The MoFo Millenium Top 100

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I will never get people calling a movie that won best picture crap. Same with Crash. It may be crap TO YOU. But it is good to he general public.

For example I did not like Burn After Reading. But it got a lot of good reviews. So I will not call it crap. Maybe I just missed the boat. Roger Ebert gave The Usual Suspects 1 and half stars. But he doesn't call it a bad movie because so many people enjoyed it.

Maybe the movie isn't bad. Maybe it is you that didn't get it.
Going 18600 miles per second.

I will never get people calling a movie that won best picture crap. Same with Crash. It may be crap TO YOU. But it is good to he general public.
The general public doesn't have a general clue. For example: Avatar.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I will never get people calling a movie that won best picture crap. Same with Crash. It may be crap TO YOU. But it is good to he general public.

For example I did not like Burn After Reading. But it got a lot of good reviews. So I will not call it crap. Maybe I just missed the boat. Roger Ebert gave The Usual Suspects 1 and half stars. But he doesn't call it a bad movie because so many people enjoyed it.

Maybe the movie isn't bad. Maybe it is you that didn't get it.
I'm with you on most of that post. Generally I do think there's a few that are indeed crap. But I disagree with people that think 80% are crap.

Ey, I had to be damn patient for you guys to send in your lists, now you can wait while I take my sweet time. Expect the show to get on the road by late August, early September, as was outlined in the thread-starting post.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I thought it was early August, but now your gonna keep us drooling until early sept.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
He said mid August to early September. It just one of those things where if we keep talking about it, it will be more mid September early October

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Lol I just started working my way through The Sopranos again after a year or two. Currently halfway through series 2.

Don't know wtf that clip has to do with this thread though.

Here are some of the things that are going to happen to you if you don't start the damned top 100 soon.


It's still the summer, give Brod a chance to enjoy it, let's not start the threatening posts and PMs until at least September.

I will never get people calling a movie that won best picture crap. Same with Crash. It may be crap TO YOU. But it is good to he general public..
Slumdog millionaire was absolute ****. Bottom line. It should've had a razzy sweep and not an Oscar one. It was a waste of footage and time. Watching grass grow it less boring and a better use of your time. If it was intended to make you sleepy I'll give it credit for that but I highly doubt it.
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

I am the Watcher in the Night
I really liked Slumdog Millionaire even though I was ready to hate it! That's pretty impressive by Boyle to make me into a believer. I still think Boyle's best movie this century is Sunshine closely followed by 28 days.

So quick question, can I send in my list? Is that how this whole thread works?