14th Hall of Fame


Women will be your undoing, Pépé
very solid review Joel. A lot of intriguing points to ponder while watching this.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

per @cricket...


Director: Xavier Dolan

This was a challenge for me to start watching. Right off of the bat I didn't like the characters. Tasteless, crass and hardly amusing. Within about 15 minutes, I loosened up enough to invest into whatever story would unfold.

Mommy is a French/Canadian film spoken in native tongue that was fast and furious with its dialog. Every other word was an expletive for season and it came on so compounded that I literally had to frame back a few times on my dvd copy of it to be able to get into the flow of the dialog.

The story is very simple, and from my perspective, not much of a surprise as I pretty much knew what was going to happen. It's tough for me to fault this movie for not being spirited enough because it's brimming with energy and verve,
WARNING: "spoiler" spoilers below
and there was one line that killed me when the son remarks about his next door neighbor to his mom; "her ass smells like roses, I see it written in the stars", as she walks by him.

Definitely a kooky movie. I didn't sympathize that much all in all because I think the parent evaded a lot of moral responsibility concerning anyone else but her own son, which, when you see the movie, you'll know what I mean, but I was moved. The acting was tight. I'm actually wondering how they afforded the rights to some of the songs they used.

The picture was shot in a highly unconventional 1:1 aspect ratio rendering it close to portrait smart phone image. That took me by surprise. I had to check the specs to make sure I had my dvd menu options set correctly. Interesting use of that limiting girth. Very intimate and claustrophobic,

Since this was a Lionsgate dvd, I had to suffer through some alienation since the titling author left me out of the loop with a voice over montage that seemed important. It was all in French and no subtitles were ported into that scene. I was very disappointed I could not be in on the scenario, instead only hearing a bunch of foreign speak at a pinnacle moment in the film. I can't hold it against the movie itself, though.

I liked this movie. It was pretty OK. I didn't cry because I didn't particularly like the characters too too much, and also,
WARNING: "anudder spoila" spoilers below
there was a subplot never realized with the next door neighbor where she was always on the verge of divulging something about her home life, but never does. That was frustrating. Not sure if it was intentional but I can't say it worked for the movie. Just kind of hinted at something but never let you in on the secret.

I give it a passing grade but not without it's share of hiccups. Technique-wise, the film is very poetic with it's use of choices in shots and editing.
WARNING: "lasht one" spoilers below
Some great dirties and creative use of angles thread some of the more generalized scenes of drinking and laughing a good deal of weight.

For now I'll leave my rating as is. If time is kind to Mommy in my own head, I may possibly knock it up a half box.


I'm gonna take a quick break. "My Dinner with Andre box set just came in "3 FILMS" from Criterion, so I need to veg out on that tonight, but then I'll pick it back up again this Sunday. Not sure why I'm talking out loud. Laziness, perhaps. ~Toodles!

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Well, I'd hate to have my thoughts coloring your experience, Ed. But if you're cool with it, so am I.
Actually, there have been a number of great insights that have added to my experience, so. . .

I watched Contratiempo, but am too tired to write anything substantial about it. I did scribble down some notes and read the couple of reviews posted for it so far though.

This is completely trivial, but since Citizen mentioned how Laura was pretty I figure I'd might as well bring it up. I was actually surprised at how good she looked during the flashbacks, because I didn't like how she looked with the short, darker hair. It took me a few seconds to realize it was the same person haha.

I watched Contratiempo, but am too tired to write anything substantial about it. I did scribble down some notes and read the couple of reviews posted for it so far though.

This is completely trivial, but since Citizen mentioned how Laura was pretty I figure I'd might as well bring it up. I was actually surprised at how good she looked during the flashbacks, because I didn't like how she looked with the short, darker hair. It took me a few seconds to realize it was the same person haha.
I am actually going to watch the last half hour again tonight before I write something because I got fell asleep watching it. I agree that she was much more attractive in the flashbacks.

Great review Joel and I'm glad you got something out of it because it's kind of a love it or hate it movie. I think what camp you're in depends on how you look at something you touched on, something that I look at in a different way. You're in no way wrong; it's just a matter of point of view. I'll touch on it after I watch it again Saturday.

Great review Joel and I'm glad you got something out of it because it's kind of a love it or hate it movie. I think what camp you're in depends on how you look at something you touched on, something that I look at in a different way. You're in no way wrong; it's just a matter of point of view. I'll touch on it after I watch it again Saturday.
I have had more time to think on it. I know she just wants the best for him. His dad passed. They are uninhibited best friends,, theres a lot to like. Im looking forward to your take on it.

Lone Star is available on youtube for an HD rental of $3.99. In the meantime, I'll see what I can do on my end about ripping a decent copy from vhs (anything will be better than the free version on youtube, trust me..that version is all messed up with cropped image and some funky vignette effect happening - awful!).

The Invisible Guest / Contratiempo (2016)
Dir. Oriol Paulo
Starring: Mario Casas, Bárbara Lennie, Ana Wagener

I went into Contratiempo knowing practically nothing about it, which is definitely how I'd recommend approaching this film. It does uncertainty very well, and due to the nature of the story, it is more effective the less the audience knows. That said, it's not quite as clever as it seems to think it is, since all but one element of the final reveal is easily predicted throughout the course of the film. Contratiempo still does a good job playing with its central mystery though, and it excels at showcasing how identical facts can lead to drastically different narratives.

The ability for someone to influence how we perceive events by filling in gaps with their own story is an idea I would've liked to see explored more, since that concept was more appealing to me than the mystery surrounding what had actually transpired. I liked what we did get, but I think a less definite ending would've been far more intriguing as well. The film itself is very dark, even during scenes that take place during the day. There are a lot of blue and green hues used, particularly in the flashback scenes, and even the warmer scenes are slightly tinted that way. This almost monochromatic look creates a coldness that seeps through the entire film and compliments the tone of the story very nicely.

While I enjoyed the acting, a major exception to that was Mario Casas. He wasn't terrible, but I wasn't convinced by his facial expressions at all, especially around his eye and brow area. He did anger well, but couldn't sell me on any other emotion. While that did prevent me from becoming invested in his story and whether or not he was guilty, fortunately he was surrounded by very solid performances. Overall the film was quite enjoyable, even if its twists lacked any real impact for me.

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Trouble with a capital "T"
....it is more effective the less the audience knows. That said, it's not quite as clever as it seems to think it is, since all but one element of the final reveal is easily predicted throughout the course of the film.
You must be good at figuring out mystery movies, some people are, I've never been, I guess I don't watch enough of them, but I rarely guess who done it correctly...But with Contratiempo I was proud of myself that I had the ending figured out at the start, right after the car wreck.

WARNING: "Ending" spoilers below
I concluded that at the car wreck Laura was a control freak and domineering and so obsessed with keeping her relationship alive with Mario that she would do anything if it was threatened.

So I figured the mystery of who attacked Mario and who killed Laura in a hotel room with a chained door with no way out, was....are you ready? Laura!

She was threatened with a break up from Mario, and being obsessive and unstable, she paid him back by framing him, by killing herself.

OK so I had that wrong, but I kind of like that ending.

WARNING: "Ending" spoilers below
I concluded that at the car wreck Laura was a control freak and domineering and so obsessed with keeping her relationship alive with Mario that she would do anything if it was threatened.
WARNING: "Contratiempo" spoilers below
The interesting thing about Laura is that we don't know whether or not she really was a control freak. She's described that way by Doria, but he's trying to sell a version of the story where she takes most of the blame for their situation. As it's later pointed out, she might not have been as domineering as the audience was initially lead to believe. Both versions of her are plausible. That's what I really liked about the film, and would've loved to see more of.

I may have to bow out of this HOF and I don;t want to but I'm having a bear of a time finding a lot of these titles and I can't buy them because I'm not set up to do so right now. My library and surrounding libraries don;t have a lot of these, netflix is garbage as usual (I found Invisible Guest woo hoo), and the "other links" are too questionable for my system because I cannot afford any malware because I edit on this thing...so...until I figure something out, I'll just make sure to get Lone Star up so y'all can have a whack at it, and I'll continue to try my best at getting these titles somehow...but cannot promise I'll be good for every film, which sucks because I love this idea..it's like a book club and I've never been part of a book club!