MoFo Health Thread


You can't win an argument just by being right!
As good a thread as any. Maybe he should have just had a quick, relaxing colonic irrigation than spend that.

So that month was so good, and I was so motivated, that I got really burnt out and since then have been pretty lazy about my health. Good news is, I haven't gained more than a few pounds, and that's because I still stay away from fast food and watch my sugar intake. I've been starting to feel somewhat motivated again, and I'm trying to get that fire back. I went to the gym on Monday, and have been thinking about my eating habits again. I don't have Hawaii to kickstart my health routine this time - I have the challenge of actively changing my habits, which is difficult.

One thing that helps motivate me is watching health documentaries, as funny as that might be. Has anyone seen In Defense of Food? I'm watching it for maybe the third or fourth time right now. It's probably my favorite health documentary since I saw it that good month.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
So that month was so good, and I was so motivated, that I got really burnt out and since then have been pretty lazy about my health. Good news is, I haven't gained more than a few pounds, and that's because I still stay away from fast food and watch my sugar intake. I've been starting to feel somewhat motivated again, and I'm trying to get that fire back. I went to the gym on Monday, and have been thinking about my eating habits again. I don't have Hawaii to kickstart my health routine this time - I have the challenge of actively changing my habits, which is difficult.

One thing that helps motivate me is watching health documentaries, as funny as that might be. Has anyone seen In Defense of Food? I'm watching it for maybe the third or fourth time right now. It's probably my favorite health documentary since I saw it that good month.
This is what I did to boost motivation swan.

I trained like a maniac to prepare to climb a mountain which was my hobby. When I got back from the mountain my oomph was gone so this was my trick...I picked another mountain. My money was all gone my then relationship was on the skids had to move back to Syd with no job insight but I didn't care because I still had my exercise plan to keep me motivated. Does that make sense? Just plan your next holiday but don't put a date on it. Triclk your mind.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Jesus holy hell. Nurse gave me 2 shots of morphine and I watched the craft. Going into dreamy micro sleeps but they're straight down Jacob's ladder into a super deep sleep. I can see why people get addicted because it's so damn relaxing and you have no thoughts

Fromthe depths of the ladder I felt this cold SKINNY hand on my wrist and a woman with an accent I'm sure was trans fraking ilvanian. Opened my drugged out eye sto this very weird looking woman withher face about 2 inches from my own, and a super big guy like jaws from bond in the door way. This is not a dream.

I shamefully yelled who the f are yu!!! She started cackling so I yelled again to get her face out of my space, She asked if I could sleep when the head side of my mattress was up. Well flocking obviously because I was in a deep flocking sleep!!! very scary) scared the living daylights out of me - or how do you say she scared the sleeping midnights out of me. going to see nurse ratchet to ask who that flocking interloper was and fill my thermos with boiling holy water,

Bloody hell it my made my hair curl and I spent alot of money the other evening getting all my curls cut bloody well off.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
^yikes. That would have sent me into cardiac arrest! But I loved reading it so thanks for sharing

You can't win an argument just by being right!
^yikes. That would have sent me into cardiac arrest! But I loved reading it so thanks for sharing
Terrified me. Instantly diluted my two beautiful hits of morphine. Needed a very strong cuppa tea after tha.Nurses were all saying 'you're safe, you're safe'. Better than a horror movie.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Guys, read this and weep. My nurse today is an asian aussie with Monroe blonde hair. She is so sweet and kind with a beautiful smile. dont trip over yourselves stampeding here to get a sponge bath.. ehehehehehehe!!!

Today seems like as good a day as any to post.

My standard body weight is between 145 - 150 lbs @ a towering 5' 10 3/4" . I can describe my body type as Willem Dafoe. As of today, I weighed in at 172.5 lbs. I have achieved this from 5 days a week of weightlifting, attempting to eat every 3 hours, DAIRY!!!, and no cardio. I still try to prescribe to my one day a week for sugh, but holidays with a master baker and confectioner. I have a minor gut and my thighs now rub together. It's hard to tell how much of the legs are fat / muscle, because I alternate each day between upper body and legs. In an ideal world, I would like to get to a lean 200 lbs. , but frame is frame. I have plateaued at the 170 - 175 lb. range for weeks, but that is not what I would consider real weight to begin with.

I will enjoy one more month of DAIRY!!! before I start the summer lean-down. This will primarily be accomplished from a plant based diet (no dairy ), cardio, and one cheat day (meat / dairy / sugh) . I'm not looking forward to this, because trying to get the proper amount of calories from plants involves eating a significantly larger amount of food. Trying to figure out macros is gonna to be another part of the strategy.

I will post again in February to list the final fat weight as a mile-marker.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Eh, I guess I will have to start losing weight.

I tried two months ago and made it into the third week. I was really surprised how much I lost during such a short period of time. Of course, after 3 weeks I got lazy again and now I'm back to what's been before. I couldn't care less how I look but the fact half of my wardrobe is unusable is annoying.

Working out is dreadful to even think about. I don't mind walking but I don't see any point in walking just for the sake of it. Walking through half of the city to buy myself a bottle of water in a supermarket at the other end seems inane too, and I lack motivation to walk in order to lose weight. No motivational video/speech/nagging from others works for me. I think of them as inane because years in certain environments on the Internet have shaped me and I ended up haughty and contrarian. But I guess I like this hence I do not want to change my attitude.

At work I spend 8 hours sitting and then I return home (on foot whenever I can, but it's only 2 km) and sit in front of a TV to watch movies, and then spend some hours on my computer (sitting again), and then go to bed. On weekends I watch movies all day. Obviously I can't give up my job, and I don't want to give up my hobby.

I eat quite a lot (too much no doubt) but it haven't got out of hand yet. Too much sweets as well.

I guess the most discouraging part of losing weight is the fact it's not permanent. Even if I spent a year losing weight, working out etc. it's only another year or two to get back to what's been before which renders the whole thing useless.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

I have given up my fitness routine for the past couple months and any gains I have made are gone. Muscle that I built has disappeared and I fell off the wagon with the sugar.

Part of the problem comes from realizing how much time you spend versus what results you actually get. Add to that, I exercised out of pure narcissism. Health benefits don't really appeal me. I would still get tired or fatigued, which leads me to believe, my energy levels are more dependent on a mental factor than anything else.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
Trying not to sound condescending but you do have to put hard work in to get results. I'm impatient too, badly impatient. It is infuriating not seeing results as fast as you'd like and also how easy it is to lose them. But once you do get them, you have to keep at it otherwise it would be easy. Minio, can you not try going for a run?

DD I share your pain with tiredness. I'm lucky if I can 5 hours sleep in a night (which is always interrupted too) so am constantly shattered but I still try and get up for the gym at 5.30am anyway. I'm in a place at the minute where I am loving going to the gym, or running so it is a lot easier. Have you anyone to train with? Helps me loads.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Part of the problem comes from realizing how much time you spend versus what results you actually get.
This definitely makes sense for exercise: it can be exhausting, you have to do a lot of it to lose a very modest number of calories, and it can just make you hungrier and sap your willpower anyway. However, I think fitness is much more about diet (which doesn't have the same problems) than exercise, and I think exercise has long-term benefits that aren't as evident in pure weight loss in the first few months or even a year or more. The more muscular you are the more fat you burn day to day, for example, so it's more of a long-term thing. And I find the other things I mentioned above are lessened if the exercise is modest, but consistent (like regular walks).

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
OMG @Mr Minio the same has happened to me Half of my trouseres doesn't fit anymore. My story is quite the same as @doubledenim - I quit fitness few months ago, because lack of time and and every result I achived till than almost disappeated. It's unfair! I don't have any motivation to start again. @the samoan lawyer, 5:30 after 5 hours of sleep? You are my hero

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
@Ms. M If I lived in Cracow we could get together and motivate each other. Oh well, I'm sending motivational waves anyway.

This definitely makes sense for exercise: it can be exhausting, you have to do a lot of it to lose a very modest number of calories, and it can just make you hungrier and sap your willpower anyway. However, I think fitness is much more about diet (which doesn't have the same problems) than exercise, and I think exercise has long-term benefits that aren't as evident in pure weight loss in the first few months or even a year or more. The more muscular you are the more fat you burn day to day, for example, so it's more of a long-term thing. And I find the other things I mentioned above are lessened if the exercise is modest, but consistent (like regular walks).

I'm a believer that it is mostly diet anyways. I have heard a lot about fasting and the idea fascinates me, but I think it's like everything else, different people respond in different ways. I just lose muscle when I quit regular workouts.

Yeah, if I hear someone talking about a new lifestyle and they're talking more about exercise than diet, I get very skeptical that it'll work out. I think that works at first when you're highly motivated, but it's tougher to keep up, and I think your body is more likely to really fight back against it after awhile.

Diet changes really last. I genuinely can't eat as much now, even when I have a cheat day and kinda want to. I fill up quicker and there are some junky foods I just like a lot less now.

Re: fasting. I have a few family members doing that. They're big believers in it. I dunno if it's for me, but I'm kinda shocked at how I can eat 1,200-1,400 calories a day for weeks on end if I really want to, so I think I buy it on at least some level.

The muscle thing. Not sure of your age, but I know after 30 it's a lot harder to build muscle mass, and if you maybe don't naturally incline towards the muscular side, too, yeah, it might be annoyingly hard to maintain and require pretty steady lifting.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
OMG @Mr Minio the same has happened to me Half of my trouseres doesn't fit anymore. My story is quite the same as @doubledenim - I quit fitness few months ago, because lack of time and and every result I achived till than almost disappeated. It's unfair! I don't have any motivation to start again. @the samoan lawyer, 5:30 after 5 hours of sleep? You are my hero
Thanks Ms. M but its not quite heroic as it sounds. Main reason is I never really get a chance at evening time and I get really anxious if I don't get going at all.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
@Ms. M If I lived in Cracow we could get together and motivate each other. Oh well, I'm sending motivational waves anyway.
In my case any motivating of me is pointless, but thanks anyway. The same to you! I keep my fingers crossed