The Longest Thread..... EVER!!!!


bitnipply's Avatar
i wanna play a game......monopoly?!
um hi?
Sid Garner: Remember, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Except for herpes. That ****'ll come back with you.

bitnipply's Avatar
i wanna play a game......monopoly?!
no wait i take that back, hello?

bitnipply's Avatar
i wanna play a game......monopoly?!
no no no, howdy?

bitnipply's Avatar
i wanna play a game......monopoly?!
uh i can't seem to get this right, hola?

LOL... Some John Terry jokes.

At the end of February, Chelsea are playing away from home between two European legs. Something John Terry will be more than familiar with.

What do Wayne Bridge and the Titanic have in common? They both should've stayed at Southampton.

John Terry's wife found out he was seeing someone on wash day. In the laundry basket there was a "Home" "Away" kit....and a "Playing Away" kit.

Ashley Cole was pulled up by the old bill speeding again. Policeman-"did you know you were doing 103 mph in a 50mph limit?"
Ashley Cole-"yes officer, but I just got a text, John Terry's car is parked outside my house!"

Fabio Capello phones Wayne Bridge and says "I've just spoken to John Terry and he's lost the captain's me a favour and have a look under your bed for me.

JT has signed up to star in a new TV show. It's called Other

So JT was sleeping with Wayne Bridge's girl. Poor old Wayne - he wasn't
even first choice with his missus.

It's a good thing JT doesn't bring all his girlfriends to watch him play
every match. Abramovich would have to increase the capacity of Stamford
Bridge by 20,000.

So JT has been caught stealing another man's girl. I bet his old mum
be so proud he's learned something from her.

Somebody bought me a box of Terry's All Gold. I was shocked to find new
chocs called French Fancy and Cheat Cluster.

What have Wayne's ex-missus and the 2008 Champions League final goalpost
got in common? They've both been banged by JT.

The England team have voted for Terry to keep his place in the World Cup
squad. With the ban on WAGs travelling to South Africa, no one wants him
left behind.

(To the tune of Lord Of The Dance) "Chelsea, wherever they may be,
leave your bird with John Terry.
"Cos he likes a shag, he likes a bit of fluff, "And he'll get your
up the duff!"

Chelsea, wherever you may be, Don't leave your wife with John Terry'
.........His dad deals coke and his mum steals tea, and he cried when he missed a penalty

Did you know JT has scored 28 times at the Bridge? Nah, nor did Wayne.

What's John Terry's favourite song? Under The Bridge.

Wayne sent his missus a replica of his willy made from Cadbury's
chocolate. But she refused it, saying she prefers Terry's!

Bridge refuses to play for England while John Terry's captain...let's
hope he starts cheating with Heskey's missus too.