President Trump


For those interested:

Originally Posted by Forensicator
This study analyzes the file metadata found in a 7zip archive file, 7dc58-ngp-van.7z, attributed to the Guccifer 2.0 persona.

Based on the analysis that is detailed below, the following key findings are presented:

- On 7/5/2016 at approximately 6:45 PM Eastern time, someone copied the data that eventually appears on the “NGP VAN” 7zip file (the subject of this analysis). This 7zip file was published by a persona named Guccifer 2, two months later on September 13, 2016.
- Due to the estimated speed of transfer (23 MB/s) calculated in this study, it is unlikely that this initial data transfer could have been done remotely over the Internet.
- The initial copying activity was likely done from a computer system that had direct access to the data. By “direct access” we mean that the individual who was collecting the data either had physical access to the computer where the data was stored, or the data was copied over a local high speed network (LAN).
- The data was likely initially copied to a computer running Linux, because the file last modified times all reflect the apparent time of the copy and this is a characteristic of the the Linux ‘cp’ command (using default options).
- A Linux OS may have been booted from a USB flash drive and the data may have been copied back to the same flash drive, which will likely have been formatted with the Linux (ext4) file system.

Originally Posted by CNN
Why do they believe it's the Russians?
High-level cyberespionage groups are skilled units of hackers, who work like digital thieves to break into chosen targets and take information.
Each of these groups has certain distinct signatures, from the way they get in, to the specially crafted malicious software they use, to the type of information that is taken and how it is transmitted out.

Would seem our "Russian Hacker" was in the DNC with a memory stick and had a basic understanding of how to drag and drop files.

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"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

What a true jack ass Trump is. Roy Moore chases teenagers all over Alabama and he doesnt say a word. But as soon as Franken is shown grabbing a woman he RUNS back to Twitter:

Are you serious? How stupid can you be? YOU BRAGGED ABOUT GRABBING WOMEN BY THE CROTCH! MULTIPLE WOMEN HAVE ACCUSED YOU OF SEXUAL ASSAULT! The hypocrisy is so enormous its almost hard to comprehend. This is worse then President bone spur taking Sen. Blumenthal to task for avoiding combat in Vietnam. How can any Trump supporter not cringe when he pulls stupid **** like this?
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...

Right, so I debunk the DNC hacking claim, no likes.
I. Rex calls Trump a hypocrite for a comment he made 12 years ago, likes.

I see how it is.

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Welcome to the human race...
The hypocrisy comes from how Trump doesn't condemn Republican Roy Moore even after several days but manages to condemn Democrat Al Franken within a matter of hours.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Right, so I debunk the DNC hacking claim, no likes.
I. Rex calls Trump a hypocrite for a comment he made 12 years ago, likes.

I see how it is.
Because you didn't debunk anything. You just posted one person's theory, which is full of flaws and proves nothing. You scouring the internet until you can find one "source" to back up what you already choose to believe doesn't make you smarter than anyone else, it just makes you another Trump apologist.
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

Because you didn't debunk anything. You just posted one person's theory,
Check the files yourself. It's not a mere theory to look at the counter-evidence with your own two eyes, I'm not gonna spoonfeed this **** to you just because you've signed on to a narrative that would be personally embarrassing to admit is false.

Originally Posted by Kaplan
which is full of flaws
Hitchen's Razor.

Originally Posted by Kaplan
and proves nothing.
Which is more probable, Kaplan?:

A.) Someone at the DNC copied some files onto a flash drive and shared them anonymously online.

B.) AN ELITE RUSSIAN HACKER GROUP USED MALICIOUS SOFTWARE TO STEAL INTO TOP-SECRET DNC SERVERS IN AN ATTEMPT TO UNDERMINE THE UNITED STATES' DEMOCRATIC PROCESS by swaying popular opinion with information Democrats later apologized for AND INSTALLING A CORRUPT DICTATOR PERSONALLY HAND-PUPPETED BY VLADIMIR PUTIN HIMSELF who would later go on to fire at Russian-allied Syria and get sanctioned blahblahblahblah you get it.

You don't just need Hitchen's Razor, you need Occam's Razor. You need to razor it up in here, cause this Trump Russia thing is ****ing ridiculous.

Originally Posted by Kaplan
You scouring the internet until you can find one "source"
I don't much care for your representation of me as some sycophant who stays up into the early hours of the morning hunting for scraps of information I can use to push my agenda. I work nights after all.

But I suppose if I WANTED to cherrypick sources I would presumably struggle considering the absolute smear campaign everyone and their mothers have bought into at face value because, you know, the media is so ******* trustworthy.

Originally Posted by Kaplan
to back up what you already choose to believe
Much as Freud's work is widely discredited now, but there's something about projection that really clicks with me.

Originally Posted by Kaplan
Trump apologist.
Oooh, Trump "apologist", that burns. Implying that I'm arguing to compensate for his mistakes. Even though I'm talking about a totally unrelated hacking claim and have repeatedly stated in this very thread I don't like him.

You're way too eager to paint me the color of your political opposition, Kaplan, what's the deal? Whose side do you think I'm on, exactly?

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I'm not sure that's much of a retort, since you're the second-most aligned.

More importantly, ideological compatibility doesn't really have anything to do with whether or not you're an apologist. Being a Trump apologist just means you downplay the things he does and/or redirect complaints about what he does towards complaints about his critics, neither of which imply that you have a straight agreement with him on granular policy details.

Check the files yourself. It's not a mere theory to look at the counter-evidence with your own two eyes, I'm not gonna spoonfeed this **** to you just because you've signed on to a narrative that would be personally embarrassing to admit is false.
Oh, the irony. It'd take you two minutes to look up an analysis of this guy's theory to see that it doesn't debunk anything. But of course you've believed all along that Russia was never involved, so you grab onto this guy's theory and you disregard all counter arguments or explanations, because this guy confirms your stated belief going back months. "'ve signed on to a narrative that would be personally embarrassing to admit is false." Now that is projection.

Hitchen's Razor.
To use an expression you'll understand, I'm not going to spoon feed reality to you.

Which is more probable, Kaplan?:

A.) Someone at the DNC copied some files onto a flash drive and shared them anonymously online.

B.) AN ELITE RUSSIAN HACKER GROUP USED MALICIOUS SOFTWARE TO STEAL INTO TOP-SECRET DNC SERVERS IN AN ATTEMPT TO UNDERMINE THE UNITED STATES' DEMOCRATIC PROCESS by swaying popular opinion with information Democrats later apologized for AND INSTALLING A CORRUPT DICTATOR PERSONALLY HAND-PUPPETED BY VLADIMIR PUTIN HIMSELF who would later go on to fire at Russian-allied Syria and get sanctioned blahblahblahblah you get it.

You don't just need Hitchen's Razor, you need Occam's Razor. You need to razor it up in here, cause this Trump Russia thing is ****ing ridiculous.
Occam's Razor is great and all, but you can't just use it to dismiss anything you find objectionable or uncomfortable, because jeez, there could always be a simpler explanation. Again, I can't spoon feed you reality, but I can assure you Russia has done this on other occasions to other countries. Heck, Russia has been using Ukraine as a testing ground for hacking for quite a while now. That's what they do. But I guess you're just smarter than all the intelligence agencies who know this is Russia's doing. And you really should educate yourself on the things Russia has been doing around the world. Also for the record, you don't have the story quite right, but getting the story right I suppose doesn't fit your own narrative.

I don't much care for your representation of me as some sycophant who stays up into the early hours of the morning hunting for scraps of information I can use to push my agenda. I work nights after all.
I don't have to represent you in any way, you've done a fine job all by yourself.

Much as Freud's work is widely discredited now, but there's something about projection that really clicks with me
I've noticed. It seems to be your favorite pastime.

3 more posts until we reach 2016--the year he was elected.

Welcome to the human race...
Wait, he posts silly garbage like that for the likes?
If it was just about earning likes for their own sake, then Omnizoa would be posting anti-Trump stuff. The likes in this context are supposed to reflect other people's agreement with one's own posts.

Shoplifting laws vary from state to sate in USA. In Nevada, shoplifting is considered a crime and is punishable depending on the value of the item stolen and on prior criminal conviction.
Anything stolen with a value of no more than $650.00 is considered Petty Larceny and is a misdemeanor punishable up to 6 months in jail and/or a $1,000.00 fine.
An item shoplifted with a value of $650.00 - $3499.99 is considered Grand Larceny and is a
Category C Felony, punishable 1- 5 years in Nevada State Prison and/or up to $10,000 in fines.

In China, shoplifting is punishable with a term of 3 to 10 years in prison.
Being on a visa in China and committing a crime is more likely to get you punished, as that is considered an insult to host country.

In situations where USA citizens are involved, the State Department ( Embassy, Consulate ) some times will try to provide some kind of assistance, especially in cases that appear to be questionable.
It is in not obliged to do so and has no authority to intervene in the domestic criminal procedure of host country.

Getting to the point of 3 UCLA basketball players arrested for shoplifting.
Let's not minimize their act, neither as individuals nor as UCLA representatives and USA representatives.
They brought shame on all of us.

That The President Of The United States intervened on their behalf is extraordinary.
Theirs was not a political offense nor question.
They were caught red handed in a commission of a crime and would have been convicted had The President not personally intervened with the President Of China.
The State Department would not been able to do any thing on it's own in this case.

For the father to downplay his son's crime ( " they were just some sunglasses and do not define his character " ) and to dismiss any gratitude for what The President has done is not just ignorant but insulting as well.
And by the way, some high end sunglasses go for more than $1000.00.

So, when The President tweeted that perhaps he should have left them in jail,
it was a rhetorical response to an ungrateful father.
Grateful or not, it is not the President's responsibility to intervene in cases such as these.
What part of that does the media not understand?

Not sure why this was in General Movie Discussion, but I've moved it. Probably also going to merge it into an existing Trump thread, since we don't have the bandwidth for a thread for every one of his nearly daily controvseries.

The part they don't understand, I suspect, is the President acting as if the ordinary duties and customs of his office are somehow personal favors. That's the posture of a King, not a public servant.

Not sure why this was in General Movie Discussion, but I've moved it. Probably also going to merge it into an existing Trump thread, since we don't have the bandwidth for a thread for every one of his nearly daily controvseries.

The part they don't understand, I suspect, is the President acting as if the ordinary duties and customs of his office are somehow personal favors. That's the posture of a King, not a public servant.
My mistake. Should have posted it in Intermission thread. It should go there, but I see
you want to minimize it's significance and/or exposure.
Btw, these are not one of " my " nearly daily controversies.
They are part of the current life we live in and I feel warrant some discussion.
If you feel they are inappropriate, just delete them or ask me not to post.

Whatever feelings you have about this current president, even if they are not positive,
I just don't see how you can misinterpret an act of kindness as a posture of a King?