The Ups and Downs of Your Day Tab



Got very [and I'm talking phenomenanly perfect] scores during my year twelve drama moderation. I made two short film sequences and then a fifteen-minute "making of" documentary. I did very, very, very well.


So they told you than did they?

I finally got over 130 contacts on my MSN list (next stop 200)

Im not going to get paid any money from my Youth Money anymore, my mums keeping it all.

I can't let on that I know what I got Naisy. Because I'm not allowed to know. So no. I don't know. Just that I did well.

Lets put a smile on that block
ve just got up from a wonderous sleep and my sore throats gone

Too early for one of them sure one will arise though.
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!

Originally posted by The Silver Bullet
I can't let on that I know what I got Naisy. Because I'm not allowed to know. So no. I don't know. Just that I did well.
*taps his nose* i got ya

HIGHLIGHT: reached 500 shouts and more people came online

LOWLIGHT: im about to go offline

A novel adaptation.

A friend of mine is registering on MoFo today.

I get to solidify my DP, and cinematographer credit on a film that I've been helping to produce.

I have a 5 page paper to write, a "school film" to make, a short story to write, and 2 math assignments, all of which are due monday.

It's like I'm in some sort of hell-ish demon world.

Well, if they assigned homework in hell.

and had due dates.
"We are all worms, but I do believe I am a glow-worm."
--Winston Churchill

I have a maths assignment too.
I'll do that tomorrow. When it's due and all.

A novel adaptation.
I came down with Strep throat, and have a massive headache.

The shoot went well last night.

Have had heaps of compliments from very nice girls

Might be leaving Mofo soon as well as maybe town depending on my powers of persuation.

BTW dont worry anyone, my leaving mofo would proberly be only Temp, there are computers all over the world, im sure i an access one, every now and than.

lowlight: its monday , its raining, I HATE mondays. Mondays HATE me.

HIGHLIGHT: I am off today, the ringers off, and I am going back to bed.
it's better to have loved and lost
than to live with the psycho
for the rest of your life

Originally posted by The Silver Bullet
Leaving town?!

Yeah, i might have to move just up past Sydney, unless i can work wonders (ive done it before), its either that or live on the streets, which i probably will do till either
A) My school fee's run out
B) I find it too tough and move up to live with my dreaded father

but dont worry, who knows i might be able to pull off an act of god yet

ps if I do end up leaving town, i will tell SB so that youse can either delete my profile Or let you know

You won't need to delete the profile.
You'll find a way to let us know you're alive.

Like Kent does.

Oh, shut up...

I think the word you meant was “WONT” (finally a mistake), I don’t think letting you know im alive will be needed, im Naisy, with my past I don’t know how to die, sometimes that can be unfortunate, but look I don’t think that if I get on the street OR move to live with my dad, I will get access to the internet, unfortunate, im going to miss you guys (should it come to it)

The following especially (no offence to those I MAY have forgotten:
The drug lord
Sades (should she ever return)
Even Holden

Besides I wouldn’t want my profile taking up useless space, save the space for a replacement , im not saying goodbye yet, Im a stubborn little bugger, I haven’t given up the fight yet and one other thing I don’t know how to do, is lose a meaningful fight, so its not goodbye until I OFFICALLY say goodbye.

hey Matt didnt i say it was a matter of IF and not WHEN, like i said, i dont lose, so dont let my problems interfer with your sarcastic and mean pay outs, (it never has before ) i will let you know SB if anything happens (oh and of course all the rest of you if you care )

Five more movies to watch tonight
Parents are going away for a couple of days so i can catch my head on my own
meeting a new friend (sometime tonight)
