Cat Chat on 97.1 MoFoFM


Would you rather regret doing something or regret not doing something?
I don't know that I can answer that. They're both s***ty options and I don't know which one would result in less pain.

I don't know that I can answer that. They're both s***ty options and I don't know which one would result in less pain.
I would think the what ifs would be more haunting.
You're an enigma, cat_sidhe.

Maybe it would help if you saw a doctor about getting some psychiatric medicine. You know, for depression and such. You sound depressed.
That's probably true, but I struggle to even get myself to address the issues with my physical health.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
You have plenty of time before any of you have to worry about dying alone, but time does fly.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Why not? Wouldn't it only be beneficial to you if you did?
Yeah but then I'd be forced to confront the problem. It feels easier to just stay in willful ignorance. I know that's a completely wrong way of thinking, but that's just how my mind works.

It's late, MoFos, so we're going to be wrapping it all up in a minute. But first a little traditional game here on Cat Chat...of ****, marry kill.

@Miss Vicky are you ready?


Joaquin Phoenix

Peter Sarsgaard

Russell Crowe

I guess I marry Russell and kill Peter? Or maybe I marry Peter and kill Russell because Russell's older and is probably going to die sooner anyway?

No. I kill Peter. Sorry Peter.

So wait, by this games logic, you can't f*ck who you marry? WHAT KIND OF MARRIAGE IS THAT?!?!?!

So wait, by this games logic, you can't f*ck who you marry? WHAT KIND OF MARRIAGE IS THAT?!?!?!
Sounds like a lot of marriages I've seen, actually.

So wait, by this games logic, you can't f*ck who you marry? WHAT KIND OF MARRIAGE IS THAT?!?!?!
The first option isn't marriage etc. It's more like a one night stand.

Well..hope everyone had fun, I know I did...

Thank you so much to @Miss Vicky, it's been a great show. Special shoutout so @Sexy Celebrity, and all the MoFos who called in tonight.

We'll end the show with a song and as always, a word from our sponsors.

Drive safely out there, and see you next time on Cat Chat on MoFo FM!¨

Cat signing out.