Cole's 40 Favorite Mainstream Movies.

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1. Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas (2014)
RT: 18%
IMDB: 1.6/10
Ebert: 1/4
Have you actually seen this? I have. I know that most people who make fun of it haven't actually seen it.

1 American Psycho (haven't seen)
2 Pulp Fiction
(in my 100)
3 No Country for Old Men
(in my 100)
4 The Graduate

5 Reservoir Dogs
(in my top 10)
6 Gone Girl

7 Fargo
(in my 100)
8 Se7en

9 Drive
(in my 100)
10 Taxi Driver
(in my 100)
11 American Beauty

12 Shutter Island

13 The Dark Knight

14 Moneyball (haven't seen)
15 The Wolf of Wall Street

16 Nightcrawler
(in my 100)
17 Goodfellas
(in my 100)
18 Forrest Gump

19 The Departed
(in my 100)
20 Office Space
(in my top 10)
21 Fight Club
(in my top 10)
22 Star Wars Ep. V

23 Zodiac (haven't seen)
24 The Hangover

25 The Social Network (haven't seen)
26 The Town
(in my 100)
27 Scream

28 Airplane! (haven't seen)
29 The Fighter (haven't seen)
30 Die Hard

31 Star Wars: IV

32 Dawn of The Dead
(in my 100)
33 Shawshank Redemption

34 Toy Story

35 Fracture (haven't seen)
36 Batman Begins

37 Star Wars: VI

38 Django Unchained

39 The Fugitive (haven't seen)
40 Jaws/Prisoners/Blazing Saddles



Blazing Saddles

Excellent list Cole! We seem to like many of the same films!

Wow I definitely got it right with you, FW haha. Seems like we have really similar tastes.
Yeah it definitely looks like it and for that I'll be sure to check out American Psycho next chance I get!

Wow looks like I got a lot of hits with you. I'm guessing the * are for all the movies you love?
* just shows up sometimes when I copy and paste, no clue why.

I have to return some videotapes.
Excellent end to your list dude. You have done a top film list you are now officially one of us.

Are you trying to give me nightmares?

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
You posted a certain gif in my reviews thread recently, and now I'd like to return the favour after reading your list

Ok maybe not quite but it is a damn good list with a whole lot of films I really like or love. You've got the Star Wars trilogy (the proper trilogy), Batman Begins, Toy Story, Shawshank Redemption, Die Hard, Forrest Gump, Nightcrawler, Seven, Reservoir Dogs, Fight Club, Zodiac, AIrplane etc. Good stuff.

Well I liked half of your top 10. That's not too bad, actually.

Congrats on finishing your list, Cole.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I felt the same way before watching this, and now after watching it and almost all of his films I do now believe I can call David Fincher my favorite director.
It's a damn shame so many people (my sister included) are unwilling to see The Social Network just because it's "that Facebook movie." It's an incredible film and my favorite Fincher flick.