The MoFo Top Neo-noir Countdown - Preliminary Thread

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A lot of homework to realize it though to be honest.
DO *clap* THE *clap* WORRRR...sorry, thought I was a commercial there for sec.

So if we don't get too many more lists for either countdown I would be happy with a top 50 each for neo and classic noir. Each list has one film posted per day, for 50 days, in the same forum thread. I think that would be fun.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

Trouble with a capital "T"
So if we don't get too many more lists for either countdown I would be happy with a top 50 each for neo and classic noir. Each list has one film posted per day, for 50 days, in the same forum thread. I think that would be fun.
Thief and I have already figured out the details, it'll be good!

I just made a personal decision to submit a ballot.

Thanks! With that one, we have 30. Keep 'em coming

Okay, guys, you really humbled me. I'll try again.

My dearest fellow cinephiles,

t is with the deepest regret and sorrow that I inform you of my inability to participate in the Neo-Noir and Noir Countdowns. I am well aware of the privilege and honor that you have bestowed upon me by inviting me to join you in such a splendid and prestigious endeavor, and I thank you for your kindness and generosity.

I have long admired your exquisite taste and acumen in the art of cinema, and I have benefited much from your insightful and eloquent reviews. You are the true masters and guardians of this sublime medium, and I am but a grateful and respectful admirer.

In the year of our Lord, 2024, the digital salon known as MovieForums presents itself as a veritable cornucopia of cinematic discourse. It is a grand tapestry, woven with the threads of erudite conversation and punctuated by the vibrant hues of impassioned debate.

The denizens of this digital demesne, from the greenest neophyte to the most seasoned cinephile, partake in a ceaseless ballet of intellectual exchange. Their words, akin to the strokes of an artist’s brush, paint vivid tableaus of their thoughts on the silver screen’s latest offerings.

Yet, it is not merely a platform for the dissection of contemporary works. Nay, it serves as a time capsule, a chronicle preserving the echoes of celluloid history. From the flickering shadows of the Lumière brothers’ pioneering efforts to the resplendent spectacle of modern blockbusters, all find a home within its hallowed halls.

However, one must not neglect the undercurrent of camaraderie that permeates this digital agora. It is a fellowship forged in the crucible of shared passion, a testament to the unifying power of cinema.

I do not decline your invitation out of disrespect or indifference, nor do I lack the enthusiasm or passion for the genre of neo-noir and noir, which has fascinated my mind and touched my soul.

I decline your invitation out of a sense of duty and honor, for I know that I am not worthy or qualified to partake in such a noble and illustrious enterprise. I fear that I would only tarnish the reputation and quality of your countdowns, and I would not wish to disappoint or offend you.

I hope that you will understand and forgive my decision and that you will not hold it against me. I wish you all the best in your glorious celebration of cinema, and I look forward to reading your reviews and learning from your wisdom.

Your most faithful and humble friend,
Mr Minio
Can't you just say, "Buzz off you, cretins," like a human being.

Friendly reminder that your ballot for the NEO-NOIR countdown has to be submitted via our handy voting tool (link here). Link and instructions are also included in the opening post to this thread.

Those that also wish to participate in the FILM NOIR countdown have to send their ballots to @Citizen Rules via DM. The instructions are also in the opening post of HIS thread.

@ChunkyMonkey, @crumbsroom, @Daniel M, @Gideon58, @hell_storm2004, @iluv2viddyfilms, @Jabs, @matt72582, @rauldc14, @sawduck, @Siddon. Since you already voted for the Film Noir Countdown, why not consider sending a ballot for this one as well?

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Can't you just say, "Buzz off you, cretins," like a human being.
But that'd be rude.

And I'm always polite.

Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Got my ballot in. As usual I didn't check eligibility, not to be difficult, but because I only want to vote for films that fit the category in my own mind. Hopefully they are all eligible, working on the other ballot now.