Citizen Rules...Cinemaesque Chat-n-Review

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Trouble with a capital "T"
Night Passage (1957)
Director: James Neilson
Cast: James Stewart, Audie Murphy, Dan Duryea
Genre: Western
Length: 1hour 30minutes

An ex-railroad man (James Stewart) who's been fired under suspicion of having ties to a train robbing rehired and given the task of delivering a $10,000 payroll. The task is a dangerous one as a gang of outlaws have been stealing the payrolls.

Review: This is a pretty darn good western and I don't know why it's not more popular. It's shot in glorious 3-strip technicolor and shot on location in Colorado, it looks great and looks authentic!

There's three big stars in this film, who turn in memorable performances. James Stewart is likeable of course, as always. He's the ex railroad man who was once wrongly accused of helping in a train robbery. I love the opening scene with all the settlers waiting for the train to deliver them their much needed payroll. James Stewart is one of them, and this first scene is a doozy.

Audie Murphy also stars, he started out as a real life WWII war hero and was then brought to Hollywood to make movies, he's surprisingly good as the Utica Kid. He did go on to make more movies too.

And perennially movie bad guy Dan Duryea, best known for his work in film noir and in the western Winchester '73 (1950) has to be seen to believe. He's crazier than ever and turns in one heck of a characterization, so much so that I almost rooted for him!

The scenes where James Stewart and a young boy ride on top of the train through the winding mountain pass were outright amazing, and looked very real...I believe they were actually on the moving train, perhaps they were?

The plot twist that becomes apparent in the last scene aids an emotional depth to the visual and action excitement. This is a well made, rounded western.

Night Passage is exciting and beautiful filmed, so why don't more people watch it.

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You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I've tried to watch Written on the Wind three times recently, but I keep getting interrupted by life.

There's nothing wrong with the movie. Just other stuff keeps coming up within 10-15 minutes after I start the movie. It's like something or someone doesn't want me to see that movie. (Is there a scene with a big spider in it, or something like that? )

I loved Magnificent Obsession, so I have high hopes for Written on the Wind if I ever get a chance to watch it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Glad to see you enjoyed Written on the Wind!
I've tried to watch Written on the Wind three times recently, but I keep getting interrupted by life.

There's nothing wrong with the movie. Just other stuff keeps coming up within 10-15 minutes after I start the movie. It's like something or someone doesn't want me to see that movie. (Is there a scene with a big spider in it, or something like that? )

I loved Magnificent Obsession, so I have high hopes for Written on the Wind if I ever get a chance to watch it.
What other Douglas Sirk films have you guys seen?

Trouble with a capital "T"

Welcome to Me (2014)

Director: Shira Piven
Cast: Kristen Wiig, James Marsden, Linda Cardellini
Genre: Comedy, Drama

Alice Klieg (Kristen Wiig) is a likable but neurotic young woman who suffers from borderline personality disorder. She lives her life in a TV fantasy world and has tapes of every show Oprah Winfrey ever did. Alice hasn't shut off her TV in 11 years, it's her world. Nothing ever seems to go her way, until one day when she wins 86 million dollars in a lottery. She then quits taking her 'happy pills', which are actually prescription medicine for her personality disorder. Then she decides to spend her millions on buying her own TV talk show, starring herself. She names it 'Welcome to Me', and she proceeds to spill her guts on live TV to the utter horror of everyone watching.

I liked this one! It's different, it's fresh. We like poor Alice, but she does some very tasteful things on her TV show. And that's where the humor comes from. I don't know why it had to be an R rating, the story itself is suited to PG13. Do we really need all this potty mouth in what could have been a fresh and fun movie. With a little better decisions by the director, this could have been a exceptional film.

Directed by a fairly new director, Shira Piven. She's not a well known director but I like the way she put this film together.


Better check it out....

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
What other Douglas Sirk films have you guys seen?

I just looked up Douglas Sirk, and I saw a Has Anybody Seen My Gal years ago, but I didn't know that it was one of his movies. The only ones that I saw recently were Imitation of Life, Magnificent Obsession and All That Heaven Allows.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I never seen Has Anybody Seen My Gal, but oh my gosh, it has Piper Laurie and I thinks she's tops. I'm adding that to my watch list right this secondWas the movie any good?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I never seen Has Anybody Seen My Gal, but oh my gosh, it has Piper Laurie and I thinks she's tops. I'm adding that to my watch list right this secondWas the movie any good?

It's been a while since I saw it, so I don't remember it very well, (plus I watched it mainly for Rock Hudson when I was watching a marathon of his movies), but as I recall, it was a good movie. It's on my watchlist to rewatch it for the 1950s movies, so I'm planning to rewatch it soon.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Rock Hudson made a LOT of films with Douglas Sirk. In fact if he's not staring in a Doris Day film, then he's probably in a Sirk film.

I'm glad you mentioned that film. Netflix had it in a 2 pack with another Rock Hudson film so I should be watching them soon.

Anybody Seen My Gal?
A Very Special Favor

In the 13 years between the two romantic comedies collected here, Rock Hudson matures from a sweet soda jerk (in the Douglas Sirk musical Has Anybody Seen My Gal?) to a notorious Romeo (in A Very Special Favor). And in both -- to no one's surprise -- he gets the girl. Piper Laurie and Charles Coburn co-star in the former film (and James Dean makes his first screen appearance); Leslie Caron and Charles Boyer co-star in the latter.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Rock Hudson made a LOT of films with Douglas Sirk. In fact if he's not staring in a Doris Day film, then he's probably in a Sirk film.

I'm glad you mentioned that film. Netflix had it in a 2 pack with another Rock Hudson film so I should be watching them soon.

Anybody Seen My Gal?
A Very Special Favor

In the 13 years between the two romantic comedies collected here, Rock Hudson matures from a sweet soda jerk (in the Douglas Sirk musical Has Anybody Seen My Gal?) to a notorious Romeo (in A Very Special Favor). And in both -- to no one's surprise -- he gets the girl. Piper Laurie and Charles Coburn co-star in the former film (and James Dean makes his first screen appearance); Leslie Caron and Charles Boyer co-star in the latter.

I watched A Very Special Favor a while back. Here's a link to my review:

Trouble with a capital "T"

Zero Hour! (1957)
Director: Hall Bartlett
Cast: Dana Andrews, Linda Darnell, Sterling Hayden
Genre: Thriller, Drama

An airline flight runs into heavy fog as the passengers become sick with food poisoning. Even the flight crew succumbs to the effects of a bad fish dinner. Is there a doctor on board? Why yes there is!

But if the plane doesn't land soon the passengers will die! Is there a pilot on board? Yes!...well, sort of...Dana Andrews was a WWII pilot who 10 years earlier made a mistake in thick fog which killed six of his men. He feels bad, really bad! Since then he has been afraid of responsibility, which threatens his marriage to Linda Darnell because he can't keep a job.

His wife is on board too, as well as his young son, who's eaten the tainted fish. Does this sound like the movie Airplane? It should, this was the movie that inspired Airplane, along with the Airport movies.

What strikes me like a plate of bad halibut, is the deadpan dialogue that the film puts forth. At the time, this was intended to be a serious nail biter...but after the release of the comedy Airplane, it's hard to take this movie seriously. Which actually make the film a hoot!

Dana Andrews is really good and serious in this, but it's Sterling Hayden that cracks me up. Hayden gives the same deadpan serious delivery that he did in Dr Strangelove. And Linda Darnell is so bad that she's actually funny as the wife who serves as a make shift co-pilot.

This is a must see for fans of Airplane!

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Trouble with a capital "T"

Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
Director: Frank Oz
Cast: Rick Moranis, Ellen Greene, Vincent Gardenia, Steve Martin
Genre: Musical Comedy Horror

What's it about:
An uptight, nervous man (Rick Moranis) is working in a skid row florist shop and dreaming of romance with the pretty girl who also works there (Ellen Greene). Just as the shop is about to go out of business, he buys a bizarre plant that turns out to be a man eater.

A Little Background:
Little Shop of Horrors is based on the popular off Broadway play that in turn was based on the original 1960 B-budget Sci Fi movie of the same name. Ellen Greene is the only member of the original off Broadway cast to appear in the film.

Cast: This 1986 movie has a lot of popular 80s actors. Rick Moranis who started on Canada's SCTV has the lead and is one of the high lights of the film. Steve Martin reprises his insane doctor role from Sergent Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band movie. It's too bad he has such little screen time as the sadistic bad boy, leather wearing, motorcycle riding boyfriend of Ellen Greene is riotously funny. He does have one song in the movie which I liked. Veteran SCTV actor John Candy has a small cameo role and is funny, but his time is all too short. SCTV alumni, Martin Short does not appear in the film.

The Music:
This is a musical and there's a lot of musical numbers! 15 counting the end credit track. The sad thing is most of these songs are throw aways, that are hastily written with uninspired melodies. The real musical high light belongs to the Greek Chorus girls, who effectively narrate the movie with song.

For any musical to work it needs to have a story or characters we care about. The story is farcical and the character development null. The big payoff should have been the romance but like the rest of this movie, it doesn't work.

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Wow, Rules! Such a low rating for Little Shop?
I have fond memories of it (as usual that may have more to do with my circumstances in 1986 and the fact that I saw this with my then girlfriend).
I also own the soundtrack and most of the musical numbers are based on a 1950's theme - in fact the whole movie is an homage to 1950's "B" sci-fi movies.
Have you seen the original movie? I believe even that is something of a spoof of sci-fi movies, so we're looking at a spoof of a spoof of a spoof. Anyway, the musical version is slick by comparison to the original.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I saw that at the movies when I was 15 and was somewhat amused.
I bet I know what caught your eye...

Wow, Rules! Such a low rating for Little Shop?
I have fond memories of it (as usual that may have more to do with my circumstances in 1986 and the fact that I saw this with my then girlfriend).
I also own the soundtrack and most of the musical numbers are based on a 1950's theme - in fact the whole movie is an homage to 1950's "B" sci-fi movies.
Have you seen the original movie? I believe even that is something of a spoof of sci-fi movies, so we're looking at a spoof of a spoof of a spoof. Anyway, the musical version is slick by comparison to the original.
I did see the original movie, loved that one. I remember when the 1986 version came out and I wanted to see it, but, it took 30 years to do so! And in all that time I thought a young Meg Tilly was the girl in the film, image my surprise when she's not in it. The 50s motif was pretty cool, I just didn't like the rest of the film.

I thought his rating was too high.
I wonder what Gideon thinks of this movie?
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Trouble with a capital "T"

Clint Eastwood lays an egg in
White Hunter Black Heart (1990)

Cluck, cluck, cluck...plop!...who wants an omelette?...With director & actor Clint Eastwood's box office flop, there's plenty of eggs to scramble.

White Hunter Black Heart is a thinly veiled, pseudo-biography of directors John Huston's time in Africa making The African Queen (1951), and is based off a 1953 novel by Peter Viertel. Peter Viertel also co-wrote the script to the movie and indeed much of the film is from his played by the character Pete Verrill. Yes the names of the real people were changed slightly, though and egg is still an egg.

The number one problem: Clint Eastwood's portrayal of the larger than life John Huston. Eastwood comes off as a caricature of Huston. Eastwood is visibly uneasy playing such a verbose character. His lines come off flat and contrived. Like a rotten egg broken on the sidewalk, this is a sore sight to see...And I knew this was going to happen. Eastwood in real life is a quiet, reserved, even shy man and he just didn't have the kahunas for playing John Huston.

Second problem: It's a weak script that plays out like a retelling of Captain Ahab in Moby Dick. The entire idea that Huston, err I mean Wilson is fixated on killing a trophy elephant is a writers contrived idea. We don't get to see what we want to see, the trials and tribulations of making The African Queen in the wilds of Africa. Hell the fake Bogie only has a few lines and the actresses who plays his wife, Lauren Bacall, doesn't even speak. Nuts to that!

Do yourself a favor and just watch The African Queen, I guarantee there's no bad eggs in it.

Do yourself a favor and just watch The African Queen, I guarantee there's no bad eggs in it.

Loved your review of this film...never really had a desire to see it even though it seems like something I would love, but your review has definitely shoved it down on my watchlist.