Cat Chat on 97.1 MoFoFM


Anyway. Seriously though, what got you into rats as pets? Any other pets?
It's a combination of things, really. I knew a few people who had them when I was a kid and I always thought they were really cute. Also one of my favorite movies - as a child and now - is Charlotte's Web. Templeton is the best. My first rat was named Templeton, actually.

I've had lots of other pets. I've always had cats. I have two of them currently. I also have three freshwater planted aquariums with fish, shrimp and snails. In the past I've also had a dog, birds, a tortoise, hermit crabs, mice, and toads.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
She'd have three naked Phoenix clones in her bed right now.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

What do you want to happen in your life? What do you wish your life was like? What would you have if you could have it?
I wish I was in a relationship. I don't foresee or desire marriage or children, but I want commitment and intimacy. I also wish I was financially stable.

She'd have three naked Phoenix clones in her bed right now.
I really wish I hadn't got rid of my I'm Still Here Blu-ray. I'd like to see that film again now.
Really liked that movie.

@Miss Vicky ever made aquarium mistakes, like getting incompatible fish that fight each other to death?
Oh I've made tons of mistakes. Not learning about the nitrogen cycle early on. Doing 100% water changes and scrubbing everything spotless all the time. Not quarantining new fish. Mixing goldfish and small tropical fish (the goldfish murdered the tropicals). Purchasing plants that aren't truly aquatic but are sold as aquatic to naive, unsuspecting novices.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Why not go in search of a financially stable man who could take care of you, basically?
Easier said than done. You could say something like this to any single person, basically.

Why not go in search of a financially stable man who could take care of you, basically?
I'm kind of anti-social, very socially awkward, very self-conscious about my physical appearance, and lack courage so...

Not a good combination.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Originally Posted by Jape
But pedophiles don't have sex with kids. We only look and love
Holy cow. I didn't think it's gonna be so creepy. I thought he's gonna be some little anime girls appreciator, or something.

@Miss Vicky how do you handle embarrassment?
Not well. When I'm embarrassed I kind of try to hide. I avoid anybody who might've seen what I did. If it's on the forum I'll avoid whatever thread it was in or avoid the people I was interacting with for awhile.

I don't do a whole lot of embarrassing things IRL though as that would require social interaction. I did drop the ball twice when I was bowling this past Sunday though. Quite a loud thud and lots of heads turned my direction.