regular watchers


which top 10 actors who not necessarly famous u enjoy watching and although their movies dont have to be great , they still attract u to watch them and always curious about their previous movies and upcoming ones...the ones u watch mainly for personality not popularity...always curious to watch even if they did flops or are hot in acting

for me:
1- johnny depp
2- sean penn
3- marlon brando
4- edward norton
5- brad pitt
6- al pacino
7- robert deniro
8- leonardo dicaprio
9- john travolta
10- keanu reeves

Johnny Depp
Daniel Day-Lewis
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

Never conform, never compromise....
ually godfather, your list is pretty complete. Not until his last two efforts Catch me if you Can, and Gangs of New York) did I really begin to respect Dicaprio as an actor, also recently watching "Basketball Diaries" was also a to think of it, the only movie that I did not like his acting was the first movie I saw him in which was Titanic.
Also -

-Val Kilmer
-Willem Dafoe

Also, I know alot of people will not agree with me.... possibly even mock me but when it comes to new action stars, I have to admit I watch out for Vin Diesel, due to the fact that his movies are usually entertaing, even if for only the first time (XXX).
In the end...
Everything we do,
Is just everything we've done!
- Corey Taylor (2002)

In my opinion the only one i can think of to fit this catergory is

Christian Slater

He catches my attention for some reason, but on the whole his movies are lacking.
Reality can be beaten with enough imagination.

What no woman

Emma Thompsom
Kathy Bates
Cate Blanchet
Judi Dench
Kate Winslet

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
Gary Oldman
Anthony Hopkins
Tommy Lee Jones
Johnny Depp
Willem Dafoe
Harrison Ford
Clint Eastwood

Just to name a few.
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" - Howard Beale

Brasco's Avatar
DonJuan de la Nooch
Eliza Dushku
Rosario Dawson
John Cusack
Jason Lee
Julia Stiles
Jackie Chan
Kirsten Dunst
Chloe Sevighney
Michelle Rodriguez
Debi Mazar
Heather Matarazzo
Look at these morose muther****ers, looks like someone S**t in their cereal.....BONG!!!!

Originally Posted by nebbit
What no woman

Emma Thompsom
Kathy Bates
Cate Blanchet
Judi Dench
Kate Winslet

I agree with your list but would add Ashley Judd

Originally Posted by Beale the Rippe
Gary Oldman
Anthony Hopkins
Tommy Lee Jones
Willem Dafoe

Ooooo… I can’t believe I forgot them…