Obama's Legacy


Who's getting rich here? People flock here because all they hear is American Dream, well that ****'s long gone.
Are you kidding? Look at all the rappers and the basketball players

Nah, I rather stay but fight and change leadership!
It's kind of odd that Caucasians are slowly becoming the minority but still have no sense of group belonging. God forbid we try to band together. Someone might call us a hate group.
It won't take more than 50 years for us to get swallowed up and then guys like you ( if you are still alive ) will for sure become fair prey.
I would like to ask you then how you like this great nation.
Then you'll stay and be poor like the rest of us. And you be sure to sign up for your healthcare while you're at it.

And I hate to break it to you. You're the prey. And the fact that you still think you can affect any real change in this country proves it. Unless you get rich. Then maybe you'll have a shot.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Then you'll stay and be poor like the rest of us. And you be sure to sign up for your healthcare while you're at it.

And I hate to break it to you. You're the prey. And the fact that you still think you can affect any real change in this country proves it. Unless you get rich. Then maybe you'll have a shot.
Thanks for caring but dude, I am far from poor and I don't worry about health care, maybe because I'm a bonafide kamikaze.
I love my country and I hate to see it change into a third world country. Things have got so turned around that in this democracy you can't speak your mind anymore without someone taking offense. People should think about that and the fact that the feeling of entitlement of certain minoroties is to the detriment of the rest of us.

Thanks for caring but dude, I am far from poor and I don't worry about health care, maybe because I'm a bonafide kamikaze.
I love my country and I hate to see it change into a third world country. Things have got so turned around that in this democracy you can't speak your mind anymore without someone taking offense. People should think about that and the fact that the feeling of entitlement of certain minoroties is to the detriment of the rest of us.
I'm not really sure what any of that means. But I agree you aren't encouraged to speak your mind in this country anymore.

And I think its great that you "don't worry about health care", neither do I. And yet I am being told that I now have to buy it? Even though I CAN NOT AFFORD IT? I am worried about that. You know why? Because they say they are going to take tax dollars from me if I don't sign up and fall into line. My tax dollars that they've already taken such a big chunk out of.

Well, I could probably organize a march on Washington but there would only be a few thousand of us. Still, it's better than nothing and look at what 300 Spartans did.

In the meantime, our Republican brothers are doing their best to curb Obamacare and in two years it will be completely repealed and he will be nothing but a bad memory.

Us MoFos could always start the outrage.
Yeah, and I wonder how long it would take them to ban this site.
Here, the new administration has allready done it to a bunch of western sites.

Who dares me to make an "Obama Outrage" thread?

WHO DARES ME?! WHO DARES ME?! WHO DARES ME?! I'm not really gonna do it, but WHO DARES ME?!

Who dares me to make an "Obama Outrage" thread?

WHO DARES ME?! WHO DARES ME?! WHO DARES ME?! I'm not really gonna do it, but WHO DARES ME?!
I dare you! But call it Obama Out-Rage!

Bama came out of the closet a long time a go
When you said "Bama" and "out of the closet" I just got the image of the entire University of Alabama football team prancing onto the field in pink jerseys.

Well played sir!