The Personal Recommendation Hall of Fame


Nominations are closed!

I have your new pms guys and will confirm as I go through them. There are so many movies so I'm moving in steps. I worked til 3am and have a busy morning but expect them up sometime around noon eastern.

When I post the nominations, I'm going to include the lists that the movies appear on. If I happen to miss something, so what! Hopefully everything fits in the one post OK. If it does, it's going to be a large ass post.

When I post the nominations, I'm going to include the lists that the movies appear on. If I happen to miss something, so what! Hopefully everything fits in the one post OK. If it does, it's going to be a large ass post.
Super excited!
Lists and Projects

I was just about done when I got a call to pick up my boys from the groomer. They will be up within an hour.
Not a phrase that ought to be bandied about lightly Good job we all know you have doggies

It looks like I'm limited to 30 images so I guess everyone will be limited to 2 posters If only I knew before I searched for like 175 images.

It looks like I'm limited to 30 images so I guess everyone will be limited to 2 posters If only I knew before I searched for like 175 images.

Trouble with a capital "T"
It looks like I'm limited to 30 images so I guess everyone will be limited to 2 posters If only I knew before I searched for like 175 images.
Wow, that's a lot of images! I don't need posters, if that makes it easier on you, if I was in your shoes I'd say screw the movie posters, here's your movie titles!

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Wow, that's a lot of images! I don't need posters, if that makes it easier on you, if I was in your shoes I'd say screw the movie posters, here's your movie titles!

Voting will be just like any other Hall of Fame. I'm going to put a runtime limit at 2 hours and 40 minutes. For this Hall of Fame, I will waive that limit for people nominating for me. Everyone else has that option as well. Previous winners can be nominated in this Hall of Fame.

Das Boot (1981) 80's 1981 ‧ Drama/History ‧ 4h 53m

Yeah I did not wave runtime length I would suggest whomever picked that one to look over at the Documentary list they'll likely do much better.

I'll be going from Pink Flamingos to Mary and Max. How's that for opposite ends of the spectrum? Pink Flamingos is the least surprising based on an earlier clue and Mary and Max and Princess Mononoke are most surprising. Body Snatchers, Long Goodbye and Dial M, kind of expected stuff along those lines and Gattaca is already in my NF queue at no. 6. Two of the noms I have seen halfway through and gave up on. Only one film, Bigger Than Life, am I completely in the dark about. Quite a mix, should be interesting.

Das Boot (1981) 80's 1981 ‧ Drama/History ‧ 4h 53m

Yeah I did not wave runtime length I would suggest whomever picked that one to look over at the Documentary list they'll likely do much better.
The guy who nominated that was hopefully thinking of the 2 1/2 hour version.

I'll be going from Pink Flamingos to Mary and Max. How's that for opposite ends of the spectrum? Pink Flamingos is the least surprising based on an earlier clue and Mary and Max and Princess Mononoke are most surprising. Body Snatchers, Long Goodbye and Dial M, kind of expected stuff along those lines and Gattaca is already in my NF queue at no. 6. Two of the noms I have seen halfway through and gave up on. Only one film, Bigger Than Life, am I completely in the dark about. Quite a mix, should be interesting.
Bigger than Life is really good (not my nom but it was one I was constantly thinking about picking for others) I picked a film in my top fifty for you.

The trick is not minding
Das Boot (1981) 80's 1981 ‧ Drama/History ‧ 4h 53m

Yeah I did not wave runtime length I would suggest whomever picked that one to look over at the Documentary list they'll likely do much better.
The guy who nominated that was hopefully thinking of the 2 1/2 hour version.
Yeah, there are 2 versions and most likely meant the 2 1/2 hour one.