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My best friend has IBS (I should mention we've determined it's psychological) and in his desperation to get rid of it, he's considering homeopathy. He has a call with the homeopathic doctor later this week. This has really upset me because I know homeopathy is completely pseudoscientific BS, and the worst thing is I'm pretty sure he knows it too. I think his hope is it'll work as a placebo. But it rips me up inside to see him falling prey to these people and give them any money. I don't know what to do, and I'm afraid I'll say something to him that I'll regret in a moment of frustration. I'm worried it'll affect our friendship in a negative way.

My best friend has IBS (I should mention we've determined it's psychological) and in his desperation to get rid of it, he's considering homeopathy. He has a call with the homeopathic doctor later this week. This has really upset me because I know homeopathy is completely pseudoscientific BS, and the worst thing is I'm pretty sure he knows it too. I think his hope is it'll work as a placebo. But it rips me up inside to see him falling prey to these people and give them any money. I don't know what to do, and I'm afraid I'll say something to him that I'll regret in a moment of frustration. I'm worried it'll affect our friendship in a negative way.
Can you send him some Internet info on homeopathy?

Has he been the medical route already to determine it's psychological? Has he been checked by a gastro doctor? If so, a psychologist or psychiatrist might be the next route if it's been determined to be a psychosomatic illness (or even a hypno-therapist).

I've had IBS for decades. It is largely diet & nutrition related (and some theorize that so many now have it because our food lacks the necessary nutrients and probiotics we need due to soil devastation and hormonal tampering with our food sources), but almost all cases also have some element of psychology in them as mental & emotional stress almost always exacerbate symptoms. Stress reduction can be beneficial, so areas like meditation and yoga can be helpful.

He is a heavily stressed person which might be one of the root causes. I'm not 100% on what he and his doctors have talked about, but I'm pretty sure they have determined it's psychological, too. It so clearly is, I'm with him most days so I can see how it works.

I understand his desperation but I know how much he absolutely hates it, but homeopathy isn't going to work and I'm saddened he's putting money and energy into that crap.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
His body his choices.

Well damn. I am trying to look out for him, Dani. Sorry about that.

But I did decide all I can really do is support him in the right direction or keep my mouth shut.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Well damn. I am trying to look out for him, Dani. Sorry about that.

But I did decide all I can really do is support him in the right direction or keep my mouth shut.
I didn't say otherwise so not sure why the snark. Sorry you needed to.

"His body, his choice." is the kind of passive approach one simply cannot accept in such situation, even more so if it's about a close friend. Such approach would be perfectly alright if @Swan's friend wanted a tattoo. Swan could still talk about it with him, making sure he is absolutely sure about it, since it's something not that easy to get rid of once you have it, but that's it. In this case he pays for it and he gets a desired effect (unless the tattooist f*cks it up, but that's beyond the point). On the other hand, homeopathy is one big bs and just a waste of money. There are scientific sources proving that it has no effect at all. You just gotta look for a different solution. Given it's psychosomatic, meditation suggested by @Captain Steel seems a much more sane, and above all cheaper option. But there is another thing that intrigues me. He's been to at least one doctor, and what was the effect of this? If a doctor only determined it's psychological and took no further action, change the doctor.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

This is the concept of homeopathy - my car's gas tank is empty and I have a gallon container of gas.
Now, I pour half that gallon out on the ground and fill my container back up with water. I now have a half gas / half water mixture. Now I pour half the contents out again and replace with water. I do this about a thousand times so that what I end up with is a gallon of water.
Homeopathy posits that this gallon of water has the "essense" of gas and therefore should somehow make my car run BETTER than if I just put gas in the tank. However, we all know if I put a gallon of water in my car's gas tank I'm going to damage the car and it will not run.

Homeopathy is a practice in illogic. It's beyond illogical, it's antithetical - something diluted to the point where it doesn't exist anymore and has effectively been replaced has NO potency (rather than the homeopathic view that absolute dilution somehow gives it greater potency).

You can't win an argument just by being right!
"His body, his choice." is the kind of passive approach one simply cannot accept in such situation
Talk about coming late to the party, but no surprises there. Swan and I sorted it out yesterday, but thank you for your millennial contribution. As for your commentary on homoeopathy, I guess you are not aware that not all homoeopaths deal with tinctures. No, I didnt think so.

I already spoke to Swan about it before you even posted in this thread.

My antibiotics are not working and my infection is spreading. I'll most likely be getting admitted to the hospital in the morning to get iv and be in there a few days.

My antibiotics are not working and my infection is spreading. I'll most likely be getting admitted to the hospital in the morning to get iv and be in there a few days.
F**k man. Hope you get well at the hospital.