Harvey Weinstein Fired!!


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And they say good conversation isn't dead
When women have a poet, they want a cowboy.
When they have a cowboy, they want a poet.
They'll say "I don't care if he's a poet or cowboy, so long as he's a nice guy. But oh, I'm so attracted to that bad guy over there."
Understand this last part, and you'll get them all.

Account terminated on request
I just read this article at The Guardian
It made me feel ill just hearing about what this predator did to women and he did it for so long and with so many people enabling his predatory behavior. I sure hope his wealth and prestige doesn't prevent him from doing real prison time.
I'm confused. Do the dual LA charges of rape "whither" (as the article said they might) or not.....and based upon what criteria is that decision made? Does that mean he might skate on those?

Weinstein’s lawyer, Donna Rotunno, said her client would appeal. “He took it like a man....."
Looks like he's already fully aware of his future standing within the prison community then and I hope he'll be only comfortable when doing just that ..... standing

He got off lightly. He will most likely get his sentence (whatever he gets) reduced in the future for good behaviour.

He will come out of the jail, and have his friends in media (there are still quite a few of those) write glowing pieces about a changed man. And then he will write a tell all book about remorse, which will end up being a best seller.

Poor choice of words. "Taking it like a man" is pretty much what he's being accused of.
Ha. Good point.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I'm confused. Do the dual LA charges of rape "whither" (as the article said they might) or not.....and based upon what criteria is that decision made? Does that mean he might skate on those?
Well it was said yesterday in the news that he is not going to face the L.A. charges, so it doesn't look like they will whither.

He “lost” if you believe reputation and what everyone else thinks is the most fulfilling thing in life, I guess.
Er, no. This doesn't follow from what I said at all. Unless you think that being convicted is just an expression of "what everyone else thinks" rather than a reflection of the overwhelming evidence of having done awful things. It's very strange to liken being convicted by a jury of your peers to mean tweets, or something.

Most people are still trivial, their master is money and power, they both buy appealing pussy. Today’s world is more and more focused on satisfying pleasures, and the greatest one of all will arguably be sex.
Sure, but that's not the same as saying people who do that will be satisfied at the end of their life. As people age their priorities change, and they start caring a lot more about legacy. And his isn't a good one. So no, I don't think he won, and I don't think he feels like he has, either.

I don’t consider banging “attractive women” my goal, attractive is very arbitrary, it’s actually a idea that changes from time to time, now is big asses, years ago ankles.
Okay, but this isn't really relevant to what we're talking about.

I’ve long ago reached the realization that pleasures will not satisfy human beings, they’re just momentary urges. I just say what most people think, that’s all.
You say what you think most people think, at least.

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Apparently his children are disowning him. But he got laid so I'm sure it's all good.
LOL. This was one of those posts where the content didn't make me want to +1 (it's gross) but the sarcasm stab earned the +1.

One of those times where I wish you had a "I see what you did there" button...

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I don't see this anti-conversation ever ending well.......

Trouble with a capital "T"
I wouldn't be surprised to hear that a predatory rapist like Weinstein also sexually abused his own daughters. It would fit the pattern of a habitual sex abuser.

... they both buy appealing pussy ...
Poor choice of words from someone who, in an earlier post, says he “respects women”.

I don't think one thing has to do with another. We crave what is idealized, and because we see a lot, we crave a lot as well. What can I say, really? People that are pretty have an easy going, job applications, everything, that's for a reason I guess.

She's saying that's a derogatory term to describe women, regardless of context. Perhaps there's a slight language barrier here, but the usage here isn't compatible with respect. Which makes sense, since it's treating a person as synonymous with a single body part.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I thought that Harvey Weinstein was the boss of his own company, and couldn't be fired therefore, if he is the CEO pretty much. Unless I am wrong?