Virgin Hall of Fame


Trouble with a capital "T"
Bottle Rocket (1996)

The film is also pretty darn funny, the subtle and effective humour is found in how characters behave and react to situations,

which in my opinion is the best kind of comedy, rather than simply delivering punchlines throughout the whole movie.
I like what you said there. I also like intelligent comedy that comes out of situations and character's personalities. I've never been a big fan of broad comedy.

Finally rewatched Leon last night. My thoughts:

This film keeps getting better with repeated viewings. This was my third time seeing, and I'm sure there will be a fouth/fifth/beyond. It's truly a joy to watch. Fueled in great part by the Oscar worthy performance of young Natalie Portman, the film is both touching, slightly comedic, and compelling at all times. Phenomenal direction by Luc Besson, who manages to take a story which might otherwise have felt creepy (given the underage love angle) but instead made it endearing. The great Gary Oldman plays one of the 90s best villains in this film, definitely bolstering the movie's overall quality.

Really there isn't anything negative to say about Leon. It's a classic. 9/10

My next viewing: Undecided, but I might go with watching Bottle Rocket later this week. I'll keep you all posted.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Really there isn't anything negative to say about Leon. It's a classic. 9/10
Glad you liked it Doc! Did you watch the longer International cut? or the theatrical cut?

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
the longer cut is truly the way to go with Leon. Can't even count how many times I've watched this movie and the international version is only in the last few years and now it's the only way I watch this. And yes, @DocHoliday, it WAS done quite endearingly and fully agree with your comments on Portman and Oldman. And being a fan of Besson I do agree about the exceptional directorial work in this film.

And being a fan of Besson I do agree about the exceptional directorial work in this film.
Really? I liked Au Hasard Balthazar better.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Really? I liked Au Hasard Balthazar better.
have not seen that, but it looks intriguing. Will have to check it out -- THANKS, Minio!
I do not believe I've seen any of Bresson's work. I even checked to see if I had seen The Trial of Joan of Arc, which I don't think I have and Lancelot Du Lac looks quite intriguing as well. Have you seen that?

I've seen five of Bresson's films and Au Hasard is my favourite by quite some way. Although i'd like to rewatch A Man Escaped. Haven't seen either you mentioned Ed.

movies can be okay...
I would say it's my least favourite from what I've seen from him, but then again, I'm not a fan of the man at all.
"A film has to be a dialogue, not a monologue — a dialogue to provoke in the viewer his own thoughts, his own feelings. And if a film is a dialogue, then it’s a good film; if it’s not a dialogue, it’s a bad film."
- Michael "Gloomy Old Fart" Haneke

I've seen all of his films and I tell ya Four Nights of a Dreamer is his masterpiece.

Here are my ratings of his films:

You've got red on you!
Hey, guys! I'm sorry I haven't posted in a few days, I've been getting ready for Turkey Day and have been consumed with figuring out those pesky holiday logistics .

I love reading everyone's reviews! It reminds me however at how badly I am at putting thoughts on a film into a coherent description of my feelings toward it. I suck at reviewing, that's all there is to it! Here are a few thoughts one what I've watched so far...

Leon: The Professional This is probably only my second time seeing this film and I had forgotten how much I loved it. Luc Besson's portrayal of Leon is mind-blowing to me. The character is so miserable and detached yet caring for his plant and then Mathilda. I cried even more at the ending this time around. And it's so damn satisfying to see what happens to Stansfield!
The Graduate My feelings on this one probably belong in the 'unpopular movie opinion' thread, but I'm not that crazy about it. Maybe I'm just old and cranky yet too young to have really experienced the 60's, but Dustin Hoffman's character is a spoiled kid in my eyes and I wasn't feeling any sort of empathy for him. And Elaine? She really wanted to play sloppy seconds to her mom? No thanks. These thoughts o mine tainted the rest of the film for me, unfortunately. Maybe I'll try and watch it again in another decade, LOL.
Bottle Rocket Oh, how I love thee, let me count the ways! This is the kind of humor I like. I love Wes Anderson's filming style, but I really enjoy the differences in Bottle Rocket. What I wouldn't give to have people like Dignan, Anthony and Bob in my life. Even Future Man! (another Wilson bro, btw, Andrew) My favorite line at which I laugh non-stop: "Okay. There, you see the star is me, right there, and I'll be in there. The X is Anthony. Bob, you're the zero out here in the car."

Trouble with a capital "T"
Hey, guys! I'm sorry I haven't posted in a few days, I've been getting ready for Turkey Day and have been consumed with figuring out those pesky holiday logistics .

I love reading everyone's reviews! It reminds me however at how badly I am at putting thoughts on a film into a coherent description of my feelings toward it. I suck at reviewing, that's all there is to it!
Hey Sylvie good to see ya and no worries, I totally understand how much work goes into Turkey Day! especially if you're doing the cooking and you're having family over. Luckily for me, my mom does the cooking, so my job is to: up, sleepy

I loved what you wrote about the movies, straight up, totally honest and fun to read too.

Leon: The Professional This is probably only my second time seeing this film and I had forgotten how much I loved it. Luc Besson's portrayal of Leon is so miserable and detached yet caring for his plant and then Mathilda. I cried even more at the ending this time around. And it's so damn satisfying to see what happens to Stansfield!
Yup, I totally agree. Leon and Maltida make the movie special. Ha! Stansfield really got his just deserts too. That was good movie

The Graduate....Maybe I'm just old and cranky yet too young to have really experienced the 60's.

but Dustin Hoffman's character is a spoiled kid in my eyes and I wasn't feeling any sort of empathy for him. And Elaine? She really wanted to play sloppy seconds to her mom? No thanks. These thoughts o mine tainted the rest of the film for me, unfortunately. Maybe I'll try and watch it again in another decade, LOL.
Ha, too funny you can include me in on the, to old and cranky yet too young to remember the 60's. I could see the movie being this huge important anthem for the baby boomers, but I'm not in that generation so can't quite relate. I liked The Graduate as a movie, but I'm with you that I had no empathy for Dustin Hoffman's character.

Bottle Rocket Oh, how I love thee, let me count the ways! This is the kind of humor I like...

My favorite line at which I laugh non-stop: "Okay. There, you see the star is me, right there, and I'll be in there. The X is Anthony. Bob, you're the zero out here in the car."
The X is Anthony. Bob, you're the zero out here in the car." I love that line too, the movie is so rich in rich characters, I don't even care what they do, I just like spending time with them.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I though you did VERY well, @Sylvie. All you really need to do is comment on how you felt about a film, in depth or concise, detailed or simply commenting a given scene -- so you did great.
Made me chuckle about: "And Elaine? She really wanted to play sloppy seconds to her mom? No thanks."
And VERY happy to hear about another Leon fan!! Beautiful ending.Didn't actual cry this last time, most times I do. Especially when Leon sends Mathilda down the vent.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Luc Besson is the director; Jean Reno is the actor in Leon. Sorry, but somebody was going to mention it.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Luc Besson is the director; Jean Reno is the actor in Leon. Sorry, but somebody was going to mention it.
I was tempted, but with the countless faus paxs I make, I just smiled and moved on. lol

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
The Graduate My feelings on this one probably belong in the 'unpopular movie opinion' thread, but I'm not that crazy about it. Maybe I'm just old and cranky yet too young to have really experienced the 60's, but Dustin Hoffman's character is a spoiled kid in my eyes and I wasn't feeling any sort of empathy for him. And Elaine? She really wanted to play sloppy seconds to her mom? No thanks. These thoughts o mine tainted the rest of the film for me, unfortunately. Maybe I'll try and watch it again in another decade, LOL.

I kind of agree with you about The Graduate.

You've got red on you!
Luc Besson is the director; Jean Reno is the actor in Leon. Sorry, but somebody was going to mention it.
Oops! How embarrassing! Duh Thanks for correcting me!

My good friend is coming over tomorrow to help me cook up the whole turkey dinner thing, since I volunteered to have it at my house this year. At least I get to keep most of the leftovers though, right? If I could eat nothing but stuffing the whole week I would be perfectly content

I was going to say earlier that I forgot how much I loved the music in Bottle Rocket. Anderson always has great tunes in his films, IMO.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
My good friend is coming over tomorrow to help me cook up the whole turkey dinner thing, since I volunteered to have it at my house this year. At least I get to keep most of the leftovers though, right? If I could eat nothing but stuffing the whole week I would be perfectly content
And now, a question that ALWAYS comes up on Thanksgiving: Stuffing INSIDE the turkey or made separately?

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
And VERY happy to hear about another Leon fan!! Beautiful ending.Didn't actual cry this last time, most times I do. Especially when Leon sends Mathilda down the vent.
Tell me about it