this. felt like a low-blow for Pixar. Easy and dumpable humor is not how they are. felt lame to me.
49. The Land Before Time - remember the show can't remember if I ever saw the film...
48. Tokyo Godfathers - still not seen this. I should though since I loved Paprika. Different perhaps, but I feel like I will like this as well.
47. Point Break - hated this, unfortunately... the foot chase was awesome, rest was bad. cheesy, lame, bad acting, bad dialogue and the cult classic didn't work for me as a new audience.
45. Django Unchained - love it! one of my, if not my, favorite cinema experience! a little messy, if I have to find flaws, but everything is on point! tehcnically, acting-wise, script-wise even if it's the closets Tarantino got to "mainstream". still a QT movie and I loved it!
44. The Emperor's New Groove - yeah, really fun and different film from Disney. Surprised that I enjoyed it so much.
43. Inglourious Basterds - the movie that got me exploring QT probably and made me a fan. love it.
41. Bambi - one of Disney's best; especially visually... the opening scene is ART. So beautiful and almost poetic. the way the music works with the image is amazing. the story is touching and it really is a little gem. beautiful animation and background coloring work as well.
40. Zodiac - not my fav FIncher, a little too weirdly dark and gritty, and overlong, but impressively made nontheless - and perhaps exactly for that reason. the acting is surperb.
38. The Nightmare Before Christmas - fun and nostalgic film - even though I didn't watch it as a kid. feels like it though. so much fun, songs are great, animation again - stop motion - love it. creepy, dark. comedic and a really fun time. prefer corpse bride to it though.
37. Over the Hedge - again, a forgettable film for me. don't remember much.
36. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl - love the PotC franchise a lot, despite how they turned out later. The sequel I almost liked better than the first. the third sucked and the fourth surprised me because I only heard bad things and my expectations were low... haven't seen it more than once though, so who knows... anyways, the first is a classic and really well made and fun adventure film!
31. Dances With Wolves - as I said earlier, loved this. I saw the long cut, but the pace was surprisingly good. the movie FELT long, for sure, I mean, it was like 4 hours... but I never felt like anything was actually that disposable. I bet the original cut is even better because it's tighter, while the longer cut may serve as a great exploring of further depths.
30. Ghost World - not a fan, a bit underwhelmed, but it was fun and weird and the script was good as was the acting, especially... I loved Buscemi in it and there is something about it that still lingers in my mind... might revisit it sometime.
28. Edward Scissorhands - one of my favorites, probably a shared favorite here... such a weirdly wonderful vibe to it. colorful, but creepy, dark, but touchingly romantic and heart-warming... amazing tale.
27. Despicable Me - enjoyed this, but not a fave.
26. How to Train Your Dragon - loved this, as did I with the sequel. Endlessly beautiful, touching and great story. Such a good time - might be time with a revisit!
24. Army of Darkness - all hail the king, baby! love this franchise, though this might be my least favorite...

THERE! Satisfied, Miss Vicky? Didn't wanna let you down you know.

Great write-up MM and interesting to see how many we both enjoy. Glad you've taken such an interest in this.
Always. I love lists.

As long as they have personal thoughts, in some shape or form, in them then I'm happy to follow. Or else these things are useless in my mind.

So yeah, really enjoyable list so far, MV.

(Byron Howard and Chris Williams, 2008)
Previous Rankings: 2010 - N/A, 2013 - 76

Yet another animated favorite that doesn't seem to get much love from other people. But as someone who considers pets to be part of the family, this tale of the love and dedication that pets give to their humans really tugs at my heartstrings. Also the only thing Miley Cyrus ever did that was worth a damn.

3:10 to Yuma
(James Mangold, 2007)
Previous Rankings: 2010 - 10, 2013 - 11

This is another case where I watched a film to see one actor, but was more impressed by someone else. I love Russell Crowe as Ben Wade, but Ben Foster as Charlie Prince really blew me away. This also features the only Christian Bale performance that I like. This movie was in my top ten at one point and perhaps it would've ranked higher this time if I'd seen it recently, but I do still love it. As an aside, I've seen the 1957 version. I liked most of that one, but the ending really ruined it for me.