Russian Language Hall of Fame II


Trouble with a capital "T"
The Dream of a Ridiculous Man effective, somber animation & story. Had this been a Short Film HoF it might have been my #1 vote. I had it at #6 but only because it was hard to rank it against the other films.

Letter Never Sent, another great nom and glad to have watched it. It was my #3

The Return was #2 on my ballot. It's also one of my 10 favorite thrillers of all time, which is as follows:

Clean, Shaven (1993, Lodge Kerrigan) United States
Le Samouraļ (1967, Jean-Pierre Melville) France and Italy
M (1931, Fritz Lang) Germany
The Night of the Hunter (1955, Charles Laughton) United States
Parasite (2019, Bong Joon Ho) South Korea
Persona (1966, Ingmar Bergman) Sweden
The Return (2003, Andrey Zvyagintsev) Russia
Touch of Evil (1958, Orson Welles) United States
Vertigo (1958, Alfred Hitchcock) United States
The Wages of Fear (1953, Henri-Georges Clouzot) France and Italy

Huge thank you to Takoma for recommending it

The trick is not minding
Also, Stalker and The Cranes Are Flying have a difference of only one point.
I was confused at first and then went back and read the post about ties and realized you said two films and not two different ties. My bad

I was confused at first and then went back and read the post about ties and realized you said two films and not two different ties. My bad
Yeah, there was just one tie in this HoF with The Dream of a Ridiculous Man and Letter Never Sent.


Stalker (1979, Andrei Tarkovsky)

Ballot Rankings: 1st, 1st, 2nd, 2nd, 2nd, 4th

Total Points: 30


The Cranes Are Flying (1957, Mikhail Kalatozov)

Ballot Rankings: 1st, 1st, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd

Total points: 31

Stalker was #1 on my ballot. It's also #1 on my all-time favorite's list, so there ya go

I put The Cranes Are Flying at #3. I really liked it and it's definitely a great film, but both Stalker and The Return resonated with me slightly more. As for Kalatozov, I Am Cuba is my favorite of his films.

Regardless, it's still a deserving winner and was also my nomination (I hadn't seen it prior to this thread though), so yay!

Let the night air cool you off
31 to 30, wow. Stalker misses out by a single point, but both films are legit
classics to me. Both deserve the spot, I'm sure Stalker will make it at some point.

Great job, SpelingError, and a great list of films everyone. Aside from Stalker (and obviously aside from my own nomination) they were all first watches.

And personally I'm glad you all liked The Return. I wasn't totally sure how it'd be received, as sometimes films I find really moving can fall flat for others.