Who is the most overrated director?


I actually love Unforgiven and Mystic River is good stuff, but the closer you get to his most recent film - the more I hate him.

I will get you Eastwood.

Quentin Tarantino gets my vote hands down for this...I haven't seen one movie from him that I haven't hated intensly.
Herr Zeller: Perhaps those who would warn you that the Anschluss is coming - and it is coming, Captain - perhaps they would get further with you by setting their words to music.
Captain von Trapp: If the Nazis take over Austria, I have no doubt, Herr Zeller, that you will be the entire trumpet section.

Shyamalan and Tarantino for me

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I can't put Shyamalan into the overrated just because of Signs, Unbreakable and Sixth Sense. These 3 are just too high quality for me.

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As for Eastwood, he is hands down my #1 favorite right now. Million Dollar Baby is fantastic in my opinion. Unforgiven and Gran Torino are more of my favorites. Mystic River is my third favorite film of all time, so you can see why.

Kenup17's Avatar
I'm just an ordinary guy with nothing to lose.
I'll have to say Tim Burton. Not because I don't like him, I actually enjoy many of his movies. But I know far too many people who consider him a genius, when I think he is just good in art-directing.

Besides, he completely RUINED Planet of the Apes and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
"All these moments will be lost in time. Like tears... in rain."

Tim Burton and M. Night Shyamalan(though i do like The Village, and maybe the Sixth Sense)

Is Shyamalan still held in high regard after Lady in the Water and The Happening? Can someone actually still name him overrated? He hasn't made a semi-decent film anymore since Signs...

Right now, i'd say it's Eastwood.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
Every director with a great reputation is overrated if they make one bad movie, because if they were truly great there wouldn't be any bad ones.

Tarantino. Love Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown and the first half of From Dusk till Dawn. Can`t stand the rest.
Just so you know, Quentin didn't direct From Dusk Till Dawn, that was his pal Robert Rodriguez.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Every director with a great reputation is overrated if they make one bad movie, because if they were truly great there wouldn't be any bad ones.
So according to that logic, there are barely any great contemporary directors. I disagree... It's not because you make one bad or mediocre movie that you're no longer a great director. The Coens come to mind: Ladykillers was very mediocre a best, then they make No Country For Old Men, one of the best of the decade. So in your mind, they're overrated?

It's not because you slip once that you're overrated. Muhammed Ali also lost some fights, but does that make him overrated? If Usain Bolt loses one 100m race, would that make him overrated?

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
(But Tarantino was an actor, so Iīm half right )
Tarantino may have been in it, but he's no actor.

So according to that logic, there are barely any great contemporary directors. I disagree... It's not because you make one bad or mediocre movie that you're no longer a great director. The Coens come to mind: Ladykillers was very mediocre a best, then they make No Country For Old Men, one of the best of the decade. So in your mind, they're overrated?

It's not because you slip once that you're overrated. Muhammed Ali also lost some fights, but does that make him overrated? If Usain Bolt loses one 100m race, would that make him overrated?
Damn straight! one bad movie, isnt overrated.

To me a director who lots of people like and i cant see why at all is overrated.

So i cant think of any that are overrated atm, because i often think directors are underrated, cause some people expect too much with each movie, and slag off any little boo boo they do more than they give praise.

Your going to hate me for saying it, but Steven Speilberg.

Yes back in the day he was amazing, fantastic even, probably the best director ever. BUT! This seems to have stook with him no matter what film he makes? Its like, he could make the most rubbish movie ever and people would still rate him as amazing because of past movies hes done, and he knows this, so its kind of like he puts less effort in??

Thats my opinion anyway.

Im in no way bashing him, he is a good director, fantasic if he tries, but, I believe hes gotten to a point where he is over rated.

Sorry >_>
"Why pay a dollar for a bookmark? Why not use the dollar for a bookmark?"
Steven Spielberg

Paul W.S Anderson
loved Event Horizon and Mortal Kombat but everything else has been rubbish like AvP, Resident Evil and Death Race, there all rubbish adaptations, all style and no substance

Employee of the Month
I actually love Unforgiven and Mystic River is good stuff, but the closer you get to his most recent film - the more I hate him.

I will get you Eastwood.
Are you talking about Gran Torino? If so, let me tell you, that it`s just an solid old-school flick with a human message. Okay, he has made better movies, but thatīs no reason to hate it.