Website Help


Registered User
Hey, I was wondering if I could ask for some help. Need to start up a website for a project I'm working on, but I know little-to-nothing about this kind of thing. A friend suggested using WordPress, but I have no idea how to use it. Would I be best to use something like as it seems a bit more idiot-proof, and it works with WP.

Does this sound like a feasible idea? Or am I way off?


Well, the first question that comes to mind is why someone's assigned you to create a site even if you don't know anything about it.

But assuming there's some reason for that, WordPress is a good choice because you can install themes and get something decent (though not original) up without a lot of technical knowledge. That said, you have several decisions here: one is whether or not to use WordPress, and the next is whether or not to host it on WordPress' site. And if not, the next choice is where to host it, so when you ask if it would be best to use that place, it kind of depends on your answers to those other questions. What's this site for? Will it have to stay up a long time? Does it need its own domain name? Et cetera. A few more details would go a long way.

Registered User
It's a case of their being a few of us, and all having roughly the same level of knowledge. I just drew the short straw

It needs to be up for about a year. It's a collaborative art project, all a bit strange, just how I like it.

I think hosting on WP might be the easiest route to go down. Thanks for your input Yoda.