Movies you couldn't even finish.


Yes, I find Ive enjoyed some films more because I knew virtually nothing beforehand so went in blind. The Descendants was one of those for me recently. I do try not to read actual reviews of something before Ive seen it, because I dont want my view clouded by someone elses. Even if its someone who I like to read and tend to trust, I will usually just bookmark it and save it until after Ive seen it myself.

Obviously thats much harder to do with older films, as they have been around so long and will hold a certain level of regard, or even in some cases, be parodied and copied so much in the years since, that it sometimes feels like you cant go in without knowing probably too much, so its a nice surprise when you watch something so old now and so well known, that you still get something out of it. I only watched Rear Window for the first time not so long ago, and was glad I could still quite enjoy it. Ive never actually seen Citizen Kane, one for the list of shame that, but its currently on the BBC website so feel I should soon.

That's cool because there's no such thing as a universally loved film. I've shut off movies that other people hold in high esteem, like Silver Linings Playbook & Whiplash.
Both good movies.

The Piano was definitely the most recent one for me. Just. Didnt. Get the hype. Bored me silly.
Huge fan of Harvey Keitel, but cannot watch The Piano. I have tried though.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

I almost always try to finish a movie, no matter how much I don't like it.

Well, maybe not the movies that other people picked to watch. I sometimes bail on those. Because some people put on some real ****.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I tried watching Adam Sandler's Eight Crazy Nights this afternoon, but it was so bad that I turned it off after about 15 minutes.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I tried watching Adam Sandler's Eight Crazy Nights this afternoon, but it was so bad that I turned it off after about 15 minutes.
Good one! I've probably seen most of it in portions, but like you when trying to watch it in one sitting just found it difficult to stay with it until the end. And I'm not one to turn a movie off until watching it to the end.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I tried watching Adam Sandler's Eight Crazy Nights this afternoon, but it was so bad that I turned it off after about 15 minutes.
Good one! I've probably seen most of it in portions, but like you when trying to watch it in one sitting just found it difficult to stay with it until the end. And I'm not one to turn a movie off until watching it to the end.

I rarely turn off movies too, but this was just terrible. I'm generally not a fan of Adam Sandler, but there are so few movies about Hanukkah that I was hoping this movie would have been worth watching. (I never even got to the part of the movie that had anything to do with Hanukkah.)

Automatically assumed I would love this, but I didn’t.

Glenn Close pretending to be an Appalachian hillbilly instead of BEING an Appalachian hillbilly.

Amy Adams pretending to be her heroin-addict daughter instead of BEING her heroin-addict daughter.

And the scenes that didn’t contain these two were beyond boring.

Story made zero sense.


Would have been an ok movie if the BFI in its wisdom had paid for subtitles. Unbelievable that a movie in 2019 releases without subs.

Not bad, but the subject matter does not interest me in the least.

I was going to try and watch Little Joe at some point. Still might of it seems like it has some commendable qualities

Trouble with a capital "T"
I was going to try and watch Little Joe at some point. Still might of it seems like it has some commendable qualities
You should watch it. Stirchley doesn't care for movies without subtitles on the DVD. But you might really like it.

I hated Citizen Kane so no clue why I would like this movie. Watched a bit & bailed out.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
It finally happened last night. I used to hate read this thread, rolling my eyes and the amount of movies people have opinions on that they have never even watched. No more, Godard's Every Man For Himself brought me to the dark side. There is a conversation about 15 minutes in about pedophilia that made me want to vomit and I was out. It was so vile it has me rethinking the couple of Godard's I do love. Can't get it out of my head it was so disturbing.

I rewatched Moneyball instead, which was awesome.

It finally happened last night. I used to hate read this thread, rolling my eyes and the amount of movies people have opinions on that they have never even watched. No more, Godard's Every Man For Himself brought me to the dark side. There is a conversation about 15 minutes in about pedophilia that made me want to vomit and I was out. It was so vile it has me rethinking the couple of Godard's I do love. Can't get it out of my head it was so disturbing.
Just added it to my watchlist. Godard is far more miss than hit with me, but your comments and a couple reviews I just read on Letterboxd referencing a female character who lets cows lick her butthole has me thinking this is must-see cinema. Sounds like Godard channeling his inner John Waters.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Just added it to my watchlist. Godard is far more miss than hit with me, but your comments and a couple reviews I just read on Letterboxd referencing a female character who lets cows lick her butthole has me thinking this is must-see cinema. Sounds like Godard channeling his inner John Waters.
Write a little on Letterboxd when you see it. The character I referenced is obviously a stand in for Godard and the conversation was so matter of fact. It really bugged me. I will be interested in your thoughts.

is thouroughly embarrassed of this old username.
I turn off movies all the time because I'll realize 20 minutes in I'm not feeling like watching a movie in general. I think I've turned off because the movie itself was that bad was the One Missed Call remake.

I hate Gus from Pet Sematary 2. He's everything I hate and that (incredibly censored phrase) keeps getting what he wants.

Half the Netflix catalogue, it seems...